how much weight have you gained



  • sar123bear
    sar123bear Posts: 81
    Hello all,

    I am brand new to this group. I found out I was pregnant on 5/1/14, conception was likely 4/16/14.

    Height: 5'4"
    Pre-Pregnancy weight: 186.4 lbs on 4/16/14 (20 lbs lighter than last start of first pregnancy!!)

    4/16 - 186.4
    5/1 - 187.4
    6/15 - 187.4 (11 weeks)
    7/7 - 191.4 (14 weeks)
    7/15 - 191.4 (15 weeks)
    7/18 - 192.2

    5.8 lbs gained so far at 15 weeks, 4 days.

    I really wanted to get lower in weight before conceiving this time around, but things don't always work out that way. My hope is to keep my weight as close to the 200 mark as possible. 20 lbs of gain would put me at 206.4 and would be equivalent to .5 lbs per week of pregnancy. I think it's do-able now that I don't have the same mentality of "eating for two" as I did last time. I gained a whopping 45 lbs to bring me to 250 lbs on my delivery date last time. My mentality last pregnancy was also that it was ok to gain about a pound a week. I have very different goals now that I know what kind of pregnancy it could be if I don't keep things in check. I had several complications due to weight and I do not intend to have those same problems again! I was also advised to not exercise last pregnancy due to placenta previa which was a big bummer for me.

    You all are inspiring me that this can indeed be done and I am perfectly capable of remaining in control of my eating while pregnant.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Prepregnant: 128
    height: 5'5

    5wks- 128.5
    6wks- 129.6
    7wks- 129.4
    8wks- 130.5 (just got back from vacation where I ate like a mad cow, lol surprised that it was just 1lb gain)
    9wks- 128.7 ??? weird

    total gained: +8.7lbs :(
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    30 weeks = +5 (of course I lost a little over 15 pounds in the 1st trimester)
  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone I found out a week ago that I'm pregnant with #3! :)

    pre pregnancy : 186lbs
    4 weeks: 185
    5 weeks: Wednesday!

    feeling so exhausted and dizzy!
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    You sound pretty similar to me with previous pregnancies and this time too. I'm 21 weeks today with starting weight of 55kg/121lb and gained 3kg/6-7lb so far. I'm 5'7" so a little taller though. I have a midwife appointment this week so I'm wondering if she will say anything about weight gain being small, especially as I'm starting 5kg lighter than my pregnancy 3 years ago. Last pregnancy (same midwife but as part of a team) I was never actually weighed throughout pregnancy and I gained at least 18kg/40lb with a baby 8lb12.

    All the best with baby #3 :)
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    129.2 lbs at 20 weeks. Up 7.4 lbs total, .6 gained since last week. My midwife wants me at 40 lbs total and told me to eat 3000 cals... I upped my calories now by 500/day so I should start gaining 1 lb/week. That's still 2100/day and I don't think I can eat much more than that!

    You sound pretty similar to me with previous pregnancies and this time too. I'm 21 weeks today with starting weight of 55kg/121lb and gained 3kg/6-7lb so far. I'm 5'7" so a little taller though. I have a midwife appointment this week so I'm wondering if she will say anything about weight gain being small, especially as I'm starting 5kg lighter than my pregnancy 3 years ago. Last pregnancy (same midwife but as part of a team) I was never actually weighed throughout pregnancy and I gained at least 18kg/40lb with a baby 8lb12.

    All the best with baby #3 :)
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Love4fitnesslove4food2 Posts: 711 Member
    Up 30 pounds total from my happy weight and I'm 38weeks. Hoping to end at 32-33 pounds total gained. That seems reasonable. I'm also hoping that I'll lose 22-23 of it by my 6 week check and the other 10 over the following 5 months.
  • Jnh16
    Jnh16 Posts: 35 Member
    5'4'' 121.8 starting weight
    21 weeks 1 day and 8.8 lbs gained. 130.6 lbs now.
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    Starting weight: 113 at 5'4
    Current weight: 131 at 36w/1d
    Total gain so far: 18lbs. -- expecting to gain roughly 1lb. a week until our baby girl is here! So, will probably end up at around a 22lb. total weight gain or so. Been trying to eat relatively healthy and exercising throughout the pregnancy (well, with the exception of this week, taking it easy due to hip flexor/groin pain), which has seemed to help keep the weight at a minimum and has kept me feeling pretty good throughout this journey!
  • justinskitty
    justinskitty Posts: 47 Member
    Week 3 - 150
    Week 5 - 149.2
    Week 7 - 147.6
    Week 8 - 147
    Week 10 - 148.4
    Week 11 - 148.8
    Week 12 - 148.4
    Week 13 - 150.6
    Week 14 - 151.6
    Week 15 - 152.6
    Week 16 - 150.6
    Week 17 - 155
    Week 18 - 153.4
    Week 19 - 154.4
    Week 20 - 155.2
    Week 21 - 156.9
    Week 22 - 157.6
    Week 23 - 159
    Week 24 - 161.4

    July is an ugly month for us when it comes to eating right. July 4th is a big week of family time ended with a July 7th birthday for my mil. Then my dad's bday on the 13th and then mine on the 17th. I've slowed down the last few days and when my dad finally goes back home we won't be eating as often or out as much. I'm hoping to stay less than 180 (175 would be perfect) and I have 16 weeks to go. I also have been so tired for the last week I'm guessing John is growing like crazy. I fell asleep at the dinner table. Shame. I'm borderline narcoleptic lol.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Week 3 - 150
    Week 5 - 149.2
    Week 7 - 147.6
    Week 8 - 147
    Week 10 - 148.4
    Week 11 - 148.8
    Week 12 - 148.4
    Week 13 - 150.6
    Week 14 - 151.6
    Week 15 - 152.6
    Week 16 - 150.6
    Week 17 - 155
    Week 18 - 153.4
    Week 19 - 154.4
    Week 20 - 155.2
    Week 21 - 156.9
    Week 22 - 157.6
    Week 23 - 159
    Week 24 - 161.4

    July is an ugly month for us when it comes to eating right. July 4th is a big week of family time ended with a July 7th birthday for my mil. Then my dad's bday on the 13th and then mine on the 17th. I've slowed down the last few days and when my dad finally goes back home we won't be eating as often or out as much. I'm hoping to stay less than 180 (175 would be perfect) and I have 16 weeks to go. I also have been so tired for the last week I'm guessing John is growing like crazy. I fell asleep at the dinner table. Shame. I'm borderline narcoleptic lol.

    I hear ya girl, I went threw the same.thing last month. Lol things are finally slowing down and I have more.time to focus on my eating. I had my appointment today and gained 7lbs in the last 4 wks, those lbs came all in June and beginning of July. Ugh. Been maintaining for a bit, hopefully it stays slowed down from here on out
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 145
    Week 4 - 145
    Week 5 - 144 (-1)
    Week 6 - 142 (-3)
    Week 7 - 140 (-5)
    Week 8 - 140.7 (-4.3)
    Week 9 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 10 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 11 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 12 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 13 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 14 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 15 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 16 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 17 - 140.0 (-5)
    Week 18 - 142.4 (-2.6)
    Week 19 - 144.0 (-1.0)
    Week 20 - 144.5 (-0.5)
    Week 21 - 145.3 ( 0.3)
    Week 22 - 146.1 (1.1)
    Week 23 - 149.2 (4.2)
    Week 24 - 148.1 (3.1)
    Week 25 - 150.2 (5.2)
    Week 26 - 152.7 (7.7)
    Week 27 - 153.6 (8.6)
    Week 28 - 153.6 (8.6)
    Week 29 - 155.3 (10.3)
    Week 30 - 157.6 (12.6)
    Week 31 - 157.6 (12.6)
    Week 32 - 159.4 (14.4)
    Week 33 - 161.2 (16.2)
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    OK its been a while as I decided to stop tracking my (rapid) weight as it wasn't a concern of my midwife's as I'm still active and eating healthy but it was getting me down. Now the rate of gain has really slowed (only gained 600g/1.3lb in the last 3 weeks, not ideal for the 8th/9th month) so I have the opposite problem from before and have decided to track again.

    Pre pregnancy weight: 66kg

    Cumulative total
    Week 1-11: +0.8kg
    Week 12: +1.8kg
    Week 13: +1.6kg
    Week 14: +2.2kg
    Week 15: +2.9kg
    Week 16: +3.3kg
    Week 17: +3.5kg
    Week 18: +4.6kg
    Week 19: +3.9kg
    Week 20: +5.7kg
    Week 21: +6.6kg
    Week 22: +6.3kg
    Week 25: +10.2kg (3.9kg (8.6lb) gain in 3 weeks)
    Week 26: +10.1kg
    Week 27: +10.3kg
    Week 28: +11.3kg
    Week 29: +12.6kg (27.7lb)
    Week 33: +15.5 kg
    Week 36: +16.1kg (35.5lb)
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 145lbs (regular BMI)

    15 weeks: 160 (+15lbs)
    23 weeks: 175 (+30lbs)
    27 weeks 178.4 (+33.4)
    31 weeks 182.4 (+37.4)

    Feeling really good these days! My gaining has slowed down a lot due to having less of an appetite and generally filling up on fruit or vegetables/dairy. (plus, since I'm not tracking, I don't feel the need to eat "extra calories". I just eat when I'm hungry.) I feel like I'm on track to gain 45lbs (or less) which has been typical of every pregnancy. Although, I'm only a half a pound away from what I delivered my 2nd at: 183lbs at 38+5 weeks. (I started that pregnancy 7 pounds lighter, though).
    I have had zero time or energy for regular exercise, but have been doing all sorts of major nesting... heavy duty cleaning/reorganizing, which also must burn calories! lol Especially scrubbing the kitchen floor by hand! LOL Gotta love the nesting urges! ;)
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 120 lbs / 5'1

    20 Weeks: 126.5 (+6.5)
    21 Weeks: 125.8 (-.7)
    22 Weeks: 127.4 (+1.6)
    23 Weeks: 128.8 (+1.4)
    24 Weeks: 131 (+2.2)
    25 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    26 Weeks: 131 (-1.8)
    27 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    28 Weeks: 132.6 (-.2)
    29 Weeks: 133.2 (+.6)
    30 Weeks: 135.4 (+2.2)
    31 Weeks: 135.4
    32 Weeks: 136.2 (+.8)
    33 Weeks: 139 (+2.8)
    34 Weeks: 138.6 (-.4)
    35 Weeks: 138.8 (+.2)
    36 Weeks: 140.8 (+2)
    37 Weeks: 142.8 (+2)

    Well not I know why my stretch marks are coming in like crazy- 4 pounds in 2 weeks!! I am ready for this baby to be out now so I can start losing and not get anymore marks :laugh: I haven't been eating any differently but I have been swelling a lot in my feet so I must be retaining water.

    On a good note, the baby's room has a door and the closet door gets worked on tomorrow! I should be finished sanding down and repainting the changing table to match the crib this weekend(only 2 pieces left!). Today the flooring is going in and being finished in the room next to it so we can have our storage room back finally! Our house is an absolute mess with all of this renovation but things are looking up this coming week for cleanliness.

    .......I think they call this nesting
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi ladies, Just checking in! :happy:

    Starting weight: 156 lbs 5'3" BMI Slightly overweight for height
    Did not weigh myself the first 12 weeks

    Week 13: 160.2 lbs (+4.2 lbs) right on track
    Week 17 1/2: 162.2 (+6.2 lbs) on track (At home scale 17JUN14)
    Week 17 1/2: 161.4(+5.4 lbs) on track (Doctor office scale! 18JUN14)
    Week 21 1/2: 166.2 lbs (+10.2 lbs) on track (at home scale 15JUL14)
    Week 21 1/2: 168.2 lbs (+12.2 lbs) on track (at doctor office scale) 16JUL14
    Week 22 1/2 weeks: 165.4 lbs ( +9.4 lbs)(At home scale) 23JUL14

    Dropped 0.8 lbs this week from previous home scale weigh-in , I'm thinking its probably from re-starting walking routine, but I am still within my appropiate weight gain.
    Goal is to not gain more than 20 pounds so with 17 weeks left goal is about .5 lbs gain a week. I'm confident I can do that if I keep eating healthy and keep exercising to my abilities.
  • acullen31
    acullen31 Posts: 87 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight was 129

    At the end of my first trimester I was 132 and now i'm at 15 weeks and i'm 133.5

    This is my first pregnancy and i'm concerned i'm not gaining enough weight! I am hungry in the mornings, so I usually eat a big breakfast and then I'll eat a semi big lunch and then I can't even think about putting food in my mouth at dinnertime. I feel like i've eaten a thanksgiving dinner all by myself and I haven't eating anything since lunch. I'm also really active ( not by choice ) at work. I'm constantly moving and walking from patient to patient so I rarely sit down.

    Anyone have advice or tips? Why do I feel so full all the time??

    Thanks =)
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Love4fitnesslove4food2 Posts: 711 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight was 129

    At the end of my first trimester I was 132 and now i'm at 15 weeks and i'm 133.5

    This is my first pregnancy and i'm concerned i'm not gaining enough weight! I am hungry in the mornings, so I usually eat a big breakfast and then I'll eat a semi big lunch and then I can't even think about putting food in my mouth at dinnertime. I feel like i've eaten a thanksgiving dinner all by myself and I haven't eating anything since lunch. I'm also really active ( not by choice ) at work. I'm constantly moving and walking from patient to patient so I rarely sit down.

    Anyone have advice or tips? Why do I feel so full all the time??

    Thanks =)

    Pregnancy slows down your digestive system so you'll feel fuller longer. Try eating mixed nuts at night instead of a meal since they're unlikely to make you feel more bloated or full but they'll provide healthy fat for you and your little one.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Love4fitnesslove4food2 Posts: 711 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 120 lbs / 5'1

    20 Weeks: 126.5 (+6.5)
    21 Weeks: 125.8 (-.7)
    22 Weeks: 127.4 (+1.6)
    23 Weeks: 128.8 (+1.4)
    24 Weeks: 131 (+2.2)
    25 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    26 Weeks: 131 (-1.8)
    27 Weeks: 132.8 (+1.8)
    28 Weeks: 132.6 (-.2)
    29 Weeks: 133.2 (+.6)
    30 Weeks: 135.4 (+2.2)
    31 Weeks: 135.4
    32 Weeks: 136.2 (+.8)
    33 Weeks: 139 (+2.8)
    34 Weeks: 138.6 (-.4)
    35 Weeks: 138.8 (+.2)
    36 Weeks: 140.8 (+2)
    37 Weeks: 142.8 (+2)

    Well not I know why my stretch marks are coming in like crazy- 4 pounds in 2 weeks!! I am ready for this baby to be out now so I can start losing and not get anymore marks :laugh: I haven't been eating any differently but I have been swelling a lot in my feet so I must be retaining water.

    On a good note, the baby's room has a door and the closet door gets worked on tomorrow! I should be finished sanding down and repainting the changing table to match the crib this weekend(only 2 pieces left!). Today the flooring is going in and being finished in the room next to it so we can have our storage room back finally! Our house is an absolute mess with all of this renovation but things are looking up this coming week for cleanliness.

    .......I think they call this nesting

    You doing great, weight gain isn't linear. If you look back 4 weeks you have only gained just under 4 pounds which is perfectly on track. Since your eating hasn't changed I wouldn't worry about what the scale says but I completely understand the dreaded stretch marks causing anxiety,
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Pre pregnancy weight was 129

    At the end of my first trimester I was 132 and now i'm at 15 weeks and i'm 133.5

    This is my first pregnancy and i'm concerned i'm not gaining enough weight! I am hungry in the mornings, so I usually eat a big breakfast and then I'll eat a semi big lunch and then I can't even think about putting food in my mouth at dinnertime. I feel like i've eaten a thanksgiving dinner all by myself and I haven't eating anything since lunch. I'm also really active ( not by choice ) at work. I'm constantly moving and walking from patient to patient so I rarely sit down.

    Anyone have advice or tips? Why do I feel so full all the time??

    Thanks =)

    I'm.same.way. I eat a lot for breakfast and lunch and have small snack for dinner. I wouldn't worry about weight right now, you'll definitely catch up in few weeks. Lol I was a 1lb gain unti 12wks, and 4 weeks later I packed on 8lbs out of nowhere. I too was starting weight 128. I'm almost 17wks now and weigh 136ish. I haven't been eating the healthiest lately, I plan to start tomorrow to watch myself again cause I'm feeling so sluggish from all the carbs. This is my 3rd kiddo. Feel free to add me