Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I've got about 6 hrs 45 minutes left. Still have a grumbling tummy, time to drink more water. Energy levels are normal - actually a lot less fuzzy headed than I normally am at work :D If it's not too hot outside (it was 102 yesterday) I am going to walk on my lunch break. The smells of food are starting to linger through the air here at work... UGH...
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    mind over matter. that's what i'm learning today. just because i smell food, and it smells good because i have not eaten in 18 hours, and my tummy growls does not mean that i am hungry or that i need to eat or that i will starve to death if i do not cave... LOL...

    drinking my water, drinking my water... have drank 11 cups of water so far today.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    mind over matter. that's what i'm learning today. just because i smell food, and it smells good because i have not eaten in 18 hours, and my tummy growls does not mean that i am hungry or that i need to eat or that i will starve to death if i do not cave... LOL...

    drinking my water, drinking my water... have drank 11 cups of water so far today.

    Lol, well said. It's definitely a practice in control. You are doing great!

    I should get it together and do this till tomorrow instead of the feasts I planned for today, maybe it will help me with all my water retention. It's hard to get myself to commit to a fast, but once I do I am good. :tongue:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i made it!!!! 5 minutes left :) i'm heating up leftovers for everyone as I type.... can't wait to eat. surprisingly, i don't feel all that hungry, but i can definitely feel some effects of fasting... i'm getting shaky and a little air-headed...
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Congrats jenjabbour, you made it! It's not so hard once you get into it now is it :wink:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    On hour 23 of a 24 hour fast (and I’ve never fasted before) and it was surprisingly easy.

    I cleaned my basement for 4 hours, walked at a moderate pace with a friend for 40 minutes (140 calories burned) did 30 day shred so that’s 26 minutes of circuit training (150 calories burned). Basement cleaning burned the most, 600+ calories as per MFP (I wasn’t wearing my heart rate monitor to confirm) which was a nice surprise.

    I’ve had 13 glasses of water and one cup of coffee – and I don’t drink coffee.

    For the day my net will be -282 AFTER I have a foot long ham Subway sub for dinner with lots of veggies, no cheese or sauce (hence the tone of water, I hit my max on sodium for the day even though all I will be eating is a sub)

    This should make up for the 2800 calories I had yesterday. It WAS a super healthy day and I burned 300 cals exercising so I was at 900 net at 6:00 pm but then I got too excited with Halloween ½ price jube jubes and had some chips as well. What I learned is I can’t eat just one serving so I should just avoid all together since jube jubes are my weakness and the chips were more of a "well I already fu**ed up my day might as well go further" poor decision. Good thing I finished them, LOL!

    Best of luck to everyone – this was fun!

    Next Saturday I may use my time to do some reading (I've got courses for work). I’ll probably have to go to the library to avoid tempting food. I don’t keep junk in the house (other then the aforementioned jube jubes which are gone) but I can still go nuts on whole wheat bread and all bran if left to fend for myself ;)
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Grrr....only made it 20 hours yesterday. I stopped eating on Saturday night at 8 pm...and had to start again on Sunday at 4 pm....I don't know what it was.

    I woke up, lifted for about 30 minutes, busted my butt on the spinning bike for about 45 minutes and then did an ab workout for another 20 the time I showered and came into work it was 1 pm....and I was dizzy and my leg muscles were killing me. I was cramping up really easily and could not focus on my work at all. I finally broke down and had to have some Special K cereal and skim milk around 4. : /

    What do you guys do when you don't make it a full day? Do you fast three times a week? I was still about 1,000 calories under my goal yesterday, but I still felt crappy for giving in so early! Any advice? Similar experiences...?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Fasting today, started 6 p.m. last night. Already planning out a yummy salad with shrimp, olives, and mozzarella...yummy. I'll be interested to see what the scale finally says this week.

    Casi - I've read on this forum that 16 hours makes a decent fast and everything is extra. Sometimes I only do a 20 hour fast just due to circumstances and family arrangements. For me, it's learning self-control, resetting my body and mind, and accomplishment. 20 hours is a great amount. You succeeded. Give yourself a pat on the back. I personally couldn't do three times a week, although I know some that do. I like food too much. But one or two days a week of 20 hours is still a success.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    fasting today, but we were out car shopping last night and didn't finish up (left empty-handed w/ two hungry and tired children) til 8:30 pm, so we stopped and got some burgers on the way home... i won't be waiting until 9 pm to eat tonight. I'll just shoot to eat around 6-6:30... should put me at about 21 hours...

    so is everyone still counting their calories on non-fast days?

    i'm considering doing 3 fasts a week - does anyone know if it's much more beneficial than 2 fasts a week? it would be mon-wed-fri...
  • SkierElle
    Hey all, sounds like you guys are doing great! keep it up. ive been doing 3 a week and it's been wonderful. Although i only have lost a half lb. in the last week, but better than nothing! and now that i have completely cut out sugar (which I will hopefully stick to doing) hoping to see that number lost go even higher!

    yeah i have been recording my cals on the nonfasting days and lately it's been hard for me to get over 1200-1400. I haven't been hungry. but that's fine by me. Also working out while fasting is fine, except this morning i was doing some intense intervals and started getting a little light headed, but I think that would have happened no matter what I ate. i was putting in all my effort!!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    So I started my first day of fasting today at 5 a.m. hope it goes well.
  • kargreen
    I started at 7pm yesterday... I get home to late to start at 6pm - dinner would never have been ready. For dinner last night I had a bowl of chili with some crackers. I did pretty well yesterday.

    Today - I ran three miles on lunch and wasn't really hungry but it's 3:15pm now and my tummy is starting to rumble. I have less than four hours to go. I am bound and determined to make it to 7pm - get my shred video in and have a bowl of special k's. The only thing I am afraid of is when I can eat that I will over eat. That's why I choose special K's for dinner tonight.

    It's not bad if you are busy - I have a desk job.... that makes it a little harder!
  • SkierElle
    Arg! I was going to fast till dinner today but at 1 I was really hungry soo had a smoothie :( But I am trying again tomorrow. not giving up! I have to study today for a pretty big test tomorrow and i find it hard to concentrate that much when Im hungry. So am going to have breakfast tomorrow, take my test around 1 and then fast till thursday morning. I can do it!

    I think the problem with today was that I didn't eat enough yesterday and wasn't hungry till midway through the fast :(

    oh well if you fail, try try again, right?!

    kargreen, I think it would be really hard with a desk job. Im always doing something different, classes and work and training horses so nothing the same longer than about four hours. So that helps a little with fasting.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kind of half-heartedly fasting today. I have had 3 pieces of 20 calorie hard candy throughout the day though, hopefully it doesn't mess up my metabolic effects. Trying to hold on till bedtime and then I can eat at 11am, but I'm tempted to just grab some fries even though I recently had dental work and eating isn't even pleasurable for me. I don't get off work until 2am, so I have a while to go...:frown:
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Completed my fast, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but it was a little tough at first. maybe next time it will be easier.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    started my 2nd one of the week... but not sure if i'll make it today or not. might have to end it early. it's just been a chaotic week and i'm feeling pretty hungry today. I might just end it at lunch. so it will be more like a 14 hour fast today. but i'm going to try to do it again on Friday and be better prepared for it.

    also, i still have not been working out, so i'm not really seeing any weight loss as of yet. no gains either, and i'm pretty much eating what i want on the non-fasting days. i can totally see this being something i do for life, since i hate counting calories and always worrying about what i'm eating :)

    tonight's goal - workout!!!
  • Toni1071
    Toni1071 Posts: 12 Member
    I started the ADF this week and have completed 2 fasting days. It didn't occur to me to search for a thread on here related to this until today. It's nice to find others following the same plan and not to read a lot of posts lecturing about how unhealthy this is. I haven't told anyone that I'm doing this because I don't want them to preach about healthy eating habits. I've read the articles online but don't have the energy to argue about it.
    The day after my first fast, I ate way too much. I am trying to have a little more control today. Earlier people posted about drinking diet soda. I'm a diet soda addict. My first fast day I drank diet soda. I thought I was going to chew my own arm off I was so hungry. Yesterday I decided to drink green tea and the difference in my hunger level was amazing. I wasn't hungry yesterday. So even though I love my diet soda, I'm giving it up during my fasting days.
  • kargreen
    I did pretty well. I fasted from 7pm on Tuesday night until 7pm last night and then had an egg sandwich on toast and come crackers. Not too bad for not eating for 24 hours. I was ready to scarf down a pizza but didn't....

    Today I went for a long walk on lunch. There are trails behind my work - all wooded and hills. I usually run two or three miles on lunch and it takes me almost 30 minutes. Today I walked for almost an hour. Hopefully with the hills i burned as many calories. So far today I have had a yogurt, hot chocolate (because I was freezing when I came back in), and a bowl of special k's. I'm trying really hard to get my water in too. I don't drink coffee and rarely drink pop...

    Tomorrow I am fasting again (or starting tonight at 6 - 7pm) depeding on how fast I can make dinner....

    How is everyone doing????