

  • Can you walk? You just got to do the best you can. You'll heal in time and be able to get back to your exercise routine, just be patient. I wasn't feeling up to exercising for a long time. I wasn't feeling well because I had leukemia, chemo, and a bone marrow transplant. I started by just walking around the hospital floor…
  • jlpoore - 44, single, cop
  • An excerpt from this article "How Do Low-Carb Diets Work? By restricting carbohydrates drastically to a mere fraction of that found in the typical American diet, the body goes into a different metabolic state called ketosis, whereby it burns its own fat for…
  • I eat my workout calories. I figure this stuff has been all figured out for me, I just follow the plan. I've read if you switch to starvation mode you won't lose weight. (I also only set my goal to 1/2 pound a week. I think it's not about dieting, it's about a life style change. I want to do something that's maintainable…
  • I've found that drinking your calories is the easy way to pack them on. A 8oz. glass of 100% pure apple juice is 120 calories (that's a lot of apples for your day and should keep the Dr. away) When I need calories I really like my 'fake' milk shake 1 frozen banana (remove the peal before freezing, I alway keep a bunch of…
  • Hey all two things... 1) For those of you that can only do say 5 or less push ups and want to work on improving. You can change the resistance by placing your hands at different heights. Try doing push ups with your hands on your kitchen counter, once you can do three sets of ten then progress to push ups with your hands…
  • Hey Jew, I'm 50, like your younger brother I suppose. And I've seen a shift in metabolism also. Just a reminder - muscles burn calories therefore muscle mass affects metabolism and... The American Council on Exercise (2003) states that "muscle mass declines with age, resulting in decreased muscular strength and endurance".…
  • I walk from 2 to 4 miles a day. I do weight training 2 to 3 times a week.
  • Good thread, you just got me to exercise. I just did 45 in a minute ( no cheating, chest touchin a 2" book). Now I got a goal, to do my age in a minute. I better hurry with that one before I get any older.
  • Hi Banks, Thanks for your reply. For those that need to lose just a few more pounds this discussion really makes clear the need to 1) don't try to lose weight to fast (I'm on a 1/2 lb per week goal) and 2) focus on weight training so as not to lose muscle weight. Cheers, Frank
  • lol, not sure anyone would call it fun. Grueling, inspiring, incredible, but probably not fun. The original ironman encompasses three endurance events run back to back to back (no rest); a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim in Kailua-Kona Bay, a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride across the Hawaiian lava desert to Hawi…
  • I did a couple half marathons a few triathalons too. Use to run most every day. Thought it was the healthy thing to do. now ankles go snap crackle and pop 'bout twenty times a day knees with aches and pains just feelin' so old and gray Got the low down 1 billion repetitions of pavement pounding bone grinding One half…
  • They have these large party fruit platters that you can get at Costco; cantelope, honey due, watermelon, pineapple, grapes, mango, all cut up. That's what I'd bring.
  • One english muffin, butter and jam is about 400 calories (not that I'm recommending it). But, come on, it's pretty easy to eat 1700 calories. One meal with dessert at a place like Red Robbins can be more than 1700 calories.
  • Packing muscle on is really hard work for most. You shouldn't worry about packing on too much muscle because you can just cut back if you get to the size you want. You are not going to put on muscle using just 5lb dumbbells or 8lb dumbbells either. These weights might be good for you on some small muscle exercises like…
    in weights Comment by frankp June 2008
  • You can do a search on pedaling technique, you'll find better info than I can give. My info is from talking with a friend who is an ironman (qualified and competed in The Ironman in Hawaii several times) I use clip ons as do serious riders but it is the same idea. Pedal in circles is what I've been told, not up and down…
  • Thanks for the post Banks, Body builders have their mass building phase and there cutting phase. From Men's Health magazine, you need 500 extra calories a day to gain one lb. of muscle a week. I've wondered about trying to gain muscle at the same time as trying to lose fat and consequently being on a below maintenance…
  • Years ago I did ocean swiming a couple times a week, I'm in San Diego and it's a 10 minute drive to a popular ocean swiming area (the La Jolla Cove). There is bouys marking a swiming lane and 1/4 mile and 1/2 mile distances, I use to do the round trip to the 1/2 mile bouy which was 1 mile. Btw, it's highly recommended to…
  • That's a good question. I don't know the answer but I'll venture a guess. Your body would digest enough of it to meet your expended calorie needs, to repair any muscle tissue needed (like from weight lifting), to store some fat, would dump (so to speak) the rest.
  • Jumping rope sure gets the heart rate up, but for me it seems like a really high effort. Perhaps because I'm not that good at it. But that sure is a great inexpensive piece of excercise apparatus. Punching bag, hmmm that may be a good one, full body workout. I think the reason that Nordic track seems to be a low perceived…
  • The morning is best because that is when your weight will be most consistent. Other times of the day it varies so much on things like have you recently had a glass of water, when was your last trip to the bathroom etc. A 16 oz glass of water weighs well... 16 oz or 1 lb, and that's not weight gain.
  • Bike or running... lots of effort to get my heart rate up. Nordic track... not that much effort to get my heart rate up. Do you have a low effort way to get your heart rate up? I'd like to try a rowing machine, but I don't have one.
  • You need to make sure that you don't go 1000 calories below maintenance plus excercise calories or you may go into survival mode which results in your body slowing down your metabolism, holding onto fat and digesting muscle. You can change your goal temporarily to maintenance to see what your mantenance calories are, add…
  • Banks, You've lost almost 50% of your body fat!!! That's the good news. You're right, the last bit gets tough that extra 3.5% you want represents a 26% reduction from your current body fat. When you don't have much to lose it gets real hard. I'm with you as I'm at 14.5% but my goal is to be 13% or less. I've read that the…
  • Yeah, the bread is calorie packed. I thought my 80 calorie per slice bread was good, but I see there are 40 cal per slice to try. And add fruit to your lunch, most fruit is pretty low in calories.
  • I agree with you, body fat % is a much better measurement for health than bmi especially for someone with tons of muscle. My real goal is 13% or less body fat which is an athlete level. I also would like to have more muscle, so weight isn't even part of my final goal. However, fat loss ocurrs for me much more rapidly than…
  • I'm sorry to hear you fell for the weight loss belts claims. You are a victim of fraudulent advertising. Here is something from the Federal Trade Commission issues Reference Guide for Media on Bogus Weight Loss Claim Detection Here is an excerpt from the FTC site: Question: What…
    in Waist belts Comment by frankp June 2008
  • 100 calories... that's not much. I don't think you should worry about making up for it the following day. If you only go over by that much you're still losing weight. Do you know what your maintenance calorie level is? I figure as long as I'm under my maintenance calorie level (plus excercise calories) then I'm still…
  • Thanks Banks, I always look forward to your 'long' posts. I've read countless articles, supported by studies, that say you can't spot reduce fat. On the other hand, it is interesting how there are so many articles and advertisements promoting spot reducing fat. Some of them even site results of studies. However, I know you…
  • I want the same thing. So I decided to track my body fat %. On myfitnesspal I did set a goal weight, but my true goal is to lower my body fat %. Male atheletes often have a body fat % around 10%. Competitive body builders are down around 5%, But 15% is real good also though you probably won't have a six pack at that %…