Weight Watchers people--- activity points?



  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I lost 57 lb with WW 23 years ago. They were the days when they weighed and measured everything we ate. I then fell pregnant with my second child and went back to WW with their Points system to lose the baby weight. I did not lose anything! In fact I gained. I really think the most efficient way to lose weight is to weigh and measure and count calories.
  • jenbikeswim
    jenbikeswim Posts: 10
    There is something about how WW is doing the activity points that is weird to me. First, if your totally daily points is roughly 1300 calories per day, then any activity would mean that you are dropping below that 1300 calories. I'm training for a triathlon. I burned about 500 calories today, which was about 12 activity points. If I did not consume all or a part of those activity points, I'd be in trouble tomorrow when I have a 2.5 hour workout (worth about 26 activity points). If end up NOT using the daily points, then I'm at about 800 calories for the day. That doesn't seem like a good idea long term. I think the MFP means of netting 1300 calories a day, however you get there, makes more sense. I'm actually tracking both WW and MFP.
  • tikibyn
    tikibyn Posts: 1
    I used WW online about 5 years ago and loved it. I was totally motivated, tracked using the points program and went to the gym all the time. I lost 30 pounds and was feeling great. Fast forward to now, I've gained about 15 back. I tried to use it again but HATED the points plus program. Wish you had the option to change it back to the old points system because it totally worked for me. But I used it mostly for tracking food and exercise, which I can do here for free. I saved all my favorite WW recipes, and don't miss it at all.
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