Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    t-minus 4 hours til my next fast starts. I still have 700 calories left to eat! And that's with not eating 500 calories that I went over on yesterday! And I still gotta do a workout! I'm starting to see how ESE helps :) because when I get home I get to have a yummy bowl of homemade soup and can still put cheese and guacamole on it, and still have some sort of sweet treat :) and I'm not hungry and I'm eating healthy, but I also can eat some of the foods I love and know that it's not going to kill my diet!
  • SkierElle
    t-minus 4 hours til my next fast starts. I still have 700 calories left to eat! And that's with not eating 500 calories that I went over on yesterday! And I still gotta do a workout! I'm starting to see how ESE helps :) because when I get home I get to have a yummy bowl of homemade soup and can still put cheese and guacamole on it, and still have some sort of sweet treat :) and I'm not hungry and I'm eating healthy, but I also can eat some of the foods I love and know that it's not going to kill my diet!

    I was going to just post about the same thing! I just enjoyed a nice beef, cheese and pasta (I never eat pasta, so a nice treat) lunch and don't have to feel guilty about it and now i am going to be fasting. I somehow got suckered into going out to eat 4 days this week (only 1 which i am paying for!!) and so I can get something I actually like instead of going for the salad. whoot! and because of my nice lunch, I think this fast will be easy peasy. it's going to be 3pm today till 3pm tomorrow. :) Also I will do a workout after my test tonight and another in the mid morning between classes tomorrow. yay for ESE!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Starting my 2nd fast today at 6 p.m. I hope it gets a little easier this time.
  • saramike5kids
    WOW!!! I don't know much about this topic, but have enjoyed reading the posts. I am convinced this may be a good way for me to drop the 5 lbs that I have set as my next goal. I think I will start my first fast tonight at 6!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    started fast #2 for the week last night at 6.... planning to run on my lunch break and possibly do a JM DVD tonight.

    i jumped on the scale this morning (because that's what I do every morning) and i was down 1 lb from yesterday. the weird thing is that I should be gaining weight right now (water retention because AF is on her way) and I'm not! I actually do not know where AF is. She is officially late (no, no chance of pg), which is totally ok by me :D i hate her...LOL
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    4 more hours to go... getting hungry... AF arrived earlier, got my run in... feeling good, minimal cramping, but it's not safe to take Advil on an empty stomach, so I have to endure any cramping until after dinner.

    what do you all do when it's your TOM as far as fasting goes?
  • SkierElle
    I had about a 27 hour fast since i was at class. I didnt plan that very well but I wasn't even hungry at all today!! 3pm yesterday to 6pm today. Said no to starbucks latte( I did have a plain coffee) and pumpkin pie in class. go me! but then I went to dinner with my roommate tonight and had half of a monte cristo and sweet potato fries( we split the meal). Now i have to guess the calories... yay. probably a bad meal but what the heck, ive been pretty good lately and been workin out a lot.

    jenjabbour, I am probably no help on TOM and fasting as when I have mine i have never ever gotten cramps, or feel any different. so I just go ahead with it and make sure to drink lots of water. Maybe you could adjust fasting so on the heavy days you are eating. that would be my best guess of what to do. just judge by how you feel though, and don't deprive yourself if you're feeling absolutely miserable.

    steph, it does get easier in my opinion, and you will get full much faster on the eating days. this is just my experience, everyone is different.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Fasting day for me. TOM is on the way, and I found myself just eating everything in sight yesterday, although my weight was actually lower than last week, like you jenjabbour. But I am doing a fast today to reset. Due to my "cravings", I tend to do a fasting the day after to reset myself.

    I started 4:30 last night, but have an exercise class til 6 p.m. so unless I can squeeze a banana or something in beforehand, I'll be going 25.5 hours. Although it was hard the first time, after that, fasting has become quite easy. Just make sure I have a very busy day :) (which conveniently I do)
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    was gonna start my 3rd fast of the day this evening, but we're having a Thanksgiving feast at work today, so I'm considering starting the fast after lunch. and then just going until whatever time that is tomorrow... It's a non-fasting day so I get 1500 cals and I might just use all of those in one sitting... so I guess I'll pay attention to what I eat, come back to my desk and input it all into my food diary and go from there.

    I did great yesterday, despite starting TOM but we'll see how tomorrow's fast goes because today and tomorrow will be my heavy days. So far I'm feeling so much better than I usually do during TOM. I barely had PMS... honestly, the only thing that clued me into it was my food cravings and a bloated belly. Then i looked at the calendar and sure enough, but I was 2 days later than I've been being lately. I hope all this dieting/fasting makes my TOM much more pleasant (what an oxymoron!!!)

    I agree that fasting has become quite easy. My only problem is sometimes I break it early while I'm cooking dinner because I have to taste the food to make sure it tastes all right for the family. But I figure if i'm half an hour away a little nibble isn't going to hurt anything... by time it metabolizes i'll be well into non-fasting period.
  • kargreen
    I got one fast in this week and was going to start another today BUT forgot that i am supposed to take my neice out for her birthday. So today instead of fasting I am eating healthy. I have a special K bar, and then will get a salad for dinner.

    i have not weighed myself - I'm afraid that I will still be the same - even though I have been running 2 to 3 miles every day, and doing the 30 day shred. My stomach feels like it has gone down some. It's just the lower belly that i need to get rid of...

    I'll weigh in tomorrow and see how I am doing.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I got one fast in this week and was going to start another today BUT forgot that i am supposed to take my neice out for her birthday. So today instead of fasting I am eating healthy. I have a special K bar, and then will get a salad for dinner.

    i have not weighed myself - I'm afraid that I will still be the same - even though I have been running 2 to 3 miles every day, and doing the 30 day shred. My stomach feels like it has gone down some. It's just the lower belly that i need to get rid of...

    I'll weigh in tomorrow and see how I am doing.

    Sounds like you've done great this week! That lower belly is probably going to be the last thing to go... my friend/daycare provider spoke to a physical trainer and she said it can take years to get rid of the belly pooch because it is a different kind of fat - especially if it's from having babies. a lot of it is just loose skin and it takes time to tighten up. i know, i have a flast stomach all the way down, and then there's the pooch... and it's smaller, but the skin is all wrinkley...ugg
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Ok, I am very interested in this because I *think* I may have hit a plateau. I am unsure because I haven't had the best 2 weekends in a row and I've been at 121-122 for the past 2 weeks.

    Now what EXACTLY do you do? From my skim readings, I picked up... you pick 2 days out of a week to fast and pick a time and then you just go back to eating like usual? How long do you do this for? A month?
  • SkierElle
    Hi Erin!
    You should try it; it's great! Basically you pick two times of the week to fast and they should be at least 18 hours, preferably 24. You can start it whenever's convenient. I have done after breakfast, dinner, and lunch, and found that for me it is easier to fast with eating breakfast and then not eating anything till the next day at the same time.

    Otherwise you should eat normally, the weekly amount of calorie intake is what matters, averaged over the 7 days. My problem at first was not eating very well on the non-fasting days, but once I did I started to lose more weight. You just need to make sure you don't binge. It gets easier and I have been doing it for 4-5 weeks and am less hungry and full quicker.

    The author of the book recommends that you do resistance training towards the end of your fast. It may seem strange to work out on a totally empty stomach but it actually feels really great, and if it is after 16 hours of fasting, you should be burning mostly fat (from what I understand).

    If you need more info you could do searches on google, look at some of the research done on this, or get the e-book. And you can do it forever, but probably go down to 1 day per week or so once you are at the weight you want, for maintenance. There are more benefits to it than just losing weight.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Thanks for the response! Sounds reasonable.I think I would also do it after breakfast. I currently am doing Turbo Fire and follow a set schedule for my workouts. I think I am going to wait another week first and see what my weight is and start from there. I have never purposely fasted before so at first it may be difficult especially since I am a stay at home mom and have access to food all day! Haha
  • SkierElle
    Yeah it is a little hard at first but after the first few times I actually started to look forward to it. Not having to worry about what I was going to eat and cooking and all that (of course, since you have kid(s) you have to worry about that though!) If you think 24 hours would be too hard you can start at less and work up to it each time.. mostly so you can mentally prepare for it. It's way different because most of us have been eating like every 3-5 hours usually (except sleeping) so it's quite a change. But if you think about our hunter gatherer ancestors, they didn't have access to food like we do, so they practiced a sort of intermittent fasting not by choice.

    Good luck, and if you try it, tell us how it goes!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Ok, awesome. I am going to start tomorrow, I think. :) From 6 AM to 6 AM Sunday. I'll keep everyone updated!
  • SkierElle
    Good luck! i am on my last one of the week that ends at 1pm today! I did super awesome this week, and worked around all the eating out I had to do because of social events. not to shabby! Now I'm going to have some tea which will hopefully hold me over the last five hours!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Awesome!! I hope this helps. I have hit a plateau it seems. I have been fluctuating 1-3 pounds for 3 weeks straight so I am hoping it'll shock my body and help!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good luck on your first fast Erin! I'm on my second one of the week now, started last night at 8. Tonight won't be bad cause I have to make a cake and icing from scratch and decorate etc. and the icing won't be ready till after 8 so I can taste it to make sure it's ok! Friend's 30th bday tomorrow, otherwise I'd be far away from the cake! So I fasted today so I can have a piece tomorrow, and am prepping for a bit of booze as well, lol!
    Good luck all :bigsmile:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i was going to do my last fast of the week today, but a friend wants to meet for lunch, so i guess I'll do it tomorrow. It will be a challenge because I'll be home and it's going to rain, so I'll be stuck inside. I'll need to keep extra busy - guess I'll be getting lots done! I wish I would've just stopped eating after lunch yesterday. I was going to, but then I made dinner and really felt like eating what I made...LOL guess i need to keep working on that self-control thing