Too thin???



  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    I know what you mean, honestly I think it's probably shocking or unusual for them to see you now. Sometimes, things are said out of jealousy.

    I bet you look beautiful, that's a healthy weight for someone your height and you should feel proud of yourself for getting there!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Wasn't sure where to put this post, so correct me if I'm wrong...

    ...and may even follow up with a picture later, but I was shown a picture of me when I was weighing 135lbs and I was instantly told by people who have only known me while I've been very heavy that I look too thin and sick.

    Ok, in the picture, I don't look very happy because of my horrible marriage at the time, but to be told that at the upper part of my healthy BMI I looked too thin and sick...what am I supposed to do now when I am trying to get back to that? I was also told by my doctor that 140 would be fine for me (in the lower part of overweight BMI for my height)...surely she's not supposed to be telling me to be in the overweight category??

    I am 5ft 2inches, but I wouldn't consider myself to be small boned...probably average.

    Anyone help?
    Forget what people say and get in the healthy range.
    Also, correlate weight with body fat which can be checked here for free.
    Body Fat

    Again, go with what's definitive - not what people say. Sometimes friends prefer us fat.
    Our progress reminds them of how little self-empowerment they all have.

    That's why I let go of my drinking and eating friends.
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Just saw your pic, you look fantastic!! I say ignore the naysayers!! Way to go!
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I don't think you look sickly or 'too thin', you look fine! I'm 5"2 and weigh 92.5 pounds and people still tell me I look like I have curves and a fair bit of meat on me. So I guess it depends on your bone structure and how/where you wear your weight. Unlike me, you actually have boobs which means you can probably get away with being heavier and being better proportioned X).

    I'd be happy with your body! Be at the weight which you feel comfortable more than anything else.
  • Katie5961
    Katie5961 Posts: 48 Member
    I think you look perfectly healthy in that picture! I'm also 5'2" and about 130. But 130 for me on the way up to 165 and coming back down from is immeasureable! I'm so much more fit because of how much muscle I've built up. Now if I went to 115 I WOULD look sickly. I'm near the upper range of what's a healthy weight for me but my body fat percentage is into the athletic category.

    When figuring your goal weight you also should factor in muscle, which BMI fails (miserably!) to account for. The important thing is how YOU feel. Just remember to consider body fat percentage and inches rather than weight. Pounds are deceiving!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Being obsessed with the numbers is one thing that kills us. Being thin often times is not healthy, though we are told if we are not thin then we must be akin to slovenly beasts who aren't really human. Granted being fat is not healthy either, but a few lbs over your "ideal weight" number isn't a horrible thing.

    The upper level of my ideal weight is 195 lbs. At 195 lbs you can see my ribs and my pelvis protrudes. To me that is too thin, so I shoot for 205 lbs. At 205 lbs I look normal (to myself) and have about 20% body fat or so, which to me is perfectly fine.
  • unrulygurl
    unrulygurl Posts: 103 Member
    You look fantastic! The others are right, find a place where YOU are comfortable. BMI is a guideline, before that Doctors used height & weight graphs. For diets we were told to eat from the 4 food groups, then it went to the pyramid, and now we have some weird plate graphic. It's no wonder why we are all screwed up.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I think you look very cute! Great picture. Listen to you heart. I am 5' 8" and weigh 119. I am told how good I look, except by people with weight problems:indifferent:
  • brendacella
    brendacella Posts: 6 Member
    What about setting a size goal vs a weight goal? Depending if you are wt. lifting and building more muscle - a person can weigh more but actually be small in size and that is because the body is toned. Just an idea. Good Luck
  • Turtle1104
    Turtle1104 Posts: 19 Member
    at my lowest weight, i've gained some back, i was told by my family that i was too thin. i was 5'4" at around 135. i've seen pictures of me now vs. then and i can see that i was definitely thinner but i wasn't sickly lookly in my opinion. i agree with someone else that posted about how your family is used to seeing you a little plumper so it's a change for them that will take a little getting used to. also, i've been told by my dietician that our body has sort of an lower equilibrium weight that it is comfortable at and unless you push your diet one way or the other, good or bad, that is likely where your body will settle out. not sure if this is true.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    you looked great in that picture I weigh 135( I am 5' 6 1/2") thanks to MFP helping me track my calories and my need to run . Do this for you sweetie , if you feel sick and unhealthy you can stop but as long as you always eat a balanced meal you should be fine.
  • I think you look great in the photo! Sometimes people do associate unhappiness with unhealthy weight loss. So if you were losing and going through some rough stuff at home they may be concerned you were too thin out of stress and whatnot. I hope you're happy, you look great!
  • charlotte66
    charlotte66 Posts: 248 Member
    you look great in that pic deffo not to thin

    when i was on the top end of the scale for my weight i was told i was "to thin" by my family members they said things likei was a stick etc but i was a size 12 still had some curves so no idea what they were seeing! now im in the overweight part of my bmi
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    You look great!! Very healthy. But if you are concerned it's best to ask your doctor. I'm 5'1" with a small frame and my doctor is okay with me between 106 and 110 which I've been maintaining for about 7-8 months now.
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I was thinking of posting a topic similar to this! I've recently been getting quite a few similar comments from friends and family :\
    I'm 5'6'' and went from 170 pounds to 149 pounds, and they're all accusing me of being anorexic! My friends are accusing me of not eating, and my mother is always asking me if I've eaten - something that she's never done before. I've always been a little bit bigger so I guess they're just not used to seeing me like this, but they're asking me to stop losing! I've still got like, 25 pounds to go!

    I think people just need to get used to it. They're used to seeing you a certain way, and when you change so dramatically they assume something is wrong. I think you look fantastic :)
  • i am you height and 140 is my goal. i would be happy theor 130 id be freaking pumped. you are wanting to be happy n healthy n thats whats important. the people that never knew that person jst cant imagine her, same with people say that knew you at 130. im sure they cant imagine u where u are.
    take it with a stride of determination to prove yourself you want a speific goal n u r willing to achieve your health.
  • Dont worry about the number on your scale, just lose to your health/comfortable level, and measure fat% rather than just weight. You look great in the photo, but by the end of this journey you may have more toned muscle and your bones become heavier as you age (not saying you're old..LOL) but for instance, I'm 37yrs old now, I've been overweight for 13 years, I cant expect to weigh the same as I did when I was 25yrs old. But I can expect to look like I weigh the same. :bigsmile:
  • only4me_lori
    only4me_lori Posts: 25 Member
    Just looked at your pic... you look great....not too skinny at all....
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I think you look good in that picture (and 135 for 5'2" is not too small). People tend to say that when they see a dramatic change. If they didn't know you when you were heavier, they probably wouldn't think that at all. Don't stress over insensitive comments from other people say. I hear "you're wasting away" comments frequently,(some from people at work that I don't even know very well) and I KNOW I can lose another 10 lbs and still not be too thin.

    Just smile at those people and ignore their comments. As long as you feel good and healthy, then you'll be fine!
  • LornaB23
    LornaB23 Posts: 7 Member
    I checked out the picture in the red top and you don't look too thin at all. You look like a healthy individual. Stop worrying about what other people think about you and worry about what YOU think.
    When I was in university age I weighed 115 lbs and made no effort with what I ate - I ate anything. But I exercised and obviously burned off my calories quickly. At 5'8" people (overweight people) used to try to make me feel bad about my weight.
    Now I'm 35 lbs heavier and still eat anything I want (ie too much) and exercise (but not as much) and now people tell me to lose weight. You can only lose weight for yourself and make yourself happy.