Will my workout, work out?

Hello :)

I just joined myfitness a few days ago and have found it extremely helpful in managing my calorie counts and inputting my exercise. I have been watching my calories since September, and have lost 40lbs since then with no exercise. I have now just started to go to the gym in the mornings (8am-9am) 6 days a week and find myself completely clueless as to whether or not I am doing this right? lol

Just to give you a run down of what I am doing:

30 minutes on the Elliptical (set to 6 resistance every 2 minutes, followed by 11 resistance every 2 minutes) or 30 minutes of Treadmill walking (3.5mph, incline 6-7).


20 minutes of treadmill (same settings as above) or 10 minutes of Elliptical (same settings as above).

if I do the treadmill 30min and Elliptical 10min, I will do some weights for about 20 minutes focusing on my arms and inner/outer thighs, generally 5 sets of 10 reps.

All in all, I am either doing Cardio or Cardio/Weights combo and averaging about 400 calories burned.

Does this workout seem reasonable, overdoing it, or not enough? Input and advice for a more effective fat-burning/weight loss routine would be appreciated!!!



  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Seems good to me. You really have it all planned out--I've exercised for years but never been as organized about it as you are. Kudos.
  • Lstrode
    Lstrode Posts: 51
    sounds like a great workout plan to me !
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Jillian Michael's DVDS are all you need for strength and toning. You can definitely add in cardio to your workout but go get her 30 Day Shred dvd and No More Trouble Zones. You'll see muscle definition almost immediately. You just need 3-8 lb hand weights.. for 30 day shred I use my 5 lbs and No More Trouble Zones I use my 3 lbs (its intense).
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Sounds great, cardio is extremely important to get the body moving and get that weight off while burning some major calories! Strength training is often underestimated since it does not burn as many calories outright but having that muscle gain means your body at rest will be burning more calories than before which is a terrific way to continue staying fit!

    Welcome to MFP by the way, I really hope this site helps you as much as it has helped so many of us. There's tons of information here and support for every kind! If you hit the search button on the top of the boards and put in some keywords to any questions you have you'll be amazed at all the info that pops up - good luck!
  • saltermatt
    What an awesome job you are doing!! I would add a 5-10 minute warm up w/ stretching before your work-out. I would also reduce the number of sets in the weights and add more types of weight exercise to cover more of the muscle groups. Keep up the good work!