What to do after my 90 day DVD based program ends?

JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
I asked a similar question on here before a few weeks ago but I am still really undecided about what to do next. I am currently doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and am now over the halfway point (just starting week 7) so I want to look ahead in order to stay motivated.

I like DVD based programs because I find I stick with them more if I have 'someone' to motivate me (ie. the trainer and class) but I've seen so many programs I could do and am really not sure what's best. I really want to focus on getting the best results possible in terms of fat loss and looking great as I want to look fit, not just slim. I've got a long way to go at 143 lbs and 30+% body fat but I am looking to get down to around 19-20% body fat ideally by the summer, although I'm not sure if this is possible. So far with what I've been doing I've really enjoyed it and have definitely felt fitter/stronger but haven't had the results I want yet, although I don't expect that to happen after just 6 and a half weeks of training.

When I am finished JM it will be mid-April so ideally I want something I can do for 6-8 weeks initially as it gets unbearably hot where I am from end-May onwards so after that I may start swimming for cardio and do weights 3 times a week.

I have been looking at some of the Beachbody programs and like the look of Les Mills combat but I don't want to give up my weight training so was wondering if I could do something alongside it or if someone else would recommend a good combination of programmes I can do for up to 1 hour 30 minutes maximum per day in total that incorporate cardio and weights? Normally I don't have that much time to spare together so each workout has to really be 45 minutes or less if possible and there may be some days when I can only do 45 minutes and I won't have the time to train any more than that. I have all the equipment I need at home ie. weights of various sizes (dumbbells and barbells plus kettle bells) resistence bands, a mat, enough space in my home gym, a multigym machine, power plate etc.

I would consider doing a cardio programme like Insanity or Turbo fire or Les Mills Combat but if so I'd prefer to combine it with some weight training somehow. Is there a good weights programme for around 30-40 minutes per day which gets results for women? If so I'd be prepared to do that without using a DVD no more than 3 times per week but I'd need to know exact size weights I should be using, which exercises I should be doing, the number of reps/sets. Is it a good idea to do this alongside a DVD based cardio programme on the days I'm not doing weights?

I've got some weight training books at home like 'The Body Sculpting Bible for Women' and Matt Roberts 'Fit for your Shape' plus my boyfriend has some other books like 'The body you want in the time you have'.

The problem I've always had in the past with training is that half the time I feel like I'm messing around at home without really achieving anything as I am not a member of a gym and don't have a personal trainer and I therefore have no real guidance. I have either lost motivation, got an injury or feel that I'm not getting anywhere and then give up. Maybe it's to do with the size weights I'm using, I don't want to overdo it but on the other hand I want to make sure the lifting I do is actually achieving something.



  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Bump! There must be someone out there who can give me some advice?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
  • I don't know much about DVD programs since I just do weightlifting and cardio, but my suggestion was since you have the home gym and you want to keep weightlifting why not get into something similar to Stronglifts 5x5? It's good for building strength and since you start light and add weight every gym day it's a cool feeling of lifting more than last time which really helps the motivation until it just becomes routine. Yes, this works for men and women, and I think there's a woman's fitness group somewhere on here that talks about it.

    I'm also not sure what you do for cardio, but if you were looking for something new or wanted to get into distance running, Couch to 5k is a good program. http://www.c25k.com/
    Otherwise anything that gets your heart rate up works (swimming, running, jumping rope, etc.)

    Hope this helps!
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    I asked a similar question on here before a few weeks ago but I am still really undecided about what to do next. I am currently doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and am now over the halfway point (just starting week 7) so I want to look ahead in order to stay motivated.

    I like DVD based programs because I find I stick with them more if I have 'someone' to motivate me (ie. the trainer and class) but I've seen so many programs I could do and am really not sure what's best. I really want to focus on getting the best results possible in terms of fat loss and looking great as I want to look fit, not just slim. I've got a long way to go at 143 lbs and 30+% body fat but I am looking to get down to around 19-20% body fat ideally by the summer, although I'm not sure if this is possible. So far with what I've been doing I've really enjoyed it and have definitely felt fitter/stronger but haven't had the results I want yet, although I don't expect that to happen after just 6 and a half weeks of training.

    When I am finished JM it will be mid-April so ideally I want something I can do for 6-8 weeks initially as it gets unbearably hot where I am from end-May onwards so after that I may start swimming for cardio and do weights 3 times a week.

    I have been looking at some of the Beachbody programs and like the look of Les Mills combat but I don't want to give up my weight training so was wondering if I could do something alongside it or if someone else would recommend a good combination of programmes I can do for up to 1 hour 30 minutes maximum per day in total that incorporate cardio and weights? Normally I don't have that much time to spare together so each workout has to really be 45 minutes or less if possible and there may be some days when I can only do 45 minutes and I won't have the time to train any more than that. I have all the equipment I need at home ie. weights of various sizes (dumbbells and barbells plus kettle bells) resistence bands, a mat, enough space in my home gym, a multigym machine, power plate etc.

    I would consider doing a cardio programme like Insanity or Turbo fire or Les Mills Combat but if so I'd prefer to combine it with some weight training somehow. Is there a good weights programme for around 30-40 minutes per day which gets results for women? If so I'd be prepared to do that without using a DVD no more than 3 times per week but I'd need to know exact size weights I should be using, which exercises I should be doing, the number of reps/sets. Is it a good idea to do this alongside a DVD based cardio programme on the days I'm not doing weights?

    I've got some weight training books at home like 'The Body Sculpting Bible for Women' and Matt Roberts 'Fit for your Shape' plus my boyfriend has some other books like 'The body you want in the time you have'.

    The problem I've always had in the past with training is that half the time I feel like I'm messing around at home without really achieving anything as I am not a member of a gym and don't have a personal trainer and I therefore have no real guidance. I have either lost motivation, got an injury or feel that I'm not getting anywhere and then give up. Maybe it's to do with the size weights I'm using, I don't want to overdo it but on the other hand I want to make sure the lifting I do is actually achieving something.


    I think the Beachbody program Chalene Extreme (she is the same instructor for Turbo Fire) incorporates weights.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Yes, Chalean Extreme is something I've thought about but is it as effective as weight training in the gym plus a cardio based DVD workout like Les Mills Combat or Insanity/Turbo Fire?
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I love Chalean Extreme and do a hybrid program by adding Turbo Fire cardio and yoga to it. I find Chalene's instruction to be really helpful and motivating. I got into CLX through a bonus workout on one of my Turbo Fire DVDs. If you have the Turbo Fire set you should check out CLX Burn Circuit 1 and see if you like it.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    You can add a couple of strength training circuits from Revolution to your program.
  • Buhbee
    Buhbee Posts: 108 Member
    Thats so ironic because I was wondering the exact same thing yesterday. Turbo Fire is a great program, haven't done Chalene Extreme yet so let me know how it goes! :smile:
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I've done a few JM workouts (not the Body Revolution though) and I did get some good results. And like you, I thought I'd prefer programs incorporated weights because it just feels like I am working out when I'm lifting something. Then I started Insanity.

    Insanity is the only workout from BeachBody I've ever tried and I've got less than 2 weeks left on it. I'm being totally honest, I have gotten better results from Insanity in 45 days than any of the JM workouts I've ever done, combined. My body looks like I lift weight when all we do is a lot of push ups. I look like I've lost way more weight than the scale says and I've lost 10.75 inches from head to toe.

    If you have the determination and the heart for it, Insanity is by far the best I've done so far. It's even really slimmed down my post-pregnancy lower pooch!

    I didn't follow the nutrition guide to the T but I eat around 1600kcal a day and try to eat as clean as possible. Give it a try if you want the challenge because it is definitely challenging.

    Good luck to whatever you choose!
  • deanabailey
    deanabailey Posts: 124 Member
    I personally LOVE Chalean Extreme. I am on my last week of her 90 day program and have had AMAZING results in leaning out and building muscle. I never would have dreamed of the results I have from doing her program. It's a balance of cardio and strength training with an easy schedule to follow.
    I was just thinking the same thing on what to do next.
    I chose to do a hybrid of Chalene's Turbo Fire and P90x.
    Good luck on your journey!!
  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    So far insanity is giving me great results, but it is an insane workout! A lot of the Beach Body programs are good, I don't think you could go wrong with any of them.
  • I am NOT A COACH! Nor do I ever want to be one. But, I am a regular person who works out in their basement and has tried almost every DVD program out there and Beachbody is the best. I say this because they seem to push you harder than your normal workouts, there is more variety daily with constant changes in the schedule, very motivating trainers. My favorites are Turbo Fire and P90X. I do a hybrid of both so I never get bored and it give me a great mix between lifting weights and fun hardcore cardio. What I love about P90X is once you have listened to Tony a few times and understand the moves you can choose to put the DVD's on silent with Cue's only. Then you can Jam and work out to your own music and Tony only talks to give you a cue to move to the next move. I need all of this above. I have hypo thyroid problem so working out 20 minutes a day with Jillian is just not going to be enough for me. I need 45 minutes to an hour or more.

    Good Luck! :)
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    I've done a few JM workouts (not the Body Revolution though) and I did get some good results. And like you, I thought I'd prefer programs incorporated weights because it just feels like I am working out when I'm lifting something. Then I started Insanity.

    Insanity is the only workout from BeachBody I've ever tried and I've got less than 2 weeks left on it. I'm being totally honest, I have gotten better results from Insanity in 45 days than any of the JM workouts I've ever done, combined. My body looks like I lift weight when all we do is a lot of push ups. I look like I've lost way more weight than the scale says and I've lost 10.75 inches from head to toe.

    If you have the determination and the heart for it, Insanity is by far the best I've done so far. It's even really slimmed down my post-pregnancy lower pooch!

    I didn't follow the nutrition guide to the T but I eat around 1600kcal a day and try to eat as clean as possible. Give it a try if you want the challenge because it is definitely challenging.

    Good luck to whatever you choose!

    I don't have any personal experience with Jillian though I do with beachbody. I've heard numerous people tell me that the Jillian dvd's are great, but once they try Insanity or P90X for example they are blown away with how much harder these workouts are. I would say crossfit is probably the most extreme workout regimen you could do, but insanity and p90x are kind of like crossfit. Insanity could be considered 45 minutes of a WOD once you get to the max workouts.

    I am finishing up my 1st 90 days of p90x after doing 90 days 3 years ago and getting great results and then doing nothing till this round of p90x. Started at 220lbs and I'm down to 184lbs with 12 days left till I finish this round. The workouts are intense and I think its pretty safe to say you haven't seen anything like these workouts if you've only done the jillian dvds, but that shouldn't scare you. You're supposed to be constantly improving and this would be a great step after finishing a jillian dvd.

    Another great thing is beachbody has at least 12-15 workout programs. I personally sub in some insanity routines for the p90x cardio and I'm doing bodybeast next.
  • I've done a few JM workouts (not the Body Revolution though) and I did get some good results. And like you, I thought I'd prefer programs incorporated weights because it just feels like I am working out when I'm lifting something. Then I started Insanity.

    Insanity is the only workout from BeachBody I've ever tried and I've got less than 2 weeks left on it. I'm being totally honest, I have gotten better results from Insanity in 45 days than any of the JM workouts I've ever done, combined. My body looks like I lift weight when all we do is a lot of push ups. I look like I've lost way more weight than the scale says and I've lost 10.75 inches from head to toe.

    If you have the determination and the heart for it, Insanity is by far the best I've done so far. It's even really slimmed down my post-pregnancy lower pooch!

    I didn't follow the nutrition guide to the T but I eat around 1600kcal a day and try to eat as clean as possible. Give it a try if you want the challenge because it is definitely challenging.

    Good luck to whatever you choose!

    I don't have any personal experience with Jillian though I do with beachbody. I've heard numerous people tell me that the Jillian dvd's are great, but once they try Insanity or P90X for example they are blown away with how much harder these workouts are. I would say crossfit is probably the most extreme workout regimen you could do, but insanity and p90x are kind of like crossfit. Insanity could be considered 45 minutes of a WOD once you get to the max workouts.

    I am finishing up my 1st 90 days of p90x after doing 90 days 3 years ago and getting great results and then doing nothing till this round of p90x. Started at 220lbs and I'm down to 184lbs with 12 days left till I finish this round. The workouts are intense and I think its pretty safe to say you haven't seen anything like these workouts if you've only done the jillian dvds, but that shouldn't scare you. You're supposed to be constantly improving and this would be a great step after finishing a jillian dvd.

    Another great thing is beachbody has at least 12-15 workout programs. I personally sub in some insanity routines for the p90x cardio and I'm doing bodybeast next.

    Exactly. Jillian is great for people just starting out or who never worked out before. If you want to get in shape and be pushed you need beachbody.
  • Jodycnd
    Jodycnd Posts: 56 Member
    I am doing the Power 90 Master Series from Beachbody right now. It has about 5 dvd's that you go through and alternates weights and cardio. I really like it. Tony Horton isn't for everyone, but I enjoy some of his goofiness, it keeps the workout moving. The Sculpt and Sweat dvd's are 45 minutes, I start adding the other 3-4 into the rotation next week.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I've done a few JM workouts (not the Body Revolution though) and I did get some good results. And like you, I thought I'd prefer programs incorporated weights because it just feels like I am working out when I'm lifting something. Then I started Insanity.

    Insanity is the only workout from BeachBody I've ever tried and I've got less than 2 weeks left on it. I'm being totally honest, I have gotten better results from Insanity in 45 days than any of the JM workouts I've ever done, combined. My body looks like I lift weight when all we do is a lot of push ups. I look like I've lost way more weight than the scale says and I've lost 10.75 inches from head to toe.

    If you have the determination and the heart for it, Insanity is by far the best I've done so far. It's even really slimmed down my post-pregnancy lower pooch!

    I didn't follow the nutrition guide to the T but I eat around 1600kcal a day and try to eat as clean as possible. Give it a try if you want the challenge because it is definitely challenging.

    Good luck to whatever you choose!

    I don't have any personal experience with Jillian though I do with beachbody. I've heard numerous people tell me that the Jillian dvd's are great, but once they try Insanity or P90X for example they are blown away with how much harder these workouts are. I would say crossfit is probably the most extreme workout regimen you could do, but insanity and p90x are kind of like crossfit. Insanity could be considered 45 minutes of a WOD once you get to the max workouts.

    I am finishing up my 1st 90 days of p90x after doing 90 days 3 years ago and getting great results and then doing nothing till this round of p90x. Started at 220lbs and I'm down to 184lbs with 12 days left till I finish this round. The workouts are intense and I think its pretty safe to say you haven't seen anything like these workouts if you've only done the jillian dvds, but that shouldn't scare you. You're supposed to be constantly improving and this would be a great step after finishing a jillian dvd.

    Another great thing is beachbody has at least 12-15 workout programs. I personally sub in some insanity routines for the p90x cardio and I'm doing bodybeast next.

    Exactly. Jillian is great for people just starting out or who never worked out before. If you want to get in shape and be pushed you need beachbody.

    Agree. JM was the best thing for me when I was overweight and hadn't work out in years. It got me ready for Insanity so not dogging JM at all cuz her programs did start me on my journey. But like the above poster said, if you want to get fit and in shape, I think BB programs are great challenges!
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    Also wanted to point out you can find these workouts routines online or find other workouts which are just as good and have a list of the moves and just do them, but I like to watch the videos because I know exactly what to do and I keep a good pace. The instructors in the videos always have good tips and different ways to modify moves. Beachbody is not the only answer and I'm sure you could find these type of results with any routine, but the beachbody programs provide structure/focus/nutrition.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    You can get great results from any workout program. I actually lost more weight doing in Ripped in 30 than Insanity. Is Insanity harder..heck yeah, but the program is designed to be extreme. Any workout can be effective if you do it correctly.
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    You can get great results from any workout program. I actually lost more weight doing in Ripped in 30 than Insanity. Is Insanity harder..heck yeah, but the program is designed to be extreme. Any workout can be effective if you do it correctly.

    You also have to take in to account which program was done 1st. What did your nutrition look like in each program. You can get results from any program, but if you lost a bunch of weight doing your 1st set of DVDs and you don't have as much weight to lose now obviously you won't lose as much weight. You can measure body fat % and do some fit tests to see if you are getting results because the scale is not always the answer
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    You mentioned Combat.. I just completed the 60 day Combat regime.. Although Combat is a majority cardio based program, it actually has strength training built into it.. Upper Body Blow Out, Lower Body Lean Out and and both HIIT (HIIT Power and HIIT Plyo) routines all have the use of weights in them. They are quick 30 minute routines that you can do as much or as little as you want. They are pretty sporatic in the 60 day schedule, but, like I said, you can add them as much as you like.. Combat is an awesome program.. It is, by far, my favorite of all the ones I've done.. Just wanted to add a bit more information for you..
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I have to say that most of the Jillian DVDs in Body Revolution are 35 minutes or so, so not just 20 minutes and some days I also add extra cardio so in total a lot of the time my workouts amount to over an hour every day. I have done her shorter workouts too but Body Revolution is 6 days a week and it's quite intense although probably not as much so as something like P90X or Insanity. WIth JMBR I currently try and increase my weight as time goes on so I am hoping that I'll be well prepared for other more difficult programs by the time I finish.

    I can currently do around 15-20 press ups whereas when I started I could only do about 4 or 5!

    I actually have a copy of P90X given to me by a friend and I had a look at the workouts and would love to do it but just don't think I'd be able to find enough time for most of the workouts. The same friend also has copies of Chalean Extreme, Les Mills Combat, Turbo Fire and Insanity although she seems to either buy them or get them as presents and not really do them all the way through. I can therefore borrow any one of these from her when I'm ready to get started but in terms of results and loss of inches/body fat I just don't know whether to go for a cardio program and do separate weight training or do something that will combine everything I need.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Combat appeals to me, maybe because my other half does Kung Fu and he keeps telling me it will get me in great shape. He wants me to take up what he does but I've not been keep and would rather work out from a structured DVD programme but I just wasn't sure if Combat on its own would be enough.

    A 60 day (or even 45 day) program would be better for me at the moment though due to the weather. My home gym is in my garage or I can work out in my bedroom but either way from the end of May it's likely to be 35 degrees plus and we don't have airconditioning!
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    I have to say that most of the Jillian DVDs in Body Revolution are 35 minutes or so, so not just 20 minutes and some days I also add extra cardio so in total a lot of the time my workouts amount to over an hour every day. I have done her shorter workouts too but Body Revolution is 6 days a week and it's quite intense although probably not as much so as something like P90X or Insanity. WIth JMBR I currently try and increase my weight as time goes on so I am hoping that I'll be well prepared for other more difficult programs by the time I finish.

    I can currently do around 15-20 press ups whereas when I started I could only do about 4 or 5!

    I actually have a copy of P90X given to me by a friend and I had a look at the workouts and would love to do it but just don't think I'd be able to find enough time for most of the workouts. The same friend also has copies of Chalean Extreme, Les Mills Combat, Turbo Fire and Insanity although she seems to either buy them or get them as presents and not really do them all the way through. I can therefore borrow any one of these from her when I'm ready to get started but in terms of results and loss of inches/body fat I just don't know whether to go for a cardio program and do separate weight training or do something that will combine everything I need.

    So you workout for 35 minutes with the Jillian DVDs and you add extra cardio for over an hour a day. That's exactly the amount of time you'd need for P90X. I've been tracking my calories burned with a heart rate monitor and I burn just as many doing the lifting p90x routines with ab ripper x as I do with the max insanity routines. I don't want to sound like a fanboy, but try the 90 days of P90X just once and then come back and tell everyone how you feel. You will get the results you want if you combine p90x with the proper nutrition...guaranteed.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I want to do it but time means I can only normally work out for 45 minutes at any one time. Some days I can fit in 1 hour but not every day. What equipment do you need for P90X, what size weights would a woman 5 foot 4 and 140 lbs need and do you know a good hybrid which combines P90X with Insanity?
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    I want to do it but time means I can only normally work out for 45 minutes at any one time. Some days I can fit in 1 hour but not every day. What equipment do you need for P90X, what size weights would a woman 5 foot 4 and 140 lbs need and do you know a good hybrid which combines P90X with Insanity?

    Hey...sent you an email. I do have a schedule, but its in excel format. I could email it to you. I mentioned what equipment and weights you would need based upon what my wife did who is around your size though you probably have a leg up on her as she did p90x with no base where as you already are doing a workout routine
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I like JM's Kettlebell DVD. It's more challenging than 30DS - I would say closer to Insanity/Beachbody level but it is a shorter program. Plus, you can increase the weights to make it harder. I think there are only 2 versions though, so you would probably want to mix it up with something else.
  • lucky5552
    lucky5552 Posts: 27 Member
    So glad you posted this topic. I to was wondering what I will do next..I was thinking Insanity and I herd good things about PX90..But time is an issue....
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Yes I think I'm going to do the P90X/Insanity hybrid but I've still go a few weeks to prepare myself for it! I don't normally like training in the morning before I've eaten so I'm hoping I'll be able to find the time either in the evenings or when I get a break during the day.
  • Zeppyb
    Zeppyb Posts: 71 Member
    I am also glad you posted this topic. This is only my third week of JM Body Revolution so I have some time to decide, but I'm a planner. Plus, I'd really like to get something that my husband will do as well. I'm going to have to research the differences between p90x and Insanity. Anyone that has done both prefer one over the other? I definitely like the use of weights and strength combined and then I can always do additional cardio.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Have you done JM's Slim in 30 program?

    It combines three of her DVDs, 30DS, No More Trouble Zone and Boost Metabolism Banish Fat or something like that...it's a 30 day program and it rotates with the three DVDs so you do just pure cardio on one day, pure strength training on one and a combo (30DS) on one. I have the schedule somewhere...if you're interested I'll send you a link.

    Since you've done Revolution, I'd replace 30DS with Ripped in 30 to get a better work out. I've done RI30 as well and I have to be honest, after doing Insanity, RI30 seems so easy to me now...heh...