trish916 Member


  • Trish.. 46 she/her/hers more gay than straight and mom to trans non binary young adult. Anyone up for walking, hiking, working out together?
  • Yay! SW 217 CW 205.6 GW 165 Week 30: n/a Week 29: n/a Week 28: n/a Week 27: 217 Week 26: Week 25: Week 24: 213 Week 23: Week 22: Week 21: Week 20: Week 19: 215 Week 18: Week 17: Week 16: Week 15: Week 14: 209.4 Week 13:208.8 Week 12: Week 11: Week 10: 205.6 Week 9: Week 8: Week 7: Week 6: Week 5: Week 4: Week 3: Week 2:…
  • I'll take the loss, even if it's miniscule. SW 217 CW 208.8 GW 165 Week 30: n/a Week 29: n/a Week 28: n/a Week 27: 217 Week 26: Week 25: Week 24: 213 Week 23: Week 22: Week 21: Week 20: Week 19: 215 Week 18: Week 17: Week 16: Week 15: Week 14: 209.4 Week 13: 208.8 Week 12: Week 11: Week 10: Week 9: Week 8: Week 7: Week 6:…
  • I have had the flu for more than a week now. Not been able to work out, so I'm pretty sure my weightloss is due to loss of muscle. :( I am hoping to feel back to normal soon so I can get back on track. Still doino great with wayyyyy less sugar. Only had 1 or 2 cheater snacks in the last 3 weeks. :) SW 217 CW 209.4 GW 165…
  • I've been doing much better this week. Ran out to get a new scale last night since my old one died yesterday. Old one said 213 two days ago, so pretty sure this new scale at 212.4 is correct. I am most proud of the fact that over the past few weeks (since I started this challenge,) even though I might be still having…
  • I have been slacking BIG time the past few weeks. I am back again at my excuses and allowing myself way too many freebie days. Enough! I need to be able to fit into my clothes. I need to not feel my inner thighs like heavy bands around my upper legs (new feeling to me with this last weight gain) I am horrified by all of…
  • My lack of weight loss this week doesn't surprise me. I was all willy nilly with my food. This next week I am going to be sure to log everything and get back on track. I do like having to be accountable to this challenge though, I'm sure that's what saved me from gaining instead of maintaining. SW 217 CW 213 GW 165 Week…
  • This week was a bit of a struggle. A few not so great meals and definitely too many pieces of left over pie. But still managged to lose a pound, so I will take it. :) SW 217 CW 213 GW 165 Week 30: n/a Week 29: n/a Week 28: n/a Week 27: 217 Week 26: 215 Week 25: 214 Week 24: 213 Week 23: Week 22: Week 21: Week 20: Week 19:…
  • Weighed in on Friday and was up, but I guess it was just Thanksgiving food? Managed to get back on track yesterday with food and drank LOTS of water in between meals. Was happy to see the scale this morning. :) SW 217 CW 215 GW 165 Week 30: n/a Week 29: n/a Week 28: n/a Week 27: 217 Week 26: 215 Week 25: 214 Week 24: Week…
  • SW 217 CW 215 GW 165 Week 30: n/a Week 29: n/a Week 28: n/a Week 27: 217 Week 26: 215 Week 25: Week 24: Week 23: Week 22: Week 21: Week 20: Week 19: Week 18: Week 17: Week 16: Week 15: Week 14: Week 13: Week 12: Week 11: Week 10: Week 9: Week 8: Week 7: Week 6: Week 5: Week 4: Week 3: Week 2: Week 1: END RESULT
  • Day 2 no chocolate and no added sugar foods. Way less tantrums today. Thank God. Hoping tomorrow goes by without a struggle.
  • SW 217 CW 217 GW 165 Week 30: n/a Week 29: n/a Week 28: n/a Week 27: 217 Week 26: Week 25: Week 24: Week 23: Week 22: Week 21: Week 20: Week 19: Week 18: Week 17: Week 16: Week 15: Week 14: Week 13: Week 12: Week 11: Week 10: Week 9: Week 8: Week 7: Week 6: Week 5: Week 4: Week 3: Week 2: Week 1: END RESULT
  • I have successfully made it through the day without chocolate!! Yay me! Seriously had flashbacks from when I quit smoking. Tantrums and all. Glad I have this place to vent. Thanks
  • I'm a bit late gettin here, but I am in. Just diagnosed pre diabetic and need to drop about 40 lbs. I am a huge sugar junkie. Mostly chocolate. I cry and throw a fit without it. Not something I am proud of, but I'm trying to be honest. Going to start today with getting rid of my sugar intake, logging food and daily…
  • This was a long time ago... and I am just now reading the last few posts. THANK you to all of you who understood I just needed to vent and have a compassionate ear to do so. Those of you who were mean spririted... well yeah u can move along. :)
  • Now if only there were more people in the group! :)
  • I love my class. My Fitbit also shows about 400-450 per each class, without full blown effort. (my knees and feet need the low impact)
  • I just started going to these classes, and I love them. A lot of times you go to gyms to join a class and it is a skinny minnie who is teaching. I have a Jazzercise location that has all ranges of sizes teaching classes. There is something just so motivating to watch a size 20-22 woman sweating it out with all of us. I…
  • I'm 12 weeks in at the end of this week. I got my first compliment yesterday. Someone told me they could really see the difference, especially in my face. I had noticed very recently that my chin actually felt thinner. I don't see it in the mirror, but i can feel a difference in the 'squishiness' of my body lol. I have to…