Trying Crossfit



  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Be careful: the poster formerly known as Health_Gal will spam anyone who does or is interested in CrossFit. We've all had to report and block her for harassment.

    Oh yea! Your not a true Crossfitter unless you have been targeted by Health_Gal :laugh:
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    Never in my life have I been able to do a pull up. I really hope I can work up to doing one :)
    Neither could I when I started Crossfit (1 year ago) - now I can do 5 strict ones without a band - it took me a year but I did it! And so will you!

    That's my be able to do a pull up all on my own, no bands. I was the kid that couldn't even do one bar on the monkey bars! I have no upper body strength... Yet!
  • annagoodner
    annagoodner Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement :) Monday I'm officially starting with three one-on-ones, and I'm excited! I love hearing about your experiences. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish with some community and accountability pushing me.
  • K_Mcfadden321
    OP - Thanks for reporting back, so glad you enjoyed it/think it is worth it :)

    After reading everyones comments (besides the negative nancy) I am more encouraged to try it out. I reached out to 2 different locations near me to find out when I can come in for consultations -aaaah!

    PS If I EVER master doing a pull up I am throwing myself a huge party :bigsmile:
  • bowhuntr09
    bowhuntr09 Posts: 39 Member
    OP - Thanks for reporting back, so glad you enjoyed it/think it is worth it :)

    After reading everyones comments (besides the negative nancy) I am more encouraged to try it out. I reached out to 2 different locations near me to find out when I can come in for consultations -aaaah!

    PS If I EVER master doing a pull up I am throwing myself a huge party :bigsmile:

    I would suggest going to visit each one you feel is close enough and just watch them run thru a WOD. I visited 2, and while they both seemed to be fine as far as coaching goes, I felt more at home in one vs. the other. It's hard to explain why, I just think you will know when you find the right place.
  • sferguson65
    sferguson65 Posts: 59 Member
    I am going back this Saturday. It is free then and as soon as I can work it in the budget I am going to get a punch card for 10 visits. I will do once a week and Saturday. Then my regular at home workout on Mondays and Wednesdays. Of course mowing and house chores all the time. My doctor has told me since I have Lupus, Sjorgren's Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia to know my limitations so I don't get hurt. I really did love how I pushed myself there and it made me want to do better the next time I go. I have also decides to not look at scale so much and go by the mirror and my clothes. I found the people there very supportive of me.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    PS If I EVER master doing a pull up I am throwing myself a huge party :bigsmile:

  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    A few cousins are involved with CrossFit and they all said it improved the quality of their lives tremendously. Even my fiance's best friend is involved. I'm tempted to try it but I'm not sure if I can handle the pain during the first week.
  • sferguson65
    sferguson65 Posts: 59 Member
    I get that. It hurt but you can make it through. I can't wait to get to start on a regular basis to see how my body changes.
  • TX_Aggie_Dad
    TX_Aggie_Dad Posts: 173
    I've been doing CF for a little over a year now. I've also done several other group training concepts at boot camps, classes at a big box gym, classes at a private personal training gym, etc. Here are my thoughts:

    1. Definitely agree on the "try each box that is convenient to you". There are sometimes a bunch in close proximity (a touchy subject for some affiliate owners) and each tends to have their own personality and sometimes differing levels in quality of coaches.

    2. I'm guessing most if not all of the naysayers on here comparing CF to boot camps and other "HIIT" training classes haven't done crossfit. It is just on another level compared to most other programs, especially if you are a competitive person. I push myself way harder, consistently, then I have in any other program.

    I'm one that I'd say is "hooked". I actually have to limit myself to going only 3 days per week because I started going 5-6 days per week and just couldn't recover sufficiently between workouts and started getting minor injuries. I now pair crossfit with yoga and some traditional strength training and that seems to work for me.
  • annagoodner
    annagoodner Posts: 18 Member
    I just finished my intro classes today :) It's been great so far. The coach I've been working with has been super helpful and encouraging. I'm excited to start classes and see more progress. I love the environment and having someone plan the workout for me. I push myself harder than normal but can also listen to my body and pace myself as needed. Love it!
  • bowhuntr09
    bowhuntr09 Posts: 39 Member
    I just finished my intro classes today :) It's been great so far. The coach I've been working with has been super helpful and encouraging. I'm excited to start classes and see more progress. I love the environment and having someone plan the workout for me. I push myself harder than normal but can also listen to my body and pace myself as needed. Love it!

    Great! Glad you are liking it. Now stick with it!!! ;-)
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    I just tried crossfit for the first time yesterday. We did an 11 station tabata and I am the most sore I've ever been in my life.

    I actually found a group that does crossfit exercise classes 45 min 3x/week for FREE! Its awesome =)