What your favorite smoothie recipe?!



  • All these recipes sound great! I highly advise freezing your bananas makes em thick and creamy and super cold without adding ice. And I just started adding spinach and was shocked at how you couldn't taste it at all. My new favorite add in!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    I like my homemade Raspberry and Strawberry smoothie! its delicious! I always make it when i have the ingredients and the time lol.

    - handfull of raspberries
    - handfull of strawberries
    - half a banana
    - natural bio yoghurt (the strawberry one)
    - splash of milk

    1 - place raspberries, strawberries and half banana into the smoothie maker (cut the banana into small pieces)
    2 - add the strawberry natural bio yoghurt and splash of milk
    3 - whack on your smootie maker for a minute or soo

    and taa daaaaa, you have your own smoothie! and its soooo delicious! :flowerforyou:
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    I'm addicted to what I call the green smoothie! It's a handful of baby spinach. About 5-6 frozen whole strawberries. 4 stevia packets. 1/2 cup frozen pineapple. 1 banana. Add some ice and water. Yum! About 185 calories per serving.
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    Great Suggestions!

    This morning I'm going to make one with a cup of mixed berries, greek yogurt, cranberry juice and ice. Yum! :)
  • jasonnjamer
    jasonnjamer Posts: 65 Member
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I've been looking for smoothie ideas also. Thanks posters! :bigsmile:
  • joysu
    joysu Posts: 71
    bump thanks
  • hkmamma
    hkmamma Posts: 70
    Protein "ice cream"

    1 scoop protein powder (low carb )
    8gms of sugerfree/ fatfree instant pudding (about 1/4 of pkg) any flavor
    3-4 ice cubes
    4oz. milk
    mix in small blender (magic bullet)

    if too thick add a little water
  • hkmamma
    hkmamma Posts: 70
    forgot, only 200 calories! 23 gms protein
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    Oooh, yummy, lots of good ideas!
    I've seen some variations of my fave, but it's: banana, 1 cup of frozen fruit (I like to do a combo of either peaches & mango or blueberries & strawberries), a couple of handfuls of spinach and a little water to blend. Can also add ice to make it super cold, but the frozen fruit makes it cold enough for me.
  • Calories=680

    1 cup frozen strawberries-Kirkland
    1/2 cup frozen bannana-Dole
    1/4 cup frozend blueberries-Great Value
    4 TBSP Fage Greek Yogurt
    1 TBSP all natural Peanut Butter-Kirkland
    1/4 cup 100% whole grain oats-Great Value
    1 scoop of vanilla protein-I use Nitro Peak by Inner Armour
    milk for desired consistency
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I've been craving a smoothie lately!
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
  • opaulk
    opaulk Posts: 3 Member
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    My favorite, pineapple/peach/orange:

    1/2C frozen pineapple chunks
    1/2C frozen peach slices
    1/2C orange juice
    1/4C greek yogurt
    2T brown sugar
    Total: 269 calories, 64 carbs, 8g protein, 31 sodium, 0 fat, 56 sugar.

    These are approximate amounts used to calculate it, but I usually just eyeball it. I prefer to use vanilla yogurt for better flavor. Sometimes I add some nutritional suppliments as well. Brown sugar added to taste, mostly to cover up suppliments. Very creamy and delicious! (Note: I never add ice to smoothies. Ick.)

    Edit: If you leave out the brown sugar, it's only 165 calories and 29 sugar.
  • hello_kitty3
    hello_kitty3 Posts: 98 Member
    my favorite one is strawberries, blueberries, a little water just to make the blender happy, 1 tbsp of chocolate syrup, and 1 tbsp chia seeds.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    bumping this delicious thread for later.....
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    1 cup frozen fruit (I usually buy Dole Tropical blend, but I've used others as well)
    1/2 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt
    1/2 cup milk (I use 1%, but use whatever you normally have on hand)
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use Muscle Milk Light Vanilla Creme)
  • ohrebecca
    ohrebecca Posts: 25 Member
    Yesterday I made one with a banana, scoop of whey, tbsp of apple butter, 1/2 tbsp honey. Today it's a banana, an avocado, 1/2 tbsp honey, and whey. I'm gonna have to try some of the recipes you guys posted, though!
  • brendacella
    brendacella Posts: 6 Member
    I do 1/2 C frozen unsweetened strawberries
    1/2 C vanilla yogurt ( you can substitute other flavors such as strawberry if desired)
    1/2 C OJ
    Blend - makes about 2 cups of smoothie - I have cut it all down to 1/3 C each -if you need additional sweetner 1 tsp Splenda works well.