petithamu Member


  • Thanks for the information. This is exactly what I wanted to know before I just dive into this profession. I will definitely look into the forums and see what people say. I think for me, I'd really like to lead group exercises, not so much 1 to 1s. I also know that I probably won't be making much money but I still have a…
  • Hi Dan, Thanks for responding! Are there any particular forums you'd recommend? I agree with you, I do want to do more research before I just shell out some cash and devote my time to it. This has been something on my mind for the last 10 years and I just thought maybe now would be a good time to start... Are you a trainer…
  • I've been pretty happy with it so far but that's cuz I'm quite short on time and Insanity was a big commitment. Can't really find an excuse not to do T25 when it's only 25 minutes and I do get a pretty good workout. Haven't done Asylum, that looks way scary!
  • Insanity or Focus T25. Pure Cardio from Insanity is probably one of the most craziest cardio set I've ever done...
  • @ No jokes. A chinese couple named their son @. Not even 'at', just @.
  • I'm 5'2 and currently 129lbs and when I started Insanity I was 147. Mine never went anywhere near 1000kcal and I was working my butt off (anywhere between 87 - 93%). At most during the Max workouts including cardio abs, I'd burn just under 600kcal. Now doing Round 2 and since I've lost the weight, I'm barely hitting over…
  • I think you'll find your 'goal' changes as you continue this journey. At first I was logging everything, every bite, every crumb and counted ever single exercise calorie. Yes, it drove me nuts...but then my body started to change and I started to focus on the exercise program I was on at the time instead of putting al the…
  • I like this topic because I'm no 'clean' eater either. My mom was a chef and food is something to be enjoyed and not to be broken down and analyzed to bits! I've lost 31lbs since January and this is through lot of intense workouts and portion control. The first month I tried to eat lean and clean but I just couldn't…
  • Yes. First time after I completed 30DS. And after I completed Insanity. Both times I sat on the floor in my own sweat bawling like a child. I was so proud of myself of completing both programs...I thought the crying was normal and for me...totally necessary... Maybe I'm a sissy...a sissy who's done Insanity and who's doing…
  • That's what I do they make their own rules? Or is there like a guideline and monitored by Beachbody? I assumed this is like a franchise but BB keeps a close tab on brand image and such?
  • Bumping this cuz I really want to know...surely there are loads of BB coaches on this!
  • fried chicken...
  • Can I disagree with the 'food is fuel' mindset comment? I love food, my grandmother was a chef, my mom was a chef and my uncle is still a chef. There is no way I will ever consider food as just fuel because to me, food is suppose to be tasty. Having said that, I think moderation is key. I refuse to deprive myself of…
  • The only way to accurately calculate calories burnt is to wear a heart rate depends so much on your size... I'm 5'2 and when I did Shred the first time, I was 159lbs. I burned between 200 - 280kcal per workout. By the end of 30DS, I had lost 11lbs and I was only burning about 220kcal per workout. Careful not…
  • Very honest post which is nice to see on MFP in the midst of all the 'do you think the person above is hot...' posts.... Dan, the fact you recognize there is a problem is the biggest step you can take. Now you just need to make small goals. Baby steps...definitely baby steps. Make small achievable plans and not big grand…
  • Hi, I only lost a total of 11lbs doing Insanity but my body looks like I lost 20. My clothes fit great and the scale really doesn't represent the changes! Measure yourself and take photos!
  • I started Day 1 yesterday and it was only a 15 minutes intro. I laughed all the way through because it was both cheesy and fun. I'd just finished Insanity so this is a nice break. Doing Day 2 tonight...and I'm really looking forward to it. Haha
  • Just finished yesterday! First round of Insanity. Background: 33, started at 147lbs, 5'2 and a mom of a 1 year old! You can see the result blog here: Good luck to future Insaniacs!!
  • I'm Asian and I've just finished Insanity today. Yep, I started getting bumps between my thighs and underneath my arm pits (ew, I know...) and they got really itchy and it almost burned when I worked out. I agree with the above, I believe it's me sweating out the bad stuff. I am prone to eczema so I made sure after I…
  • I'm 5'2 and I started at 159lbs and I currently weigh in at 137lbs. According to my TDEE my calorie intake is also around 1700 but I'm averaging daily between 1550 - 1700. Remember, you don't 'need' to eat 1700 every single day. There are days I eat 1500 and days I eat 1800 but a weekly average is the key. I treat myself…
  • Have you done JM's Slim in 30 program? It combines three of her DVDs, 30DS, No More Trouble Zone and Boost Metabolism Banish Fat or something like's a 30 day program and it rotates with the three DVDs so you do just pure cardio on one day, pure strength training on one and a combo (30DS) on one. I have the…
  • Agree. JM was the best thing for me when I was overweight and hadn't work out in years. It got me ready for Insanity so not dogging JM at all cuz her programs did start me on my journey. But like the above poster said, if you want to get fit and in shape, I think BB programs are great challenges!
  • I've done a few JM workouts (not the Body Revolution though) and I did get some good results. And like you, I thought I'd prefer programs incorporated weights because it just feels like I am working out when I'm lifting something. Then I started Insanity. Insanity is the only workout from BeachBody I've ever tried and I've…
  • I have two weeks left of Insanity and so far I've lost just under 10 lbs but I look like I've lost 20. I've lost 10.75 inches over all with the most on my waist, 3 inches off. My whole body shape has changed and my husband says he's never felt my body this toned before. I also got back into my pre-pregnancy jeans with a 28…
  • Hi, is this thread still going? I also can't find the Petite but Sweet it named something else? I'm 5'2, barely...and I have an 11 months old. I gained 44lbs when I got pregnant, got me up to 184lbs. After I gave birth, I was stuck at 159 and I started working out 5 months post partum. To date, I've lost 22lbs…
  • I don't have 'a box', I have two full suitcases of it! I packed away my maternity clothes 6 months ago and am just slowly getting back into my pre-pregnancy feels very good to be able to wear jeans again!
  • Is it served on white rice? I'm trying to remember it has rice or not... Chirashi can be surprisingly calorific...I love Chirashi myself but with the sauce and the rice...I know it can get up to 800+kcal in a bowl!
  • This wins hands down. Oh gave me a good laugh this morning...
  • Hey, My family owns a Japanese restaurant so I'm used to do a lot of Japanese cooking. Cooking with Dog is great. The instructions are clear and easy to follow and you can easily replicate her recipes. Books with Harumi Kurihara is also easy to follow. Here are some key ingredients you should always have at home if you…