Jnh16 Member


  • 25 weeks today, 135.4 lbs. Total gain 13.6 lbs. Hoping to stay under 30 lbs.
  • 24 weeks tomorrow! 121.8 pre preg and today am 134.6. So 12.8 lbs total.
  • I'm 5'4'' and 120ish prepregnant and am eating 1800-1900 per day which has me gaining .5-1 lb per week. Its hard some days to stay disciplined though. You should be good at 1900 as long as your properly logging everything and making healthy food choices for those 1900 calories.
  • Where are you adopting from? We adopted our golden/lab mix last October and a grey tabby cat last August. Both boys and we have two human boys but finally a girl on the way! I've been outnumbered way too long, lol!
  • 5'4'' 121.8 starting weight 21 weeks 1 day and 8.8 lbs gained. 130.6 lbs now.
  • 129.2 lbs at 20 weeks. Up 7.4 lbs total, .6 gained since last week. My midwife wants me at 40 lbs total and told me to eat 3000 cals... I upped my calories now by 500/day so I should start gaining 1 lb/week. That's still 2100/day and I don't think I can eat much more than that!
  • I used a belly wrap w/ both my kids for the first 6 weeks pp nearly all day/night. I really feel like it helped put everything back where it was supposed to go. I still had to workout and watch what I ate to lose all the baby weight but by 5 months pp I looked the same as pre preg. I gained 34 and 38 lbs.
  • I'm due Dec 1 with my third child. My first two are boys (6 and 2.5) and we just found out this one is a girl! I am so excited!
  • Hey everyone, I'm new to this group but not to mfp. I'm 19 weeks with my third child and due Dec 1. I started at 121.8 and am 128.6 now. I'm 5'4'' I gained 34 and 38 lbs with my first two and they were 9 lb 11oz and 9 lb 0oz. I'm really hoping to keep this pregnancy at 25-30lbs.
  • I'll be starting day 4 today too. Legs and back for me. I skip the cardio, it bores the hell out of me and I'm trying to build muscle, I don't really have weight to lose anymore.
  • I did my 3rd day today, shoulders and arms. I only could do 35 min cause I had to pick up my son. I was so scared to start this program but so far I really like it. I just got a full time job so I'm trying to figure out when I will make time to keep doing this!
  • left looks a little more tighter and lifted
  • I want to tell you how proud I am that you want to make the lifestyle changes to live a stable life with bipolar. Its hard! My husband is bipolar and started on serequel and gained about 20 lbs. He eventually lost it by eating less. He has been pretty determined since getting diagnosed and eventually getting on the right…
    in SEROQUEL Comment by Jnh16 January 2012
  • You can select breastfeeding as a food and it shows a 500 calorie burn - this is if breastmilk is all your baby eats. I'm not sure how much it changes as they start solids.
  • WOW! You have done an incredible job! You look amazing
  • I started this monday and did l1d3 today.
  • I don't technically 'qualify' but I just started doing dairy free this week to see if my baby has a dairy sensitivity, so I'm still eating meat but no forms of dairy which is hard since its in nearly everything! I would love advice too!
  • Hey I'm new here. I stay home with my oldest son, he will be 4 in March and my almost 8 week old son born earlier in November. I've got about 12 or so baby pounds to lose from gaining 38 and a whole lot of toning to do! Add me if you want!