

  • Your body uses some of calories from the food it eats to breakdown the food. Fat has the most usable calories about 97% Carbs are closer to 90% And Protein is around 80% So simply protein has the least amount of usable calories, If you work out protein will be delivered to your muscles to help them recover. Excess protein…
    in Protein Comment by plaisted January 2009
  • 1)Interval Training burns fat even after you stop working out 2)Work out in the cardio zone, not teh fat loss zone -Fat zone you burn a higher percent of fat -Cardio zone you burn a higher amount of calories and a higher amount of fat 3)Curves is crap 4)Strength Training helps build muscle, adding muscle, ups your…
  • There's a few at my gym, the calories burnt are considerably higher than on most equipment. I think it is accurate. Some machines base the calories burnt on a person who weighs less than most. The treadclimber lets you select it. Also you are going uphill the whole time. Set a treadmill to its steepest incline and watch…
  • CUT OUT COFFEE???? Caffeine is the world's safest weight loss drug. Pick up a bottle of any weight loss drug and you will see caffeine. Caffeine before you workouts delays fatique and helps burn fat!
  • go to they have plans there. basically you should eat 5-6 meals a day breakfast should include egg whites and oatmeal before workout 20g of whey and some slow digesting carbs post workout 20g of whey, 20 g of casein, and fast digesting carbs before you go to bed have some cottage cheese
  • Martin's potato whole wheat bread isnt low calorie, but it has the most protein and fiber. It tastes good too. Go for one slice if you are that worried about calories. Men's Health rated it #1!
  • provide your menu, that will make it so people can help you.
  • Your body has adapted to you workout. The more cardio you do the more efficient your body becomes. Good? No, your body can do more and burn less calories. You need to add more lean muscle mass, to up the daily amount of caories your body needs each day. Cut out cardio for awhile and lift some weights.
  • d.i.c.k's sporting goods
  • i think weider makes a similar one, check ****s sporting goods or sears
  • Don't even bother counting the calories from the veggies, especially the ones w/ high fiber and high protein. Your body uses almost all or more calories digesting veggies. How many people do you know who got fat from overindulging in veggies?
  • Don't even bother counting the calories from the veggies, especially the ones w/ high fiber and high protein. Your body uses almost all or more calories digesting veggies. How many people do you know who got fat from overindulging in veggies?
  • varying your calories day to day will help your metabolism guessing, leading to greater losses
  • varying your calories day to day will help your metabolism guessing, leading to greater losses
  • Protein should be at least 30% of your calories, Shoot for 1 gram of protein per each pound you weigh. This will feed your muscles and keep your body from breaking down your muscles for fuel. Also I saw this site suggests going under your BMR, that's too low just shoot for 100-300 calorie deficit a day.
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