

  • You are in danger of overtraining at that pace. Google overtraining. You have all the symptoms. And if you don't take a regular break (like 1-2 times per week) from your training, you're not gaining any advantage.
  • I use a good heart rate monitor, like Polar, with a calorie count feature. I have found that to be the most accurate. Sometimes mfp is dead on for calorie count, sometimes it's too high. If the hrm and mfp are the same, I go with mfp. If the difference is significant, I go with the HRM. And I'm losing weight, so my system…
  • The baby with whom I gained the weight is starting preschool in a month.... baby number 2 (with whom I gained nothing), is almost 3.... put on 35 pounds with #1, so looking to shave at least that much off by November.
  • I don't use a coach, but I do swim Master's Swimming. Have since 2004. The team coaches will help with your form, and you can meet other athletes. Most will be triathletes. Here's a link to some teams near you, hit the CLUBS tab.
  • I'm training for a triathlon. I'm bigger, I have at least 40 pounds to lose, perhaps more. But I do get famished for a couple days after any workout over 90 minutes. I just started the program to lose some weight a month ago, so I'm going to hold off on reporting any results. I will tell you, I'm not of the mind to starve…
  • Planning meals is key for me as well. That way, it's easier to stay on the budget. For example, it's my husband's turn to cook dinner tonight, so dinner may be a wild card today. It's difficult to walk away, especially when you're hungry. I'm training for a triathlon, and my "rest days" (non training days) often fall after…
  • i like all of the ones already mentioned, but we did a new one this morning: bellybutton drill. You have to over-rotate your pelvis during your stroke to point your belly button to the wall. It's great for developing the razor's edge part of your stroke/body alignment. Streamline=speed & efficiency.
  • There is something about how WW is doing the activity points that is weird to me. First, if your totally daily points is roughly 1300 calories per day, then any activity would mean that you are dropping below that 1300 calories. I'm training for a triathlon. I burned about 500 calories today, which was about 12 activity…
  • Hi, it happens to me. Stay hydrated. You won't need salt tables for training until you're doing rides in the 5+ hour ranges. If you're concerned about electrolytes, drink your electrolyte drink for rides over 90 minutes. Electrolytes for less than that would just add to water retention. Gels also one every 90 minutes of…