klafrankie Member


  • I talked to her about school lunches and the initiative parents have to take to ensure their kids receive the right nutrition during the day. She was very sweet and was able to answer a few of my other questions off camera.
  • She's trying to train triceps/biceps, they work both. Basically it is the reverse of the down dog push-ups. If you don't like wheel you can either just hold wheel or do the down dog pushups instead. Don't stress over it, if you don't' like one move just sub in the other!
  • try inviting the friend to do it with you. Why do they have to watch you when they can join in the fun?! Everyone, no matter how fit or unfit they are can always use and extra workout.
  • You are gaining muscle which weights more than fat. Stick with it and the fat loss will eventually overtake the muscle added as far as pounds go. Take your measurements and you may be surprised by inches lost. Give it at least 60 days, you will see a major change in your body. What's the alternative? Not doing the work and…
  • I feel like wo 5&6 are a huge jump from 3&4. Is it just me? I still am finding regular push-ups difficult let alone beginning to add in planks etc. My core work is above average as I can usually do the advanced move, but man do those push-ups get me! Has anyone else struggled with wo 5 this much?
  • I start week 6 tomorrow and I am only down about 7 lbs and 8inches or so. I agree with the other poster, I will finish the program no matter what the numbers keep saying. I am feeling great and getting stronger. However, I think for weeks 6-13 I am going to added in 4 miles of cardio 4 times a week and see if that helps…
  • Had a great day today! Got through workout number 4 (week 4 day 1). 4 isn't my favorite but I got through it and I am making progress on my push-ups. I then went to my neighborhood Fit Club night and burned an additional 200 calories. Then I came home and took a 1.7 mile run/walk. Winding down the night with some baseball…
  • Hi all! I am on week 1 day 5 of Ripped in 30. Feel free to add me as a friend and/or follow my journey on my blog at http://myorganicrevolution.blogspot.com/ Thanks in advance for the motivation and support!
  • I am starting on May 14th. Right now I am working my way through Ripped in 30. You can follow my journey on my blog. http://myorganicrevolution.blogspot.com/ Best of Luck!
  • I am currently finishing up JM's Ripped in 30, but will start Body Revolution on May 14th. Follow my progress at my blog http://myorganicrevolution.blogspot.com/
  • Check out my blog as I spend the summer working for the Organic Consumers Association. http://myorganicrevolution.blogspot.com
  • I am going to start Body Revolution soon and you will be able to follow my story at http://myorganicrevolution.blogspot.com