how much weight have you gained



  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    11 weeks: - 3.8 lbs
    12 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    13 weeks: - 4.2 lbs
    14 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    16 weeks: - 2.2 lbs
    17 weeks: - 4.4 lbs
    18 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    19 weeks: - 0.4 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs (currently 142 pounds)

    Ate like crap this week, the Halloween candy has begun at our house! Really need to control my sugar intake as that is all I want. Time to start cooking again and making smart choices!
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    Almost 34 weeks & another 2lb gain this week! I'm trying to not stress, I think most of this is fluid because I haven't been as great w my water & my ring doesn't fit as well this week. Total 8lbs so far. I'd like to get by a couple weeks without gaining. :-)
  • meghanvest
    Starting weight 115 @ 5'4. 17 weeks and 1 day and I weigh in at 119.4. No gained and slight loss since 16 weeks pregnant. Its weird because I've certainly been eating alot more
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    5'5", baby #5, ideal weight gain 3.2-6.4kg (7-14lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    5 wks: 90.8 kg
    5+4 wks: 90.2 kg
    7 wks: 90.4 kg
    9+5 wks: 90.1 kg
    11 wks: 89.5 kg
    11+5 wks: 89.1 kg
    12+5 wks: 89.3 kg
    13+2 wks: 88.9 kg
    14 wks: 88.2 kg
    14+5 wks: 88.0 kg
    15+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    16+6 wks: 87.6 kg
    17+5 wks: 88.6 kg
    18+5 wks: 87.2 kg
    19+5 wks: 87.2 kg (192.2lbs)
    20+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    21+5 wks: 87.4 kg
    22+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    23+5 wks: 88.1 kg
    24+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    25+5 wks: 89.4 kg (Waist: 110cm)
    26+5 wks: 89.7 kg
    27+5 wks: 89.5 kg
    28+5 wks: 90.0 kg
    29+5 wks: 90.4 kg
    30+5 wks: 91.2 kg (Waist 116cm)
    31+5 wks: 91.8 kg
    32+5 wks: 91.1 kg
    33+5 wks: 92.1 kg
    34+5 wks: 92.0 kg
    35+5 wks: 92.6 kg (204.1lbs)
    36+5 wks: 91.5 kg
    37+5 wks: 92.1 kg (Waist 118.5cm)

    Overall +2.0kg/4.4lbs
  • IndianMuslim
    Wow that's amazing...only a 4-lb weight gain in 37 weeks? I don't think I'll be that lucky :ohwell:
  • Karadol
    Karadol Posts: 7 Member
    Start 185.5

    Weight at week 16. 3 days - 178.5 ( -7)

    I always lose at first just started walking again every other day. Hoping that I can avoid pre-e for the 3rd time......
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Wow that's amazing...only a 4-lb weight gain in 37 weeks? I don't think I'll be that lucky :ohwell:
    Unfortunately I was heavy enough to start with and have had to work really hard to keep my weight down. I was only about a month into dieting when I discovered I was pregnant and had just lost 8lbs. For the first trimester I was walking 3 to 6 miles 5 days a week, swimming 50 laps (of 25m) a week and doing a half hour of Zumba. Second trimester I gave up the Zumba and wound down the swimming, but am still walking 3 to 6 miles 5 days a week. I probably could have cut down the walking if I'd been eating better, but I have a sweet tooth! My original BMI was about 33 at the start of this year and I've really cut that back, by working off the fat and adding baby weight.. Hopefully, after baby arrives I'll be about 5lbs below my weight at 4 weeks. Then will give myself a break while getting breastfeeding established and will start getting fit again in the new year. Although I'll continue to log my food intake and track any exercise while on the break just to make sure I don't go OTT on the calories and make myself eat healthier, otherwise it wouldn't take two seconds to fall back into bad habits ;)
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Cumulative weight gain:

    Week 9: +3
    Week 12: +4
    Week 16: +5
    Week 19: +5.5
    Week 20: +6.5
    Week 22: +10.5
    Week 25: +10.5
    Week 27: +8.5 (lost two)
    Week 28: +8.5
    Week 29: +9.5
    Week 30: +11
    Week 31: +12
    Week 32, 4d: +12
    Week 33, 2d: +16 (WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! ): gah)
  • meghanvest
    Wow so I posted that I weighed 119.4 a few days ago and I all of the sudden jumped up to 122! What the hell happened? Is this water weight because I'm totally freaking out right now. That's almost 3 pounds in about 3 days
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    I feel a bit better knowing some of you lost weight during the pregnancy. I guess I'm having first time mommy issues. I cut out gluten since sunday and I went down 5lbs and haven't needed to 'go' in the middle of the night. Flipped me out at first bc I thought something was wrong, but I'm starting to think maybe losing that bloat has helped ease the pressure on my bladder? I even ate horrible (HORRIBLE) yesterday and I still went down! Upped my calories from maintenance to 200 calories more per day.

    Starting weight (wk 10): 251.8
    Wk 16: 259.8
    Wk 17: 254.2
  • Alexz210
    Alexz210 Posts: 78 Member
    ...and the growth spurt continues.I had my monthly checkup this week, and my doctor didn't seem at all concerned with my weight jump. Excited to be growing for good reasons! :)

    HEIGHT: 5'4"
    SW: 139
    11 Weeks: 137 -2.0
    13 Weeks: 137.6 -1.4
    15 Weeks: 137 -2.0
    17 Weeks: 138 -1.0
    19 Weeks: 139.6 +0.6
    20 Weeks: 141.6 +2.6
    22 Weeks: 144.6 +5.6
    23 Weeks : 145.7 +6.7 TOTAL
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 163.8
    Weeks 1-8: Continued to lose
    Weeks 8 - 19: 159.8
    20 weeks: 162.2
    22 weeks: 164.6
    Net gain = +1

    Goal: Just stay under 200!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I feel a bit better knowing some of you lost weight during the pregnancy. I guess I'm having first time mommy issues. I cut out gluten since sunday and I went down 5lbs and haven't needed to 'go' in the middle of the night. Flipped me out at first bc I thought something was wrong, but I'm starting to think maybe losing that bloat has helped ease the pressure on my bladder? I even ate horrible (HORRIBLE) yesterday and I still went down! Upped my calories from maintenance to 200 calories more per day.
    I lost weight until about week 19 of my pregnancy. Like you I was over 200lbs to start with. After then I put back on everything I'd lost by the time I got to about 35 weeks, but it is mostly baby weight rather than fat this time. I will finish this pregnancy only about 5lbs heavier than I started out, so am hoping after delivery I'll be about 5lbs lighter than I was at 4 weeks. I ate at maintenance throughout this pregnancy, eating more when I felt I needed it and I mostly ate back my exercise calories too. I put my weight loss down to exercise and refusing to slow down much this whole pregnancy. I walk a few miles everyday and swim when I can, it doesn't have to be all running and workouts.
    You're also at the stage where baby 'pops' out of the pelvis and off your bladder and you'll find you have a bigger baby bump :) Not needing to get up in the middle of the night doesn't last long though so enjoy a full nights sleep while you can get it! Good luck!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Wow so I posted that I weighed 119.4 a few days ago and I all of the sudden jumped up to 122! What the hell happened? Is this water weight because I'm totally freaking out right now. That's almost 3 pounds in about 3 days
    Don't freak out! It could definitely be water weight or maybe a backlog of food in your system. It's normal to fluctuate by up to 5lbs up and down without really gaining weight. Another reason to only weigh on the same day each week and not worry about what the scales say too much. You really have very little control over weight gain during pregnancy anyway and we can only do our best.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I feel a bit better knowing some of you lost weight during the pregnancy. I guess I'm having first time mommy issues. I cut out gluten since sunday and I went down 5lbs and haven't needed to 'go' in the middle of the night. Flipped me out at first bc I thought something was wrong, but I'm starting to think maybe losing that bloat has helped ease the pressure on my bladder? I even ate horrible (HORRIBLE) yesterday and I still went down! Upped my calories from maintenance to 200 calories more per day.
    I lost weight until about week 19 of my pregnancy. Like you I was over 200lbs to start with. After then I put back on everything I'd lost by the time I got to about 35 weeks, but it is mostly baby weight rather than fat this time. I will finish this pregnancy only about 5lbs heavier than I started out, so am hoping after delivery I'll be about 5lbs lighter than I was at 4 weeks. I ate at maintenance throughout this pregnancy, eating more when I felt I needed it and I mostly ate back my exercise calories too. I put my weight loss down to exercise and refusing to slow down much this whole pregnancy. I walk a few miles everyday and swim when I can, it doesn't have to be all running and workouts.
    You're also at the stage where baby 'pops' out of the pelvis and off your bladder and you'll find you have a bigger baby bump :) Not needing to get up in the middle of the night doesn't last long though so enjoy a full nights sleep while you can get it! Good luck!

    With my first pregnancy I had gained 11lbs by week 26 and then I found out I GD. I started following the diet about week 30 and lost 9lbs over the next 3 weeks. At delivery I was 1lb up from pre-pregnancy weight and after delivery I was down 15. I was overweight to begin with so my doctor wasn't really concerned. Right now I am just eating what I can to make the naseau go away (mostly carbs), but I've lost a little so once I feel better and I can start running again and eating normal I hope to keep the gain to a minimum. Best of luck. There is only so much you can control and everyone seems to be doing really well so far!!!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    Total: (-2.2)

    Still feeling pretty yucky. My grandma passed away last week and we had some really long days/nights. I have no energy to do anything and carbs and carbonated beverages are really the only thing that seems to help settle my stomach a little. It only lasts for a few minutes, but I guess it's better than nothing. Hoping this phase passes soon. I had the naseau all day last pregnancy from weeks 6-16. :( I couldn't imagine having it the whole time (I totally feel for the ones that do)!!!
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    I feel a bit better knowing some of you lost weight during the pregnancy. I guess I'm having first time mommy issues. I cut out gluten since sunday and I went down 5lbs and haven't needed to 'go' in the middle of the night. Flipped me out at first bc I thought something was wrong, but I'm starting to think maybe losing that bloat has helped ease the pressure on my bladder? I even ate horrible (HORRIBLE) yesterday and I still went down! Upped my calories from maintenance to 200 calories more per day.
    I lost weight until about week 19 of my pregnancy. Like you I was over 200lbs to start with. After then I put back on everything I'd lost by the time I got to about 35 weeks, but it is mostly baby weight rather than fat this time. I will finish this pregnancy only about 5lbs heavier than I started out, so am hoping after delivery I'll be about 5lbs lighter than I was at 4 weeks. I ate at maintenance throughout this pregnancy, eating more when I felt I needed it and I mostly ate back my exercise calories too. I put my weight loss down to exercise and refusing to slow down much this whole pregnancy. I walk a few miles everyday and swim when I can, it doesn't have to be all running and workouts.
    You're also at the stage where baby 'pops' out of the pelvis and off your bladder and you'll find you have a bigger baby bump :) Not needing to get up in the middle of the night doesn't last long though so enjoy a full nights sleep while you can get it! Good luck!

    Thank you and Good luck to you as well! I feel much better after knowing that now. :smile:
  • nan199678
    nan199678 Posts: 140
    Went to my midwife today & am up 7 pounds in 2 weeks! She's not worried because I had only gained 5 before that & I'm almost 35 weeks. It's a huge hit for me tho. So I'm up 12 pounds total right before turning 35 weeks.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    5'5", baby #5, ideal weight gain 3.2-6.4kg (7-14lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    5 wks: 90.8 kg
    5+4 wks: 90.2 kg
    7 wks: 90.4 kg
    9+5 wks: 90.1 kg
    11 wks: 89.5 kg
    11+5 wks: 89.1 kg
    12+5 wks: 89.3 kg
    13+2 wks: 88.9 kg
    14 wks: 88.2 kg
    14+5 wks: 88.0 kg
    15+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    16+6 wks: 87.6 kg
    17+5 wks: 88.6 kg
    18+5 wks: 87.2 kg
    19+5 wks: 87.2 kg (192.2lbs)
    20+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    21+5 wks: 87.4 kg
    22+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    23+5 wks: 88.1 kg
    24+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    25+5 wks: 89.4 kg (Waist: 110cm)
    26+5 wks: 89.7 kg
    27+5 wks: 89.5 kg
    28+5 wks: 90.0 kg
    29+5 wks: 90.4 kg
    30+5 wks: 91.2 kg (Waist 116cm)
    31+5 wks: 91.8 kg
    32+5 wks: 91.1 kg
    33+5 wks: 92.1 kg
    34+5 wks: 92.0 kg
    35+5 wks: 92.6 kg (204.1lbs)
    36+5 wks: 91.5 kg
    37+5 wks: 92.1 kg (Waist 118.5cm)
    38+5 wks: 92.5 kg

    Overall +2.4kg/5.3lbs
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Went to my midwife today & am up 7 pounds in 2 weeks! She's not worried because I had only gained 5 before that & I'm almost 35 weeks. It's a huge hit for me tho. So I'm up 12 pounds total right before turning 35 weeks.
    At this point you're probably starting to retain water, even if you're not noticing it yet and baby is starting to lay down fat stores, so I wouldn't worry.