

  • I do this too!!! I always think if I stopped being social, I'd be at my goal weight haha. But, what fun is that?? Some weekends, we'll go out Friday AND Sunday, I'm eating Wendy's double stacks and frosties. YIKES! I try to compensate by eating less during the week, but I'm still just "maintaining" , not…
  • Lower carb seems to work best for me for losing weight and feeling good. I have a ton more energy, and tend to be less hungry. There's a website called "the diet solution" that I really like. I don't follow it to a "T", but her articles are interesting. I think everyone responds differently to different ways of eating, but…
  • I ad more fat, like olive oil and butter while I cook....and it hasn't slowed me down!
  • I've been eating low carb for the passed 3 weeks. Basically been eating low carb all week, and then higher carbs from Friday night to Sunday morning. I try to get in a good resistance workout on Fridays, so that the carbs I eat over the weekend actually might do some good at replenishing my muscles. So far, I've seen a…
  • I have a hard time starting my fasts too! I usually start them around 7pm, which is prime time for snacking for me, so it's hard to knock it off! I've been trying to cut back on my carbs on my eating days, since I find that my hunger levels are not nearly as high when I do so. It's also a little more difficult figuring out…
  • Hey! I'm trying to get back at it too. Had a great Christmas with my in-laws in Tahoe, and actually didn't gain any weight. Phew! I guess that shows that my metabolism hasn't been affected negatively by the ESE way of eating...which is great. I already ate breakfast today, and I'm meeting some friends for dinner tonight,…
  • It makes sense! That's why our bodies store fat, so that we can use it up later :)
  • jenjabbour : I love diet soda too, and I definitely drink it on fasting days....with my water of course :) The book says it's fine, so I'm running with that one!! haha I don't like plain coffee either.....if I'm dying for some coffee, I admit, I might throw a little creamer in there (even on fasting days). I figure, as…
  • Somebody just posted this link in another thread, but thought I'd share it in this one: It just goes to show you, it's all about calories in vs. calories out. As long as you have a deficit, you lose weight! I wouldn't call eating twinkies…
  • Fasting today until 10pm. I actually started my fast at 5 yesterday, but then my coworkers wanted to go out an grab dinner and a couple drinks for happy hour...... So we'll see how it goes today. Heading to the gym now!
  • Thanks CutMd..... my muscles definitely enjoyed the break haha. Before my surgery, I had lost about 5 lbs, doing this. I usually fasted about once a week (usually Mondays after the weekend), and I just tried to eat sensibly the rest of the week. The weekends, I tend to eat like crap with my I think the…
  • Okay....been outta commission for a while. I had to get a melanoma cut out of my shin a month ago....scary! Everything looks okay though, thank goodness. I'm back on track with my exercizing, even though I think I lost some muscle mass laying on the couch for 2 weeks. Working hard to get it back though... Fasting until 7pm…
  • I started Eat Stop Eat about 3 weeks ago, and I could not be more happy that I stumbled upon it! It makes absolute sense to me, and it really takes the unnecessary turmoil of "dieting" out of the equation. I have lost 2 pounds, and have not put them back on. Usually, after a "strict" day of dieting, I will lose....but then…