Plateau Support Group?

I'm VERY discouraged at the moment... I've hit a plateau and I've been gaining and losing the same pound over and over again for 2 weeks.

I know a lot of other people are going through the same thing, and I know how discouraging it is. Do some of you want to get together over the next couple of weeks and form an accountability/support group to help get through it?


  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I'm IN!! I've been doing it with the same 3lbs for over a month now!
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    I'm for it! I've been on a plateau for a few weeks now....and now I'm gaining weight ): So I'm anywhere from 154 to 157 in a single day. I hate it! But I figure I can't be on a plateau forever. But it does suck in the mean time.
  • marybethbeech
    Awesome! Have you guys done anything special to help break through the plateau? Or are you just sticking with the old routine and waiting for weight loss to kick back in?
  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    I went through that for one month and began calorie cycling changing my calories anywhere from 1200 to 1650 to keep my body guessing... IT JUMPED started the weight loss again. Highly recommend and you get to eat a little more which is fun!:flowerforyou:
  • marybethbeech
    I'm for it! I've been on a plateau for a few weeks now....and now I'm gaining weight ): So I'm anywhere from 154 to 157 in a single day. I hate it! But I figure I can't be on a plateau forever. But it does suck in the mean time.

    We're in pretty much the exact same place. I'm stuck right at 156; some mornings I weight 157, once or twice I've weighed 155, but for the most part it's 156... day after day.

    How tall are you? If I could get down to 155 and stay there my BMI would be healthy by all standards. I get on a body fat scale once a month and my body fat measurements are already in the healthy range, but I would love it if my weight would reflect that.

    Do you guys measure and weigh or just weigh? I take my measurements, too, and they haven't changed since 6/30 either.
  • oAngieMaeo
    oAngieMaeo Posts: 67
    I too am very very discouraged.. I haven't lost a lb in almost 2 months. Then this weekend, because I was so discouraged - I didn't even care!! And I gained 4 lbs... bleh! BUT, I know I can lose it quickly and get back to where I was.. I just hate working so hard and not getting anywhere!! I'd love to get some (more) tips on how to over come these times! Thanks!
  • happy115
    happy115 Posts: 68
    So what do we do from here? Do we all agree to work 10 min more each day? or cut more calories each day? I'm trying so hard to figure out what to do next to get away from my plateau stage.
  • marybethbeech
    So what do we do from here? Do we all agree to work 10 min more each day? or cut more calories each day? I'm trying so hard to figure out what to do next to get away from my plateau stage.

    I think right now we should talk about how we lost the weight so far, and what (if anything) we've done differently since we hit a plateau.

    I've been sticking to 1200 calories a day. My main work out has been the 30 day shred and yoga/strength exercises on the WiiFit.

    To help get through the plateau I got a yogo/pilates for fat burn video, and I've been doing the running on the wii fit to try to get a little more cardio in. I've also been eating more snacks. Before, I wasn't snacking at all. I think part of my problem may be that my biggest meal every day is in the evening, but I don't really have any way around that. My fiance and I cook and eat dinner together, and it's some of the only time we get to spend together every day.
  • marybethbeech

    That's what I found when I did a google search on breaking weight loss plateaus. They all say more or less the same thing. The last article recommends drinking green tea, which is something that I haven't heard before. I think I'm going to try to work that into my day and see if it gets me anywhere.
  • marybethbeech
    I added green tea into my diet yesterday (4 cups) and this morning I'm down by .6 lbs. The tea is the only thing I did differently. It did let me push myself a little harder while I was doing cardio (I haven't had any caffeine in 6 months, it gave me a boost) but other than that, the only difference was the tea.

    Maybe it's just water weight that will rebound... I'm going to keep an eye on my weight over the next week.

    How about you guys? Any progress? Is anybody else still even on this thread? LOL
  • happy115
    happy115 Posts: 68
    I'm gonna try to drink more water too. I was suspecting water weight. I'm measuring myself, stil no difference for the past 2 weeks. I spoked with a co-worker who did the zone diet. She said that she lost 20 lbs in two months in conjuction with doing crossfit (crazy!). I'm gonna try the zone diet - but fear not getting enough calories... but we'll see. I'll let you know how it goes..
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Green tea is amazing. I try to drink at least 3 cups a day. It burns %6 - %8 more fat than a diet without green tea, apparently. I believe it. I really haven't lost all that much weight but my before/after pics show that I have lost about an inch of fat around my hips and stomach.

    As for my plateau, I actually have been eating way too much these past two weeks. I feel awful about it but hopefully when I bring my calories down I'll start losing weight again. I'm also hoping to walk/run more often. I want to be 150 lbs by the end of the summer, I've decided. My original goal was to be 150 by the end of this month but I'd rather feel like a success than a failure. And as long as I'm losing weight who really cares :bigsmile:
  • marybethbeech
    I'd like to be 150 by the end of the month, too. I have a big frame and I think 150 looks really good on me. Of course, it doesn't look swimsuit model good, but I feel confident at that weight.

    Right now I'm down to 154. I've lost 2 lbs in the last 2 days, and the only thing I've done differently is green tea. I'm hoping it's breaking through a plateau and not getting rid of just water weight, I guess we'll see.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Yeah, I have a big frame too. Wide hips, wide chest, etc. When my mom was younger, she was 125 lbs and it'd be great to get down to that weight, but all I'm really focused on is looking/feeling great.

    And yay for you for losing 2 lbs! Green tea is amazing, like I said :) Hopefully it will help you lose more.
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    I am originally from Japan and I drink green tea on a regular basis. Oolong and Pual are amazing as well. I like to keep a pitcher of cold oolong in the fridge. Teavana's peach oolong is really nice to start off with if you are not use to it yet. It doesn't have a strong peach flavor but it is a lighter oolong so it's not quite as strong. Hope this helps!! =) If you go to a Japanese market there is a tea called MUGICHA. I don't know if this one necessarily has any specific weight loss benefits, but it is a great cold tea to give you a variety so you don't get bored. Good luck to you!! =)

  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Interesting on the green tea. I wonder if the pills would do the same thing. Do you drink it hot or cold?
  • marybethbeech
    Interesting on the green tea. I wonder if the pills would do the same thing. Do you drink it hot or cold?

    I drink it hot.

    Matt and I went away for the weekend, and today I'm back to exactly where I've been for the last month. I'm going to try to force down as much water as possible and get in at least one good workout today. How is everyone doing?
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I'm still plateaued, but that's been my life's story since the first of the year. I'm going to get in some exercise today (Turbo Jam) and drink some green tea.
  • marybethbeech
    My weight is still hanging around the 154-156 range... I guess this is where I'm destined to be forever! I don't know what I'm going to have to do to lose weight!

    My body is sore my exercise today, which it hasn't been in a long time. I did a Crunch Pilates/Yoga workout that is available on Netflix Instant last night. I guess I'm going to try to do it again tomorrow. I did 30 Day Shred yesterday and today, and I'm going to do some flexibility/strength exercises on the WiiFit at some point this evening. But that's all what I've been doing, and none of it seems to work. I'm getting so frustrated... And this has been a frustrating day anyway. I'm just ready for SOMETHING to start going right for me for a change!!

    Can you tell I'm being a big baby today? I actually have a really nice life that most people would love to have... I just feel so bratty and down-trodden right now.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    MaryBeth--I'm stuck exactly where you are and have been for about six months. GRRRR!!!!