brendacella Member


  • What about setting a size goal vs a weight goal? Depending if you are wt. lifting and building more muscle - a person can weigh more but actually be small in size and that is because the body is toned. Just an idea. Good Luck
  • I do 1/2 C frozen unsweetened strawberries 1/2 C vanilla yogurt ( you can substitute other flavors such as strawberry if desired) 1/2 C OJ Blend - makes about 2 cups of smoothie - I have cut it all down to 1/3 C each -if you need additional sweetner 1 tsp Splenda works well.
  • Totally agree with C25K. Great program!!! I did it last year and did 2 5K's - my first I walked/ran b/c I had surgery a few months before and the second ran the whole time. I also found that sometimes I had to do a week 2 times just to get adjusted - starting about wk 6 it took me a little more time. Good Luck!!!
  • Hey All, I have been on a wt loss journey for 4 years now - I have lost 85lbs since 2009. But I can't seem to get motivated to lose the last 60-70 lbs. So a dear lady I know - did MFP - so I thought I would give it a whirl. I already log calories in a book but thought maybe I could do more with this. Thanks all in advance…