you definately shouldn't set it to sedentary, thats the same as being in bed all day!! im set to midly active which only multiplies your brm by 1.375 instead of 1.2 (if im not mistaken) I just make a point of doing as much little things i can during the day (standing at work) and parking a bit further from the shops to…
photos and measuring tape. I lost a very small amount in terms of "weight" but the photos were worth a thousand words/calories! Great motivational tool!
lol. thanx, i think? :P
Thanx for all the support. Will keep it up.. and keep cutting the hair at the same place. lol
also got a better haircut. lol
can anyone advice on how to add pics? figuring it out. will ad shortly
Thanx all for response. i have been hitting weights aswell as when i loose the weight i want the muscles to come through but bum shoulder making some things difficult
16.1 inches according to google
weight - 117kg height - 200 cm neck - 40cm. not sure what that is in inches
cape town, south africa!
I have the polar ft7 and i think its fantastic! the website sync is also really awesome and contains alot of useful info Also remember the ft7 comes with the chest strap and the pc sync pad
bump. help please
Just go and if you can afford it (and are really serious about it) get a heart rate monitor and use it to track your progress. controlling your heart rate and knowing the difference between fitness training and fat burning has really made a difference in me. I went from dying after a 5 minute bike ride to cycling 50…
Hi I started seeing massive results (cm wise) in about 3-4 weeks. just on my hips i've lost over 5cm's. In terms of weight nothing yet as alot of factors are coming into play like my 15 years of smoking (obviously quit now) slowing my metabolism way down. But keep with it and eating well is not enough. join up at a gym!!…
there is a diff between greek and bulgarian yoghurt?
lol. I think this might be a good idea before the two week weigh in i suppose
Thank you so much. this is what i was looking for. actual doable things i can eat. some combinations are just pricey and ridiculous. will give this one a shot oh and i've seen the spinach this crop up alot. i do eat veggies (including spinach) so i dont think i need to trick myself. lol
or do you mean just keep changing fruits?
i must say i tried the below and felt very full and satiated 300 ml skim milk 40 gram muesli 1 tsp honey 80 gram bulgarian yoghurt 5 strawberrys and half a carrot. Was a bit bland so was thinking of adding another spoon of honey and taking it down to 30 gram of muesli. If i may ask why avoid strawberrys?
dude thank you for trying to help but i honestly have no idea what you are saying.. what info can i give you if you dont mind helping me?
surely something that is indegestible cant be good for you? thats like eating sand because it wont make you fat.
Have made some drastic changes today with a shake and some "normal foods" thrown in if anyone would be so kind as to look and give feedback. think its a drastic improvement from yesterday.
a few people have pointed out meal replacements are not sustainable and good habit forming so i thought this might be better/easier/healthier so any advise would be appreciated.
and trust me, my lifestyle has changed from 2 months ago. DRASTICALLY!!! I was a 2 pack a day smoker, 10-15 cups of coffee with 6 sugars in each. Never ate anything healthy and would eat once a day at night and i didnt care what it was and then i would binge again just before midnight (usually six slices of bread with…
I know its not a realistic end game but at the moment ill take all the help i can get. I want to replace them with actual meals but thats why i joined the site, i dont know what to replace them with! Also in regards with the fibre, thats what the site defaulted it to when i entered my info?
Wow. This seems to be quite the hot topic!! Thanx for all the info. I have figured out why you couldnt see my diet but it is now definately open to everyone to see. Honestly the diet i am using at the moment is working for me. I can see a difference. If you saw a pic of me a month ago you would see the huge gut that is now…
are protein shakes and meal replacement shakes not the same thing? as i substitute two meals a days with meal replacement shakes
this greek yoghurt seems to come up quite a bit. will investigate tomorrow!!