blbeane Member


  • Tami, you stats are awesome!!! WAY TO GO!!!
  • My opinion only: I have been tracking calories and excercise for three weeks. I eat my exercise calories and I have not lost a pound! I started reading other posts and websites, and for me I am going to try for a while not eating my exercise calories and see what happens. I think everyone is different and different things…
  • I too say chocolate milk. Chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of carbohydrates to protein to help refuel tired muscles. You can buy lite chocolate syrup or sugar free chocolate syrup and use skim milk!!!!!!
  • As a group fitness instructor I always tell my class "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got." My thoughts to get off a plateau is change it up. Here are some ideas I copied from another site: 1. Zig-Zag Calorie Intake Zig-zagging, or calorie cycling is the process of varying daily calorie intake,…
  • Eating healthy can be very expensive. Aldi is my new best friend. I buy plain yogurt there to make my morning smoothies with frozen fruit I buy at Sam's Club. I have also found that frest fruit and veggies are cheaper at Aldi since the larger portions at Sam's go bad before I can eat it all. I buy what I know I will eat…
  • It could also depend on where you are getting your calories from. Examples: FF Cottage Cheese 80 cal or one deep fried buffalo wing 85 cal or 1 oz Skittles 115 cal
  • Great post!!! I feel the same way, love this site and my iphone app (they sync together) to track calories, fat, protein, and carbs.... plus all my exercise.
  • After reading everyone's reponses, I too was told my MFP to eat 1,200. I have a feeling that is a default calorie number from MFP. I went on numerous other websites to find what my average calorie intake should be to lose 1-2 pounds per week. I am 5'7, 160 and I finally came up with 1,500. That seams to make more sense to…
  • I totally agree. In my opinion, you need to make better food choices. You admitted these were cravings, which can be confused with hunger and your body's need for nutrition. Try to limit your intake of bad carbs and sugar. As time passes, you will "crave" it less. Another option is to find healthier alternatives to your…
  • Antiadispose, We help members at our club through various tests, but you can determine your heart rate zone on this page. Keep yourself in zone 3 while working out. Through intervals, you can push to zone 4, then back to 3, repeat! This is the most effective way to burn fat, and not just sugar. :)…
  • Just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat. Our bodies will start burning calories, but the calories that are burned are the calories from carbohydrates in our system. In order to burn calories from your stored fat, your body requires the presence of oxygen. There is a certain amount of oxygen…