Thanks ladies keep it coming. What can you say about tofu. I want something that will spoil easily but will still taste yummy
The most is a cheek tint. I love body shop. It gets more natural after a workout. Like blushing. :) or just flushed.
There are a lot of routines you can check. The most you need are a medicine ball and dumbells. Thats much about it. Uhm and a yoga mat maybe If you dont like weights you can try sophie botellas. Honestly since some workout are too intense for me i modify them a bit by removing the weights. Good luck
^^ more than 30d? Wow!!! Ill definetely will try this out
Thanks for this recommendations. Ill certainly look for those. My billy blanks dvd might be tired by now
^i so much agree. Dont forget to download the bonus workout for february. I have to be honest that this is so damn intense. You can carry it around everywhere. You dont need a player. Simply just your iphone/ ipad. It looks easy but it aint. Even the beginner version can really rip you off. I like that it has reward…
I have this free app from itunes. I find it more reliable than fallowing the log Data in myfitnesspal app. I like it cause it shows me a graph which part of the run i slow down.
^ really its high impact? I am thingking of logging it instead between the intermediate level. I guess i based the high impact as jillian michaela videos. Zumba is too fun to be high impact. I might be enjoying it too much
I must say its quite normal for some especially if you are not so used with that activity. I get this whenever im so flushed. I could really feel that vasodilation in my skin. A way of your skin to loose that excess heat.
I guess that will depend on your personality. I realized that the only equipment im fond of the gym is the threadmill. I prefer working out on my on because i wouldnt mind looking stupid. What i found out though is that not all workout videos are the same. You have to find that video that will not bore you. So far jillians…
^ thanks i wish i can order that in the internet. Is there a program like the calorie in and burn iphone app? Its pretty hard to keep track by looking at the boxes. I am Loving my iphone app. I wish they can include salt as well Like how many salt can you tolerate in a day? I love kimchi but i realized that its a very…
^ thanks can you give me an idea regarding the spices?
Ive heard of carbonated water. I havent tried it though
Thanks everyone. I guess youre all right. Smoking should be my priority. I felt sad after finishing my diary today. Im not obese. Im not even overweight. My BMI is. 23-24. Im getting close to being overweight and i dont like it. Im used to being petite. After hitting 30, metabolism just really started to slow down. You…
Thanks for your feedbacks. Someone suggested cohen... Is it effective ?
Thank you ladies :) Just how many can you do at the same time? Ive noticed that i can do 2-3. Other than that i dont think i can function anymore. I admire those who can get away than 3.
The only time i can think of is right after getting out of bed and before hitting the shower. I just finished my residency. I used to wake up 4-5 in the morning so i can be inside the operating room by 6am. Im lucky if cases can end before 6pm. (Unlucky if even pass 12am) but then again i have to do rounds. The rest of my…
Im 5 flat. Thats the average height for filipinos. I miss My petite figure. I want to be 43-45 kilos
^ how about if i only have 10-15 mins to spare in a day
Theres this very cold can of regular coke iny fridge right now... Its calling me! I hate it. Who place this thing here :(
Hi there! Would love to be your friends :) No doubt you can get that weight. So whats your game plan? Lol
Sex? :) no dont hate me for saying it. Some says that its a good calorie burner. I have browsed that book. I think its because they savor their meal. They take their time to enjoy every bite. They dont just gulp They chew it well. Wine drinking i guess helps too
Im glad you posted this. Do you still put sugar in your smoothies? I just finished unlocking then60 min workout in the nike training club. They gave me 5 smoothie recipes as reward
I have this envy videos. I am just starting. Nwa i just joined your group
^^ i am actually deciding which picture is more inspirational. The good look i had in high school Or my horrible drivers liscence. Somehow that doublle chin in the picture Is kind of a slap in my face!
Is this a workout video?
Im using this tape measure for now. Ill weight in again probaby next week. I dont want to weight myself everyday. I want to see as much result as i can
After my birthday, i had all my liscence renewed. It was a great shock To me becuase none of those pictures look like me. I have gained the pounds over the years i guess without me noticing it. Please count me in. Right now, i really need all the encouragement to avoid my cravings.
I had the same question. Puzzling :)