how much weight have you gained



  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    i havent wanted to look at this thread since i knew it would make me feel sad. I finally decided to give a look and sure enough i was right. Everyone seems on track or even below with their weight gain and i am way over. At 17 weeks I am up 14 lbs and 8 of those lbs were gained in the last month. I dont know what to do...i feel like i am about to cry.

    Have you been tracking what you are eating? Are you retaining water? Try not to be so hard on yourself. Today is a new day! Start tracking and going for walks if you are able. I would aim for maintaining. You are going to be ok!

    Yes, i track most days and I have been netting around 1700 calories on average.I do go over that 1-2 days a week. I do a 30 min circuit training type workout 4 days a week and i walk a lot. I am 5''2 and my pre-pregnancy weight was 125 lbs. As of this morning i weigh 139.2 lbs

    Well, I would say that either you are overestimating your calories burned or underestimating what you are consuming with a gain like that (unless you are retaining a bunch of water which is also possible~do you have edema on your legs?). Just being honest. Log religously (good or bad) and do not use MFP calorie burns. You might want to invest in an HRM with a chest strap. Me personally, I eat at maintenance and don't log my exercise. It works for me. It's not like I am out running marathons right now so I know I am not burning that much anyway. I gained a lot in the beginning and I wasn't logging or doing much of anything. Now that I am logging, my gain has slowed a lot. You can do it....

    FWIW I don't find that to be true while pregnant, for me. I would log religiously and measure my food down to the gram. I eat back 2/3 of my exercise cals. This is the same methodology that I used before becoming pregnant and it was always accurate for predicting my weight loss. While pregnant, I know I am not eating anywhere near enough to support a 2lb gain on some weeks - that's 7,000 extra calories. There are plenty of ladies here eating maintenance and gaining a pound a week. I don't pretend to know what's going on, but the same rules do not apply that did before I was pregnant. I can eat the same amount week to week and maintain one week, gain 2lbs the next, 1lb the next, etc.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    i havent wanted to look at this thread since i knew it would make me feel sad. I finally decided to give a look and sure enough i was right. Everyone seems on track or even below with their weight gain and i am way over. At 17 weeks I am up 14 lbs and 8 of those lbs were gained in the last month. I dont know what to do...i feel like i am about to cry.

    Have you been tracking what you are eating? Are you retaining water? Try not to be so hard on yourself. Today is a new day! Start tracking and going for walks if you are able. I would aim for maintaining. You are going to be ok!

    Yes, i track most days and I have been netting around 1700 calories on average.I do go over that 1-2 days a week. I do a 30 min circuit training type workout 4 days a week and i walk a lot. I am 5''2 and my pre-pregnancy weight was 125 lbs. As of this morning i weigh 139.2 lbs

    Well, I would say that either you are overestimating your calories burned or underestimating what you are consuming with a gain like that (unless you are retaining a bunch of water which is also possible~do you have edema on your legs?). Just being honest. Log religously (good or bad) and do not use MFP calorie burns. You might want to invest in an HRM with a chest strap. Me personally, I eat at maintenance and don't log my exercise. It works for me. It's not like I am out running marathons right now so I know I am not burning that much anyway. I gained a lot in the beginning and I wasn't logging or doing much of anything. Now that I am logging, my gain has slowed a lot. You can do it....

    I have my activity level set as sedentary and at maintenance calories therefore i do log my exercise. Should i put it at lightly active and not log exercise. I am a mom of 2 toddlers, a 2 1/2 yr old and a 16 month old so between pushing a double stroller around town, running after my kids in the park and working out 4 times a week, i definitely am not sedentary. I definitely need to stop eating so much junk food and be extra careful with my logging. I have to have more self control and get back on track.

    Oh and to add, i do not have any edema in my legs or anywhere else that i can see.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    i havent wanted to look at this thread since i knew it would make me feel sad. I finally decided to give a look and sure enough i was right. Everyone seems on track or even below with their weight gain and i am way over. At 17 weeks I am up 14 lbs and 8 of those lbs were gained in the last month. I dont know what to do...i feel like i am about to cry.

    Have you been tracking what you are eating? Are you retaining water? Try not to be so hard on yourself. Today is a new day! Start tracking and going for walks if you are able. I would aim for maintaining. You are going to be ok!

    Yes, i track most days and I have been netting around 1700 calories on average.I do go over that 1-2 days a week. I do a 30 min circuit training type workout 4 days a week and i walk a lot. I am 5''2 and my pre-pregnancy weight was 125 lbs. As of this morning i weigh 139.2 lbs

    Well, I would say that either you are overestimating your calories burned or underestimating what you are consuming with a gain like that (unless you are retaining a bunch of water which is also possible~do you have edema on your legs?). Just being honest. Log religously (good or bad) and do not use MFP calorie burns. You might want to invest in an HRM with a chest strap. Me personally, I eat at maintenance and don't log my exercise. It works for me. It's not like I am out running marathons right now so I know I am not burning that much anyway. I gained a lot in the beginning and I wasn't logging or doing much of anything. Now that I am logging, my gain has slowed a lot. You can do it....

    FWIW I don't find that to be true while pregnant, for me. I would log religiously and measure my food down to the gram. I eat back 2/3 of my exercise cals. This is the same methodology that I used before becoming pregnant and it was always accurate for predicting my weight loss. While pregnant, I know I am not eating anywhere near enough to support a 2lb gain on some weeks - that's 7,000 extra calories. There are plenty of ladies here eating maintenance and gaining a pound a week. I don't pretend to know what's going on, but the same rules do not apply that did before I was pregnant. I can eat the same amount week to week and maintain one week, gain 2lbs the next, 1lb the next, etc.

    thanx again hbarnstein, I know I am definitely not eating 7000 calories extra a week. Even the days i am perfect with my eating or even below the numbers on the scale still goes up the next morning.what worked prior to this pregnancy is not working anymore. There seems to be no rhyme or reason.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    i havent wanted to look at this thread since i knew it would make me feel sad. I finally decided to give a look and sure enough i was right. Everyone seems on track or even below with their weight gain and i am way over. At 17 weeks I am up 14 lbs and 8 of those lbs were gained in the last month. I dont know what to do...i feel like i am about to cry.

    I second everything said by hbarnstein, she know's what she's on about and would like to point out that even if you put on a pound a week throughout the rest of your pregnancy (which you won't) it would still be fine as you were not seriously overweight to begin with. Sounds like you now know where little improvements can be made, but you'll have to get to grips with not being able to control the scales. Good luck!
  • mommy_hood
    mommy_hood Posts: 100 Member
    Kcasey155 - how many calories are eating daily? what is your exercise schedule like?
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    Due: October 11th, pregnancy #2
    Stats: 29, 5'3", medium-boned; 1,600+ cal./day

    Starting weight (4w6d), 2/7/13: 120.8 lbs.
    13w0d, 4/5/13: 122.4 lbs., +1.6 lbs. total
    14w0d, 4/12/13: 121.2 lbs., +.4 lbs.
    15w0d, 4/19/13: 122.6 lbs., +1.8 lbs.
    16w0d, 4/26/13: 120.8 lbs., +/- 0 lbs.
    17w0d, 5/3/13: 124.6 lbs., +3.8 lbs.
    18w0d, 5/10/13: 123.4 lbs., +2.6 lbs.
    19w0d, 5/17/13: 123.0 lbs., +2.2 lbs.
    20w0d, 5/24/13: 123.8 lbs., +3 lbs.
    21w0d, 5/31/13: 124.2 lbs., +3.4 lbs.
    22w0d, 6/7/13: 125.4 lbs., +4.6 lbs.
    23w0d, 6/14/13: 126.2 lbs., +5.4 lbs.
    24w0d, 6/21/13: 124.8 lbs., +4 lbs.
    25w0d, 6/28/13: 128.4 lbs., +7.6 lbs.
    26w0d, 7/5/13: 128.6 lbs., +7.8 lbs.
    27w0d, 7/12/13: 126.6 lbs., +5.8 lbs.
    28w0d, 7/19/13: 130.2 lbs., +9.4 lbs.
    29w0d, 7/26/13: 129.0 lbs., +8.2 lbs.
    30w0d, 8/2/13: 128.2 lbs., +7.4 lbs.
    31w0d, 8/9/13: 130.2 lbs., +9.4 lbs.
    32w0d, 8/16/13: 131.6 lbs., +10.8 lbs. total
  • BaysiderNY
    BaysiderNY Posts: 66 Member
    I've gained about 10 lbs and I am 33 wks 4 days. This whole thing about weight gain is pretty useless. We all gain weight differently. Obviously we want to make sure we don't end up gaining too much to have complications but only so much is in our hand, rest our bodies decide. I don't worry about not gaining much weight. Even with my first pregnancy I didn't gain much weight. I know I won't have a 9 lbs baby because of my small frame. I don't worry about all this. There is no point. I am not tracking my calories. Yes, I don't eat everything in sight but that's because of serious reflux I have this pregnancy. If you ladies are eating healthy and exercising, and still not able to keep your gain to minimum, you simply can't do anything to change it. And I am pretty sure everyone will end up losing most of the weight after our babies are born.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Kcasey155 - how many calories are eating daily? what is your exercise schedule like?

    My basic maintenance calories are 2140, which I stuck to for the first trimester. Since hitting the second and third trimesters I've been so hungry that I often go over, but figure I must need it. My exercise routine varies between school holidays and termtime. During the school term I'm walking the kids to school and back twice a day (about 3 hours walking, 5 days a week) and try and swim 50 lengths a week or do 30mins of Zumba. During the school holidays I'm running around after four kids all day, so in a week I might only do one session of Zumba and one trip to the shops and back (90-120mins walking), but that's enough right now.

    5'5", baby #5, ideal weight gain 7-14lbs (3.2-6.4kg)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    5 wks: 90.8 kg
    5+4 wks: 90.2 kg
    7 wks: 90.4 kg
    9+5 wks: 90.1 kg
    11 wks: 89.5 kg
    11+5 wks: 89.1 kg
    12+5 wks: 89.3 kg
    13+2 wks: 88.9 kg
    14 wks: 88.2 kg
    14+5 wks: 88.0 kg
    15+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    16+6 wks: 87.6 kg
    17+5 wks: 88.6 kg
    18+5 wks: 87.2 kg
    19+5 wks: 87.2 kg (192.2lbs)
    20+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    21+5 wks: 87.4 kg
    22+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    23+5 wks: 88.1 kg
    24+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    25+5 wks: 89.4 kg (Waist: 110cm)
    26+5 wks: 89.7 kg
    27+5 wks: 89.5 kg
    28+5 wks: 90.0 kg
    29+5 wks: 90.4 kg (Waist 115cm)

    Overall +0.3 kg so far :smile:
  • queenmolly68
    Had my 24 week check up today. Haven't had any weight gain since week 16, but it's still not enough. My doctor was not happy that I gained 20 pounds in the first 16 weeks (I was so sick I couldn't exercise.) So, I'm on track to gain another 20 pounds at least by the end of the pregnancy, according to the doctor. Not thrilled that all my hard work still isn't enough. Feeling defeated.

    I completely disagree. Your hard work MATTERS! Don't beat yourself up for being unable to exercise if you were sick. There's nothing you can do about that, and it's not your fault. Eight weeks of no gain -- if it's because you're eating healthy and staying fit -- is an accomplishment, and you should be proud! Who is that doctor to say what will happen in the next sixteen weeks? He can't predict the future, only tell you what is average. And it sounds to me like he is making assumptions that do not take into account your healthy changes.

    If you let the doctor discourage you, you will be tempted to either undereat and overexercise (not good for you or the baby!), or give up (also not good for either of you!) Don't let him do that to you. Be proud of what you've accomplished so far!

    BTW, even if you do gain another 20 pounds, if you do it while eating right and exercising appropriately, then it's what your body *needed* and you should not be ashamed of it. Be proud of doing the best you can for your baby, no matter how much you gain in the end.

    Seconded! You clearly were not morbidly obese to start with so I don't see a problem with your weight gain. Well done!

    I definitely agree with these ladies! I think you look great & are doing great. I gained in the beginning to from being on bed rest & depressed about it. And like you I haven't gained since. Keep up the good work. Sounds like the doc is a jerk. None of the midwives I've seen would make me feel that way & I did start out way more overweight than I should have!

    I'd also like to doctor has told me that MOST women really tend to gain closer to 40 pounds. 25-35 is just the ideal amount for the average woman. I need to gain less because I was overweight to start with but even a 25 pound gain isn't going to bother me.... I'll still end up weighing the same or less than before. My doctor certainly would never give me a hard time about gaining too much. If anything, she might show concern that I am gaining due to medical issues. Please don't beat yourself up and maybe think about getting a new doctor. I am 20 weeks and have gained 10 so far....that means I have gained half of my weight gain goal already so odds are that I will end up over my goal too. I can also totally relate to gaining a lot in the beginning....I couldn't exercise and also lived on carbs just to survive. You are growing a human....give yourself a break!

    To be fair, my doctor did tell me that he wasn't as worried about it as he would be if I had started off obese. He did seem skeptical of my healthy eating habits and exercise routine. Maybe I should send him a link to my online diary, huh?
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Cumulative gain
    Week 12- up 3
    Week 13- up 3
    Week 14- up 4
    Week 15- up 4
    Week 16- up 5
    Week 17- up 5
    Week 18- up 6
    Week 19- up 7
    Week 20- up 7
    Week 21 plus 2- up 9.5 after being on vacation, eeeek!
    Week 22 plus 2- up 7
    Week 23- up 8
    Week 24- up 8 (I was actually up 2 pounds and then lots due to change in diet)
    Week 25- up 9
    Week 26- up 9
    Week 27- up 10
    Week 28- up 10
    Week 29- up 9
    Week 30- up 10
    Week 31- up 10
    Week 32- up 10
    Week 33- up 10
    Week 34- up 11
    Week 35- up 11 and on bedrest now :grumble:
    Week 36- up 13
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    I am 28weeks monday and have gained 32lbs so far
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    Due 12/9, 5'4"/ just shy of 5'5", Starting Weight (Pre Pregnancy) : 165.0 lbs

    4w/ BFP 165.0 0
    9w 162.8 -2.2
    10w 162.3 -2.7
    13w 162.0 -3.0
    16w6d 164.6 -0.4
    18w6d 167.0 +2.0
    22w 170.2 +5.2
    23w1d 171.6 +6.6
    24w 172.2 +7.2 lbs
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    Starting my 3rd trimester Sunday & at 27 weeks I'll have gained 6.5 pounds! My 2 pound increase from last week mostly went away, minus the half pound. Very happy!!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Starting weight: 156

    Week 5: +0
    Week 6: +0
    Week 7: +0
    Week 8: -1
    Week 9: -1
    Week 10: -1
    Week 11: -2
    Week 12: -2
    Week 13: -1
    Week 14: -1
    Week 15: -0.25
    Week 16: 0
    Week 17: 0
    Week 18: 0
    Week 19: 0
    Week 20: 0
    Week 21: +1, 157
    Week 22: +2, 159
    Week 23: +2, 161
    Week 24: +2, 163
    Week 25: +2, 165
    Week 26: +2, 167
    Week 27, +1, 168
    Week 28, -1, 167
    Week 29, +2, 169
    Week 30, +2, 171
    Week 31, +0, 171
    Week 32, +2, 173
    Week 33, +1, 174
    Week 34, +0, 174

    A little surprised I maintained because the past few days have been salt-heavy food, but not complaining. I do wonder if I should go back to logging but I also don't want to stress myself out over the numbers, and as much as I hate gaining I feel like I'm also gaining at a decent rate so maybe I just shouldn't worry. 18lbs at 34w, on track to gain 22-23lbs at this rate.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    i havent wanted to look at this thread since i knew it would make me feel sad. I finally decided to give a look and sure enough i was right. Everyone seems on track or even below with their weight gain and i am way over. At 17 weeks I am up 14 lbs and 8 of those lbs were gained in the last month. I dont know what to do...i feel like i am about to cry.

    Just wanted to update everyone. As of this past sunday morning I weighed 140 lbs (15 lb gain) So i decided to really be extra careful this week about eating healthy and within my calorie goals. I am very happy to say that as of this morning I weighed 136.6 so I am up 11.6 lbs at the end of my 18th week. I hope to continue on this path and keep my weight gain under control. Thanx for all your advice and support!
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    Due: October 11th, pregnancy #2
    Stats: 29, 5'3", medium-boned; 1,600+ cal./day

    Starting weight (4w6d), 2/7/13: 120.8 lbs.
    13w0d, 4/5/13: 122.4 lbs., +1.6 lbs. total
    14w0d, 4/12/13: 121.2 lbs., +.4 lbs.
    15w0d, 4/19/13: 122.6 lbs., +1.8 lbs.
    16w0d, 4/26/13: 120.8 lbs., +/- 0 lbs.
    17w0d, 5/3/13: 124.6 lbs., +3.8 lbs.
    18w0d, 5/10/13: 123.4 lbs., +2.6 lbs.
    19w0d, 5/17/13: 123.0 lbs., +2.2 lbs.
    20w0d, 5/24/13: 123.8 lbs., +3 lbs.
    21w0d, 5/31/13: 124.2 lbs., +3.4 lbs.
    22w0d, 6/7/13: 125.4 lbs., +4.6 lbs.
    23w0d, 6/14/13: 126.2 lbs., +5.4 lbs.
    24w0d, 6/21/13: 124.8 lbs., +4 lbs.
    25w0d, 6/28/13: 128.4 lbs., +7.6 lbs.
    26w0d, 7/5/13: 128.6 lbs., +7.8 lbs.
    27w0d, 7/12/13: 126.6 lbs., +5.8 lbs.
    28w0d, 7/19/13: 130.2 lbs., +9.4 lbs.
    29w0d, 7/26/13: 129.0 lbs., +8.2 lbs.
    30w0d, 8/2/13: 128.2 lbs., +7.4 lbs.
    31w0d, 8/9/13: 130.2 lbs., +9.4 lbs.
    32w0d, 8/16/13: 131.6 lbs., +10.8 lbs.
    33w0d, 8/23/13: 131.8 lbs., +11 lbs. total
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    5'5", baby #5, ideal weight gain 7-14lbs (3.2-6.4kg)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    5 wks: 90.8 kg
    5+4 wks: 90.2 kg
    7 wks: 90.4 kg
    9+5 wks: 90.1 kg
    11 wks: 89.5 kg
    11+5 wks: 89.1 kg
    12+5 wks: 89.3 kg
    13+2 wks: 88.9 kg
    14 wks: 88.2 kg
    14+5 wks: 88.0 kg
    15+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    16+6 wks: 87.6 kg
    17+5 wks: 88.6 kg
    18+5 wks: 87.2 kg
    19+5 wks: 87.2 kg (192.2lbs)
    20+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    21+5 wks: 87.4 kg
    22+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    23+5 wks: 88.1 kg
    24+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    25+5 wks: 89.4 kg (Waist: 110cm)
    26+5 wks: 89.7 kg
    27+5 wks: 89.5 kg
    28+5 wks: 90.0 kg
    29+5 wks: 90.4 kg
    30+5 wks: 91.2 kg (Waist 116cm)

    Overall +1.1 kg so far

    Fell off the wagon this week with regard to chocolate and biscuits and sweets! Gotta get a handle on these sugar cravings and re-focus.
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Starting weight 148 lb for 5'4"
    now 35 weeks- 22lbs gained, (at 170lb)
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Starting Weight: 122.2, 5'4", eating 1,900 calories a day now or more

    6 wks: 123 (starting waist 28 inches)
    7 wks: 123.6
    8 wks: 122.4
    9 wks: 121.8
    10 wks: 122.6
    11 wks: 123.8
    12 wks: 123.6
    13 wks: 122.8
    14 wks: 124.2
    15 wks: 125.4
    16 wks: 125.4
    17 wks: 126.4
    18 wks: 130
    19 wks: 129.2
    20 wks: 129
    21 wks: 130.8
    22 wks: 133.8
    23 wks: 134.2
    24 wks: 134.8
    25 wks: 135.4
    26 wks: 139.8
    27 wks: 137.2
    28 wks: 139.4
    29 wks: 141.6
    30 wks: 141.6
    31 wks: 141.6
    32 wks: 142.2
    33 wks: 144.8
    34 wks: 146.2
    35 wks: 146.4 (largest part of waist is now 39.5 inches)

    Total of 24.2 pounds gained so far at 35 weeks. I didn't log last week so I guess I didn't do too bad. I've been swelling since last week too so I think some of the gain is still water weight. I won't be upset at the end if I'm at 30 pounds gained or less although my original goal was 25.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    i havent wanted to look at this thread since i knew it would make me feel sad. I finally decided to give a look and sure enough i was right. Everyone seems on track or even below with their weight gain and i am way over. At 17 weeks I am up 14 lbs and 8 of those lbs were gained in the last month. I dont know what to do...i feel like i am about to cry.

    Just wanted to update everyone. As of this past sunday morning I weighed 140 lbs (15 lb gain) So i decided to really be extra careful this week about eating healthy and within my calorie goals. I am very happy to say that as of this morning I weighed 136.6 so I am up 11.6 lbs at the end of my 18th week. I hope to continue on this path and keep my weight gain under control. Thanx for all your advice and support!

    Great job! I'm glad you're doing better.