I don't think you're going to change my mind about BMI being a legit measurement of health,but thanks for your opinion and input though!! Going to keep moving forward with my fitness goals :)
My point was, the scale is not something to focus on as validation of success and I think too many people rely on the scale as proof of progress.... It's much more encouraging to take photos and measurements. If I had only weighed myself these past two months I would have missed the inches I lost and probably would have…
Sounds like you are already pretty content with being alone maybe you should just break it off. Also, just because you've been seeing each other for the past 4 years isn't a good enough reason to keep on doing it, if that's the only reason you're hanging on, its time to let go. My 2 cents.
- please
own it. long hair dont care
THANK. YOU. for posting. you look awesome. one more vote for "throw away your scale"
i needed to see this, this morning. great job and great reminder
206 pounds, 5"8, size 12 freaky right? yes, i am an optical illusion
lolllllllllllllllllll he's cute
if i could lose my pooch i could easily be a knockout 10. but i will never lose my pooch so i give myself an 8.
please dont take this the wrong way but i do not think you should get involved. your heart is in the right place absolutely, but its really not your battle to fight. an eating disorder is a personal issue that may or may not effect their relationship at this point. I can see that you are genuinely concerned but it may…
broke a window at daycare, while playing, we were throwing rocks. graffitied on the teepee play hut at daycare with markers with my friend. those are the two big ones i can think of... i guess i didnt like daycare... oh i also stole a lollypop from the checkout at the grocery store when i was little, my dad got really mad…
clowns and sloths. the end.
it probably wasnt true basa fish. It was probably Tra.
i just started 30ds this morning myself. i'm in!
this is really interesting actually, i realized my goal weight was unrealistic based on my lean body mass...more proof to pay less attention to the scale and more attention to body fat percentages
27% of me is fat ewwwww
i very much wish that i did not have to sit all day. i hate it.
ohh im not sure, i bought my boyfriend a bonsai tree for our anniversary. i would like to know the answer too
this thread is making me tear up, i love my pets i want to go home and hug my kitty right now :(
:( im sorry losing a pet is so hard.
i feel like a dinosaur
eat a box of quaker cereal cinnimon oatmeal squares you'll be pooping your brains out. you can trust this advice because its happened to me.
miralax? when you say vitualy no movements how often do you mean?
I really don't understand you anti fruit and veggie people. These foods are so tasteful! Why do you torture yourselves by not enjoying them? I worked with a girl once who had never tried any fruit not a strawberry, bananna, mango. nothing! She said her parents never made her eat fruits and veggies so she doesn’t have a…
vegetable jalfrezI wouuld be a nice healthy option, assorted veggies in a tomato based sauce, very tasty one of my faves