It's only 4!

Generic - Garlic Cheese Bread, 1 pieces
Indian - Chicken Biryani,
Albertsons - Lemon Sliced Loaf Cake, 1 slice
Pepperidge Farm - Soft Baked Chocolate Chunk Milk Chocolate Cookie, 1 cookie
Starbucks - Bottled Mocha Frappachino, 8 fl oz
Reddi Wip - Original Dairy Whipped Topping, 10 Tbsp. ( I love whipped cream)
Pepperidge Farm - Goldfish Snack Crackers-Flavor Blasted Xtra Cheddar, 102 pcs. (30g)

This is everything I ate today and it's already more than 1200 cals. I still have lunch and dinner to eat, what should I do? This happens to me all the time and if I try cutting back tommorow, it doesn't work.

So should I have lunch and dinner?


  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    you should exercise and earn some more calories..... then be careful of what you eat for the rest of the day..... find low calorie food!! =)
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    i would exercise and get some calories back. don't starve yourself if you are hungry, and you probably will be hungry at some point if you haven't even had lunch yet.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Well - it's 4 so I would skip lunch and exercise so you can have some dinner. Just get rid of the unhealthy/caloric foods in the house and buy lower calorie options! That way you can eat BIG but it amounts to less calories!
  • allthatnme
    allthatnme Posts: 18 Member
    Get off the sugar up the fiber plan your food yes you can up your exercise but how is your sugar looking on your food journal. Sorry hun love ya lots but if I am slippin catch me and tell me. I just wanna help you be all the you - you wanna be.
  • lashleyrivera
    def cut down on all that sugar, you will find they are empty calories, you need to fill up on protein and fiber!! you will feel way better
  • saltermatt
    Where are the fruits and vegetables in your diet? They are healthy and fill you up. And drink lots of water. You could try a fiber drink like Special K strawberry powder packet that you add to your water. it helps me to feel fuller. Also, exercise as the others have suggested. Don't beat yourself up, because some days you are just hungrier; just make sure 6 out of 7 days you are at or under your calorie goal.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I am finding that when I eat more sugar I get more hungry! And I just refuse to use my calories up on something like Starbucks or McDonalds Frappe's. I make my own coffee and that is hundreds less calories right there!

    So, if you just pick lower calorie foods like fruits with fiber and proten you can put more food that satisfies longer in. Every day is a do-over! Exercise will also help!
  • Cheilsea
    Cheilsea Posts: 84 Member
    Try drinking water with all of your meals instead of drinks like frappachinos and stuff like that. It is way better for you, 0 calories and acts as a natural appetite suppressor. Sometimes we think we're hungry when we are really just thirsty.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Whole foods are the best foods to eat nutritionally and for filling you up. Not processed stuff. Meaning - eat one ingredient foods. Shop for your foods on the perimeter of the grocery, not in the middle.

    apple (or banana, or grape,melon, or avocado etc)
    lettuce (or potato, or carrot, onion, or squash etc)
    brown rice
    whole grain breads and cereal
    plain lowfat yogurt

    You see what I mean?
  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    You have at least 4 'treats' in your menu already, depending on who's looking at it. Try to space them out and with smaller amounts. I usually try to eat healthy all day, saving calories here and there and then after dinner, treat myself with something. If you have a sweet craving, satisfy it in moderation -- one hershey kiss, one small cookie. And like others have said, the sugary drinks are FULL of empty calories, just taking up space, pretty much. You can make your own coffee (even flavored kinds) and then add different spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, etc. to make it into a specialty coffee for just a handful of calories. Yeah, it's not quite as easy as popping the top to a ready made Starbucks drink, but you know EXACTLY what you're putting into your body, and you're saving yourself precious calories so that you'll be able to guiltlessly enjoy a nice cookie later! :)
  • carlajp18
    carlajp18 Posts: 50 Member
    I've been known to go to bed early when I'm out of calories! LOL

    Now, 4 PM is a little early for bed so excercise and fresh veggies(less calories) would be a great idea. As you stick with MFP you'll know how many calories are in everything and you'll make better choices before the food even hits your lips or plate for that matter. Yes, sometimes you have to have a sugary snack but for the most part you'll learn that a homecooked meal is usually less calories when you use fresh veggies.

    Good luck!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Generic - Garlic Cheese Bread, 1 pieces
    Indian - Chicken Biryani,
    Albertsons - Lemon Sliced Loaf Cake, 1 slice
    Pepperidge Farm - Soft Baked Chocolate Chunk Milk Chocolate Cookie, 1 cookie
    Starbucks - Bottled Mocha Frappachino, 8 fl oz
    Reddi Wip - Original Dairy Whipped Topping, 10 Tbsp. ( I love whipped cream)
    Pepperidge Farm - Goldfish Snack Crackers-Flavor Blasted Xtra Cheddar, 102 pcs. (30g)

    This is everything I ate today and it's already more than 1200 cals. I still have lunch and dinner to eat, what should I do? This happens to me all the time and if I try cutting back tommorow, it doesn't work.

    So should I have lunch and dinner?

    Where are your veggies and fruit? Too much salt and sugar in your diet and not a good choice of carbs. Exercise more and make better choices. This is not a journey to only loose weight, it is journey to a better and healthier eating style. Re group, you can do it!