Plateau Support Group?



  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm bidding on Chalean Extreme right now, so I hope I win and can start it after my vacation (which is the week after next). Even if I don't lose a ton of weight, I would LOVE to lose several inches and firm up. This weight is getting annoying! :grumble:
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    I've thought about getting some WiiFit since we already have a Wii, but I'm being cheap. :laugh: I do have 3 PS2 DDR games and just bought a mat, though...hehe, though I guess that's just cardio, but I used to play it all the time. I've been trying out the 30 Day Shred, but it's been since I started it that my weight loss has slowed down...and I haven't been losing inches either. I don't necessarily blame 30DS though, and I've been sticking with it to at least up my strength. I've gotten up to 2 days of Level 2, and man it kicks tail! I like to keep in mind that I've heard some people L2 is the hardest, lol.
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    I plateaued these last two weeks, but this week I've lost almost five pounds. I've been drinking 16 ounces of water in the morning with the juice of half a lime, I work out doing yoga or the 30DS before I get ready for work, and overall drinking more water with lime throughout the day. I try to get another workout in at night, either jogging for 30 min, 30DS, or No More Trouble Zones. That's it! I've even been eating dark chocolate as a late afternoon snack at work. I bet ten dollars I won't lose any weight next week though, that just seems like how it's been going lately...:noway:
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    Well I need HELP!!!! I have been on a plateau since NOVEMBER!!! I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over. I just want to cry......

    Honestly, I know I have lost some in size since I started running in January but not much. My belly won't go....I am losing motivation, well to diet; I absolutely love running and can't stand missing a day.

    I have added calories, cut calories, changed my workout, exercised more, exercised less, I feel like it just won't budge. I have about 15 pounds to go. I don't care about actual pounds, it doesn't matter what I weigh but I know the fat needs to go so that is what I mean. It's everywhere, uuugghhhh!!!

    How do I break it for good????
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    oh and against my better judgement I have started using meltdown for about a week, that worked it seemed (three pounds down) then the weight went right back up today.
  • I'm in
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Well I need HELP!!!! I have been on a plateau since NOVEMBER!!! I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over. I just want to cry......

    Honestly, I know I have lost some in size since I started running in January but not much. My belly won't go....I am losing motivation, well to diet; I absolutely love running and can't stand missing a day.

    I have added calories, cut calories, changed my workout, exercised more, exercised less, I feel like it just won't budge. I have about 15 pounds to go. I don't care about actual pounds, it doesn't matter what I weigh but I know the fat needs to go so that is what I mean. It's everywhere, uuugghhhh!!!

    How do I break it for good????
    I completely feel your pain!!! I've been stuck since the first of the year with the same 3 or so pounds. I'm going to start a new program the first of August, ChaLean Extreme, and will start training for a half marathon then too. Of course, I've heard that running THAT much doesn't help with weight loss, but as long as I firm up, that's okay.
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    lol, I kinda feel bad to come in and say that I actually lost at my weigh-in. Only kinda because I don't want to "rub it in," but it definitely makes me happy! I increased my workouts to at least 45 minutes (some days extended to an hour without me noticing! lol), midway through the week I bought a whey protein shake mix called Syntha-6 and have been taking it after workouts, and I bought some green tea Saturday and I'll probably have a cup a day. I can't help but wonder if any of these specifically helped me out this week or just a combination. I doubt on the tea tho since I just got it Saturday. But I definitely noticed that the protein shakes help decrease the soreness of my muscles the next day. I'm on three days of the 30 Day Shred level 2 which always leaves me super sore (and sweaty!!!) but I haven't been feeling it the next day like before.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    lol, I kinda feel bad to come in and say that I actually lost at my weigh-in. Only kinda because I don't want to "rub it in," but it definitely makes me happy! I increased my workouts to at least 45 minutes (some days extended to an hour without me noticing! lol), midway through the week I bought a whey protein shake mix called Syntha-6 and have been taking it after workouts, and I bought some green tea Saturday and I'll probably have a cup a day. I can't help but wonder if any of these specifically helped me out this week or just a combination. I doubt on the tea tho since I just got it Saturday. But I definitely noticed that the protein shakes help decrease the soreness of my muscles the next day. I'm on three days of the 30 Day Shred level 2 which always leaves me super sore (and sweaty!!!) but I haven't been feeling it the next day like before.
    Good for you! Keep up the great work!

    For me, I'm just happy to report that I'm apparently back down to what my ticker says. I've been up for quite a bit (just a couple pounds). I can't say what happened since I wasn't really trying. I did okay on my food this week, but I only got in one time of exercise due to being sick (sinus or upper respiratory crap).
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I'm for it! I've been on a plateau for a few weeks now....and now I'm gaining weight ): So I'm anywhere from 154 to 157 in a single day. I hate it! But I figure I can't be on a plateau forever. But it does suck in the mean time.

    We're in pretty much the exact same place. I'm stuck right at 156; some mornings I weight 157, once or twice I've weighed 155, but for the most part it's 156... day after day.

    How tall are you? If I could get down to 155 and stay there my BMI would be healthy by all standards. I get on a body fat scale once a month and my body fat measurements are already in the healthy range, but I would love it if my weight would reflect that.

    Do you guys measure and weigh or just weigh? I take my measurements, too, and they haven't changed since 6/30 either.

    Ack! Me too...I am at 156 and I just want to see something else on the scale. Got down to 153 before an injury. I am in healthy BMI but am going to get down to 145, or at least BELOW 150.

    I take my measurements...staying the same. I have revamped my eating hte last 2 days, upped my cals, and intensified my workouts so I am hoping that works.
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    I thought running was good??? NO?? I wear a HRM and I seem to burn a decent amount...
    I am actually down again today, BUT in a few days I bet I am up again.........

    Do you wear a HRM?

    Well I need HELP!!!! I have been on a plateau since NOVEMBER!!! I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over. I just want to cry......

    Honestly, I know I have lost some in size since I started running in January but not much. My belly won't go....I am losing motivation, well to diet; I absolutely love running and can't stand missing a day.

    I have added calories, cut calories, changed my workout, exercised more, exercised less, I feel like it just won't budge. I have about 15 pounds to go. I don't care about actual pounds, it doesn't matter what I weigh but I know the fat needs to go so that is what I mean. It's everywhere, uuugghhhh!!!

    How do I break it for good????
    I completely feel your pain!!! I've been stuck since the first of the year with the same 3 or so pounds. I'm going to start a new program the first of August, ChaLean Extreme, and will start training for a half marathon then too. Of course, I've heard that running THAT much doesn't help with weight loss, but as long as I firm up, that's okay.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I thought running was good??? NO?? I wear a HRM and I seem to burn a decent amount...
    I am actually down again today, BUT in a few days I bet I am up again.........

    Do you wear a HRM?

    Well I need HELP!!!! I have been on a plateau since NOVEMBER!!! I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over. I just want to cry......

    Honestly, I know I have lost some in size since I started running in January but not much. My belly won't go....I am losing motivation, well to diet; I absolutely love running and can't stand missing a day.

    I have added calories, cut calories, changed my workout, exercised more, exercised less, I feel like it just won't budge. I have about 15 pounds to go. I don't care about actual pounds, it doesn't matter what I weigh but I know the fat needs to go so that is what I mean. It's everywhere, uuugghhhh!!!

    How do I break it for good????
    I completely feel your pain!!! I've been stuck since the first of the year with the same 3 or so pounds. I'm going to start a new program the first of August, ChaLean Extreme, and will start training for a half marathon then too. Of course, I've heard that running THAT much doesn't help with weight loss, but as long as I firm up, that's okay.

    Running can burn a ton of calories and can help with weight loss. I've heard, though, that when you're running a lot, you need to eat more, so you don't lose that much weight. I don't know for sure. Just what I heard.

    I do have a HRM. I can burn around 800 calories/hour when running outside.
  • molberts
    molberts Posts: 35
    woohoo! after a two week plateau I FINALLY dropped a pound on the scale today. I think its just water, the lady in the health food shop recommended some nettle tea and it really helped with my bloated PMS tummy, plus it tastes good! Only one little pound but at least the scales is moving in the right direction now :-)
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Congrats molberts! Sure it's just a pound, but yeah - definitely in the right direction!

    As far as running, the majority of my exercise since I've been trying to lose weight is running/walking. I started in March walking and then building up how far, long, and fast I could run and occasionally I had days where I did stuff like push ups, crunches, etc. But it wasn't until the last month or so that I've added any real strength training (which I still need to build on). So in my experience, running is good for weight loss. Of course diet is more important, but that's beside the question. :tongue:
  • woohoo! after a two week plateau I FINALLY dropped a pound on the scale today. I think its just water, the lady in the health food shop recommended some nettle tea and it really helped with my bloated PMS tummy, plus it tastes good! Only one little pound but at least the scales is moving in the right direction now :-)

    Good job! I'm back around 154... That's where I stay these days
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    Congrats molberts! Sure it's just a pound, but yeah - definitely in the right direction!

    As far as running, the majority of my exercise since I've been trying to lose weight is running/walking. I started in March walking and then building up how far, long, and fast I could run and occasionally I had days where I did stuff like push ups, crunches, etc. But it wasn't until the last month or so that I've added any real strength training (which I still need to build on). So in my experience, running is good for weight loss. Of course diet is more important, but that's beside the question. :tongue:

    Thank you for the note on running. I just started in January and that did bust the plateau at first but after a few weeks, I was right back up. I am actually losing again and afraid to jinx myself but it seems to be working.... I love to run!!!

    Congrats on the pound.... I am jealous!
  • blbeane
    blbeane Posts: 11 Member
    As a group fitness instructor I always tell my class "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got." My thoughts to get off a plateau is change it up. Here are some ideas I copied from another site:

    1. Zig-Zag Calorie Intake
    Zig-zagging, or calorie cycling is the process of varying daily calorie intake, while maintaining the same weekly intake. Instead of consuming (for example) precisely 1800 calories each day - you can mix it up. Eat 1500 calories one day, and 2100 calories the next. This can be as simple as halving then doubling a portion size, or adding a post-workout shake into the plan. Just keep your body guessing.

    2. Strength Training
    If you are not doing this as part of your program or lifestyle, then it's time to start. Working your muscles will help to strengthen bone tissue, increase lean mass, and ultimately boost metabolic rate.

    3. Change Your Exercise Routine
    So you go walking a lot? Then try jogging, or swimming, or cycling -- anything that will change the way your body is working. If you are doing low intensity cardio work, then try some high intensity exercise (such as HIIT).

    4. Alter Macro-nutrient Intake
    Although it sounds complicated, once again, the idea is to change what you are eating. If (for example) you are eating a moderate diet that is higher in carbs - try eating less carbs and more protein. There is no need to get super-technical over the whole thing. If you have a carbohydrate snack every day at morning tea time - change it to a protein snack. Whatever you are doing consistently - try mixing it up a bit.

    5. Change Meal Frequency
    If you are eating three square meals a day - start adding snacks in between (which may mean reducing the portion size of the main meals). Eating often is an old and common style of eating - once again, you are trying to boost your metabolic rate.
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    Thank you so much for the tips.... I have tried a few of these now and again and maybe I just didn't do it long enough to see results. Unfortunately I want to see instant results, haha.

    I am trying HIIT now and I think that is what is helping. The calorie thing intrigues me.... Will love the extra calories some days. :love:

    I will let ya know....
  • I also have a hard time eating small meals often throughout the day... Mostly just because I have a hard time eating when I'm not hungry. I've tried it, I guess I'm going to reduce the portion size of my main meals and see if that helps give me the boost I need to start snacking the way I should.
  • I've managed to get in 2 snacks today: a handful of almonds and a 100 calorie pack of popcorn. Not the best snacks, but at least it's a start. Dinner will probably be late tonight... I'm at my parents' house waiting for them to get home so I can say hello to them before I drive an hour back to my house (I had to come to my home town to exchange some wedding gifts this afternoon). My mom has EA Sports Active for the Wii so I just did a killer 55 minute workout. It was all squats and lunges and now my knees are killing me... There must be something wrong with my form. Other than that, I think everything is going pretty well today. I think I'm on track with my calories and working out. Hopefully the scale will have some good news for me Friday morning!
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