macchiatto Member


  • Those are the fruits I stuck to while eating keto. Good choices. :)
  • I'm actually shifting from keto to ... I'm not sure what to call it yet except that I want to incorporate more fruits as well as veggies. I bumped my carb count up to 80 gm/day. I think very few fruits will be off my list (other than maybe bananas); I want to have 1-2 servings of fruit per day and 5 servings of veggies.…
  • Thank you, that's helpful. I get a little overwhelmed by all the conflicting research out there and trying to keep up with what few foods are *not* controversial.
  • Thanks for the responses! I'm 5'7" and the most I've weighed (outside of pregnancy) was 161. I'd currently like to lose about 15 lbs but goal weight based on my body type is on the slim side (132) so I'll be interested to see if that's enough to affect my fatty liver.
  • I love shabu shabu, too. When I lived in Asia I often got that and asked for an extra egg instead of rice. I've only been in Japan briefly. I did a brief low-carb stint when I lived there and would just get meat and veggie dishes without the rice or noodles. I didn't find it too hard.
  • I haven't had digestive issues either. I do drink coffee twice a day and take magnesium supplements. I do incorporate flax seed occasionally.
  • Oh wow, I need to try those. Where did you buy them?
  • Enough selenium for what? I'm intrigued now!
  • I do love peanuts and almonds both! One of our kids is allergic to most other tree nuts so we tend to keep them out of the house. I randomly found out yesterday that 2 of my 3 siblings are allergic to Brazil nuts. Random since that was one my son didn't get tested for so I don't even know if he's allergic to those.
  • I've also regained a fair amount of my weight over the past year and a half since I started working more. Very sedentary job and I've struggled to fit in workouts and menu planning as well as I did previously. Feel free to friend-request me!
  • I've read her book and follow some of her principles, though not strictly. I have RRMS (first attack in 2001). My MS specialist is supportive of me eating keto or LCHF; she doesn't promote any way of eating in particular. I did notice a decrease in joint inflammation/pain when I started eating keto, along with the weight…
  • That's really cool. Good to know! Glad you shared that as it gives me added motivation for getting regular exercise in again. :)
  • @GammieLCHF I definitely think they work better for Asian-style dishes than more Italian/pasta-style, if you want to give them another shot.
  • That is interesting. And related to the joint stuff, I have MS but not sure about any other autoimmune issues. I'd started having joint pain/aching more frequently a few years ago and that improved dramatically when I started eating keto. LCHF generally seems to keep it at bay pretty well. And I had no idea wild rice…
  • Thank you, @nvmomketo!
  • Good to know, thank you! I do like them but don't often get around to cooking them. (There's a package of them in my produce drawer right now that's been there for a while, now that I think of it!)
  • Thank you! DH's HDL is 18. He is jealous. ;) (I was sad that it's not quite as stunning as last year but overall I'm pretty happy.)
  • I've had sleep issues but they started about 3 months before I started eating keto so I'm not sure if they're linked or if the keto/LC played into the insomnia lasting so long. (I've had it off and on since I was 8 but until 2016, it had never lasted more than a few months at a time.) I do now take magnesium at night and I…
  • I've tried parmesan crisps and Quest protein chips (sour cream and onion) and really didn't like either.
  • For those who like details/numbers, here are mine since I started comparing: 10/30/14 (eating low to moderate carb/low fat/higher protein; this was already 2-3 yrs after reversing the prediabetes) Weight: approx 137 lbs Fasted labs: Total cholesterol: 144 Triglycerides: 80 HDL: 59 VLDL: 16 LDL: 69 LDL/HDL ratio: 1.2…
  • I've done a range over the past 3 years. I seem to lose well staying to about 30-40 net carbs per day. In maintenance, 50-80 total seems to work for me.
  • It depends on the person and your calorie deficit; definitely worth trying!
  • I have had chronic insomnia for a little while now but the start didn't match up with when I started keto/LC. I'm not sure if it's contributed to it. I did start taking magnesium at night and i do think that helps. I also still take a benadryl before bed every night.
  • I have similar pee sticks. Nice shade of purple there!!
  • I feel you. I've got very similar stats and gradual weight gain. Back down to 144.6 so far, aiming for 128-133 range. I'd maintained that pretty well for about a year and a half but the gradual gain started when I began working a lot more (and commuting about 70 min/day) ... so I haven't been in this group in a while!…
  • Similar here; 5'7" F, 42. SW originally was 161. I'd gotten down to my goal range of 128-133 for a while but when I got a new job (which involves a lot of sitting) I gradually gained 15 lbs over about 18 months. Working to get back to more consistency with my exercise and nutrition.
  • 5'7", currently 146 lbs, trying to get back to 132.
  • I have a Charge 2 and was planning to upgrade to a 3 with my REI dividend this year. However, reviews on the 3 are not great so I might hold out til they work out the bugs.
  • I really would love to see more studies on keto/low carb eaters. I'm still going on the theory that the combo of high carb with high fat is bad for you, so a study like this doesn't even feel relevant to me. And I easily eat 10-14 eggs a week. (On rushed mornings I might just have lunchmeat and cheese with my coffee and…