

  • I am a nurse practitioner and have studied smoking cessation quite a lot. The addictive center in your brain is so stimulated by nicotine that it is harder to stop than cocaine! It takes the average smoker 7 tries before they stop smoking, but keep at it and you CAN do it! I think Chantix is a good drug to try if you need…
  • Hi there! i'd love to be your friend and I actually comment on posts, so add me!
  • Hi! I don't have PCOS, but I am a Nurse practitioner who has treated patients with it. YES, you will have many less symptoms as you lose weight. You might also want to consider laser hair removal as it will raise your self-esteem greatly! It IS expensive, but tell all your family and friends that's what you want as gifts…
  • What an awesome job you are doing!! I would add a 5-10 minute warm up w/ stretching before your work-out. I would also reduce the number of sets in the weights and add more types of weight exercise to cover more of the muscle groups. Keep up the good work!
  • Where are the fruits and vegetables in your diet? They are healthy and fill you up. And drink lots of water. You could try a fiber drink like Special K strawberry powder packet that you add to your water. it helps me to feel fuller. Also, exercise as the others have suggested. Don't beat yourself up, because some days you…