Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I have been failing at this so badly. And the scale is reflecting it. So I am at it again. Started 10 p.m. last night. I'm actually probably going to go for 28 hours as I probably won't eat until I get up tomorrow morning at 2 a.m. But then again, I may only make it til 6 pm for dinner. So it's either a 20 hour fast or a 28 hour fast depending on how my schedule goes. Would definitely never go all day without eating usually, but hate eating late at night, which has been my biggest downfall lately. No self-control. Need to definitely reset. We will see.

    You need to make a plan. Your saying "well it might be this many hours, but maybe not". This is a recipe for failure. Start with the entire thing planned. What your last meal will be, when the fast will start, when it will end, and what you will eat when it ends.

    I normally hate cliche's, but this one is true; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don't say probably. Don't say maybe. Say "will" and then get on with it.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Finally doing it again. I'm done at 7 but am going to bed after an overnight shift, so may be 24+. Hopefully this will help flush all the sugar out of my system. I gained 6lbs since thanksgiving (3 this week) and though I know a lot is water it's making me feel like a cow
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I normally hate cliche's, but this one is true; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Don't say probably. Don't say maybe. Say "will" and then get on with it.

    Okay, then I resolve not to eat for 20 hours straight. I only have one more hour to go. If I hold out longer, all the better.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I go this email from Brad Pilon.

    Sometimes it's easy to forget why we do the things we do. And it's also easy to forget what's important.

    With Fasting, it's not the hormonal stuff that's the most important.

    It's the mental part.

    For fasting to work it must be associated with positive reinforcement.
    When you finish a 24 hour fast, you should feel really good. Because you finished.

    You accomplished your goal. You won.

    The problem occurs when you get USED to fasting.

    Once your used to fasting.. you forget about the positivereinforcement.

    And this can lead you to using fasting as PUNISHMENT.

    Not good.

    Fasting should not be a punishment.

    As an example:

    You have a bad night of you FORCE yourself to fast the next day.

    You are now associating Fasting with something negative.

    This can make fasting STOP working.

    It can lead to binging before and after.

    Bottom line: Don't use fasting as a punishment (Simple message)

    Always remember, fasting should be positive.

    So if you want to make sure Eat Stop Eat keeps working remember to keep it positive. Don't use your fasts as a punishment, use it as a tool to lose weight, and build positive momentum.

    just a friendly reminder for this holiday season.

    Your friend,

  • I did my first fast a few days ago and made it all 24 hours includig a great workout of elliptical, biceps and boot camp without a problem. I flet great, was energized and mentally focused. It was so nice not to have to think about food, when to eat what to eat how much to eat which normally consumes my day. I am on my second one now and the same thing although I am on the last 2 hours and for me it is tough. Right now I am sitting at work surrounded by cookies, muffins...(holidays in a hospital food) but the knowledge that it is my fasting day is making it so much easier to just walk away! One more hour and my chicken, brocolli and 1/2 sweet potato is waiting. I hope this helps me break my plateau but most improtantly I have reconnected with what real physiologic hunger is and am making better choices other days because I can say I am really not hungry.

    Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight doing this?
    Does it get easier or harder?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Thanks Firedragon. That definitely makes sense.

    I completed 20 hours and ate relatively healthy for the evening. I find I'm really hungry this morning though, but am craving fruits and vegetables for some reason. That can't be bad thing :)
  • why is it I can fast for 24 hours yet on "regular" days I have a hard time giving up bedtime snacking ugh!! Well this is the end of my second fast and maybe it will give me the self control to finally kick the nighttime habit. I definately am drinking more water which will be a healthy habit as well! For all you skeptics try it. I have prescribed to the eating every 3-4 hours for years but recently felt obsessed with food this is helping switch my focus to listening to hunger cues instead of just eating because I have to.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I did my first 24 hour fast yesterday..ok, ok it was like 23.5! I will agree with a lot of people that have said it is a lot easier when you're busy. I had a dentist appt, some errands to run, and a hair appt so I really didn't have time to dwell on the fact that I hadn't eaten. I'm stil not sure about working out on a fasting day but we'll see maybe next week I'll try it!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi guys, I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I'm back at work for the first day today, wishing I wasn't....
    I started my fast last night at 6:30 hoping to clean out my system some from all the goodies, so far no gain from xmas though, yay! :wink:
    Have a great day! :bigsmile:
  • Hey! I'm trying to get back at it too. Had a great Christmas with my in-laws in Tahoe, and actually didn't gain any weight. Phew! I guess that shows that my metabolism hasn't been affected negatively by the ESE way of eating...which is great.

    I already ate breakfast today, and I'm meeting some friends for dinner tonight, so I'm going to start my fast tonight after dinner. I really want to commit to a full 24 hours. I really want to kick into high gear come January 1st..... eating healthier and working out harder :)

    Hope everyone had a great holiday!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I did my first fast a few days ago and made it all 24 hours includig a great workout of elliptical, biceps and boot camp without a problem. I flet great, was energized and mentally focused. It was so nice not to have to think about food, when to eat what to eat how much to eat which normally consumes my day. I am on my second one now and the same thing although I am on the last 2 hours and for me it is tough. Right now I am sitting at work surrounded by cookies, muffins...(holidays in a hospital food) but the knowledge that it is my fasting day is making it so much easier to just walk away! One more hour and my chicken, brocolli and 1/2 sweet potato is waiting. I hope this helps me break my plateau but most improtantly I have reconnected with what real physiologic hunger is and am making better choices other days because I can say I am really not hungry.

    Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight doing this?
    Does it get easier or harder?

    I lost my last 6 pounds doing this. It gets easier except I found once I take a break I don't want to go back to it, simply because of greed. It has been hard for me with hubby working from home and now me being on vacation, so I try to fast when he's out of town but it's more sporadic than I would like. Trying to soldier through today to lose some water weight before we go to Jamaica next week, although I admit the gluten free donuts I stupidly bought the other day are calling my name...
  • i've done this now 3 times and plan on January 4th being the next day. I am too afraid of the scale right now from the holidays and still feel guilty on non fast days if i have even one treat. Yesterday ate well all day but had popcorn (no extra butter) at the movies with my daughters. Now afraid to step on the stupid scale. It does get easier and I like doing it on work days it gets me through all the hospital junk food the nurses bring in.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I lost my last 6 pounds doing this. It gets easier except I found once I take a break I don't want to go back to it, simply because of greed. It has been hard for me with hubby working from home and now me being on vacation, so I try to fast when he's out of town but it's more sporadic than I would like. Trying to soldier through today to lose some water weight before we go to Jamaica next week, although I admit the gluten free donuts I stupidly bought the other day are calling my name...

    I'm exactly like you. For about two months I did it religiously and it worked great, had awesome support from my husband, lost weight. But now that I lost the weight, I don't exactly get the support as they think I'm "starving" (really? one day?) and so without the support I tend to give in too easily and don't make it. So starting after this weekend of going away, I'm starting on my schedule again of Sunday at 6 to Monday at 6, and then Wednesday to Thursday 6 to 6. It need to get my mind reset so that on my non-fasting days, I stop going so over on my calories and making unhealthy food choices. Thank goodness for new beginnings :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    i've done this now 3 times and plan on January 4th being the next day. I am too afraid of the scale right now from the holidays and still feel guilty on non fast days if i have even one treat. Yesterday ate well all day but had popcorn (no extra butter) at the movies with my daughters. Now afraid to step on the stupid scale. It does get easier and I like doing it on work days it gets me through all the hospital junk food the nurses bring in.

    Love your new pics. You look awesome!!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    I'm exactly like you. For about two months I did it religiously and it worked great, had awesome support from my husband, lost weight. But now that I lost the weight, I don't exactly get the support as they think I'm "starving" (really? one day?) and so without the support I tend to give in too easily and don't make it. So starting after this weekend of going away, I'm starting on my schedule again of Sunday at 6 to Monday at 6, and then Wednesday to Thursday 6 to 6. It need to get my mind reset so that on my non-fasting days, I stop going so over on my calories and making unhealthy food choices. Thank goodness for new beginnings

    Hey lulu, you don't have far to go right? You'll get there!

    I have reset my mind and already that Xmas crap is falling off of me. I am pretty much resigned to doing ese when hubby and I are apart, and eating well and exercising the rest of the time. :ohwell:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    i've done this now 3 times and plan on January 4th being the next day. I am too afraid of the scale right now from the holidays and still feel guilty on non fast days if i have even one treat. Yesterday ate well all day but had popcorn (no extra butter) at the movies with my daughters. Now afraid to step on the stupid scale. It does get easier and I like doing it on work days it gets me through all the hospital junk food the nurses bring in.

    How can you be afraid of the scale with that 6 pack? Even 10lbs and you'd still look svelte. It's mostly water so don't feel bad. I am already losing mine. Those nurses are killer - I do love doing ese on those days.

    The other option is the 16 hr fast as advertised on
  • Has anyone just done it for 12 or 16 hours? I wonder if it has the same/similar effects.. I have read about the health benefits of resting your gi tract by going just 12 hours. I started last night at midnight and going today till midnight to start the New Year off right. The picture is from last year and I have gained about 5 lbs that I would love to get back off and be that sharp again for summer. Going in for knee surgery Tue and will be non weight bearing for up to 6 weeks so it will be a challenge.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Has anyone just done it for 12 or 16 hours? I wonder if it has the same/similar effects.. I have read about the health benefits of resting your gi tract by going just 12 hours.

    Reading through all the post I read that 18 hr minimum is really when the benefits happen.

    I am doing this today...starting at noon until noon tomorrow.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    . Usually, after a "strict" day of dieting, I will lose....but then I'll bloat right back up once the weekend hits.

    I chose to "bookend" my weekends with the 24 hour fast, so I actually lost weight after a weekend of eating out and having a few cocktails. WOW! I can't wait to see the results to come. I found it interesting too that the foods I craved after the fasts were actually very healthy ones. I wasn't craving cheeseburgers and pizza, like you think you'd be if you were "ravenous".... What I like about it too, is that it doesn't promise fast weight loss. It's slow and steady (1-2 lbs a week), which makes me think that it won't come back on. Plus, it's a great lifestyle tool to use forever. Just think of Thanksgivings, vacations, etc. It can really come in handy! I love to do strength training, so this is perfect for me.

    That is so me!! I can do great through most of the week with eating right and working out and then all the hard work is right out the door when the weekend is over. And the water weight and bloat is disgusting...always way up more then Id like. I need to be able to make it through one day of this so mentally I will know I can do it and the next time will be easier...hopefully :smile:
  • for me its nights I can eat perfect all day and then that hour or 2 before bed I want to carb out - ugh. Yet did my fourth fast and it was easy although I can not say I have lost any weight on it which is frustrating and I am not overcompensating the next day I just go back to eating clean so I still wonder (after being a member of the eating every 3-4 hour club now for years) if it does slow your metabolism down. I will give it a little more time since I don't find the fasts all that difficult.
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