rcc1988 Member


  • '"If you are not married yet, you shouldn't be living together" ' How ridiculous. How are you supposed to know if you can stand to live alone with someone in marriage unless you try it for at least a year first?
  • Take her on walks! Maybe on weekend or after school some days, go on hikes together and chat.
  • When people know you're on a diet, give you a hard time about "taking it too far" when you turn down junk food and eat salads and skinless chicken... ...but the moment you finally let yourself have a few pieces or chocolate or some party mix after weeks of being good, they're down your throat about eating junkfood. Bonus…
  • I don't know about coconut oil specifically, but I've spilled vegetable oil on a carpet before. Hair shampoo got it out!
  • Sure, why not? Some of the physically strongest women I've ever met have been quite overweight. It doesn't stop them from getting through a workout.
  • I weigh at least every other day. It's really helped me to understand how my weight fluctuates and how and when I lose weight. But I can understand why some people choose not to do it.
  • Someone gives your their old maternity clothes they don't need anymore...and you're not pregnant. Still not forgiving someone for this, lol
  • They're not mens' clothes, they're my clothes! I bought them! :P
  • I delete them unless it's someone I know irl. I'm not angry with them or judging them by deleting them - they clearly just aren't into the site anymore and not the right fit for me.
  • * His family showed up when he came to pick me up, armed with cameras. I was NOT informed that would happen. I'm sure I looked like a frightened baboon in every photo. * Introduced me to everyone in the room, none of whom seemed to actually be his friends. * Took photographs of people at our dinner table while they ate…
  • Yeah. It's funny. From family I get the mocking eyerolls and raised eyebrows when I say, "No thanks, I can't eat that" or that I'm trying to cut out/beef up on a certain nutrient or whatever and that's I'm taking it too far, but if I take a moment once every week or two to eat something "bad" that I like, suddenly it's,…
  • You could always just use conditioner to wash it those days.
  • If you want to be a size 0, that's your choice and nobody should call you shallow or silly because of it. HOWEVER make sure you know your body's limitations. Some people just can't achieve those sizes, even if they starve themselves (which is a terrible way to lose weight anyway.), so make sure you're setting goals you can…
  • On the subject of declining friend requests: I have a friend who posts success threads occasionally, and every time she does, she literally gets over 200 friend requests. There's no way she could accept them all.
  • That's so awesome! Everything's smoothed right out! Great work!
  • I always want to try their stuff, but I think I'll have to buy it online. Every time I've ever gone into a Lush shop, I get hounded by the workers there standing two inches from me asking "Do you want to taste this YOU CAN EAT IT YOU KNOW" and trying to demo the soapy products by splashing them around in a bucket and…
  • I'm 5'4" and my goal is 130. I have no idea what I'll look like at 130 because I've never been even near that weight at this height, so once I reach 130 I'll re-evaluate and see if I want to stay there or lose more.
  • I hate being called ma'am. Absolutely HATE it .But I realize it's a regional thing.
  • If you mess up, just acknowledge it and do better the next day. Don't stress. Just recognize it and move on.
  • Lights off. I constantly go into the kitchen and restroom and living room at night without turning on any lights. It's relaxing to my eyes after being on the computer and plus I know my own house - who needs to see? haha.
  • It couldn't hurt, especially since it looks like you're WAY under your calories most days - sometimes by over a 1000!
  • People who feel the need to constantly correct you about ridiculous things, even when you're not wrong. In the same vein, people who try to explain your own feelings or opinions to you. (Thanks for mansplaining that to me, bro, but I think I know how I'm feeling better than you do!) I've met a lot of guys who do this to…
  • If I meet one more guy who seems to think being interested in things is "uncool", I'm going to FLY DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN AND NEVER COME BACK. There's nothing more annoying than trying to make friends with a guy and the conversation is like, "So what's your opinion on ____?" "I dunno.....I don't really care..." "Do you have…
  • That's a tough one. If you're close friends you should be able to discreetly tell her like, "Hey, I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but some days your come in and your breath is a little off...I'm sure you brush and everything, but maybe talk to a doctor about halitosis?" But if it's just a casual work friendship it's a lot…
  • I hate it too. My body gets all sweltering hot and sweaty and painful and tired and I make ridiculous faces. But I know I have to do it if I'm serious about losing weight, which I am. Once you've made it a habit, it gets a bit easier to actually get up and do it, and once you start making progress you actually look forward…
  • When you really love and enjoy being with someone, they become "hot" in your eyes, because their face becomes synonymous with "the person I love most" to you!
  • I say go for it, if you're comfy with it. If men are allowed to run around wearing nothing but shorts and sneakers, there's no reason for women to be restricted to full-length shirts just because some people are offended by the sight of a, gasp, lady belly.
  • Try dragging a friend along so you can laugh together when you mess up! That's what I do!