Weekend overeater



  • MandyGlinda
    MandyGlinda Posts: 7 Member
    I am the same... so good during the week and then BAM !
  • manda1284
    manda1284 Posts: 15
    I do this too!!! I always think if I stopped being social, I'd be at my goal weight haha. But, what fun is that?? Some weekends, we'll go out Friday AND Saturday....by Sunday, I'm eating Wendy's double stacks and frosties. YIKES! I try to compensate by eating less during the week, but I'm still just "maintaining" , not losing. Gotta figure this out!
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Hi guys

    I'm the exact same, great all week sticking to cals and doing exercise and then at the weekend it all goes out the window. My husband works weekends so going for a jog or gym/walk are out of the question as I'd need to get someone to sit with my kids. As for doing any sort of home exercise again it's difficult when you've got little ones demanding attention. I tend to go for a drink with friends one night a week and the following day I just want to eat anything in sight and normally end up with takeaway. I need to get out of that habit.
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Not a weekend overeater - just a weekend overdrinker :drinker:
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    I do this every weekend....unfortunately the weekend comes every 4 days, so sometimes it's twice a week "weekends" because of my husband's schedule. I start off sticking to the plan. Like today is his Saturday and I just ate protein pancakes & getting ready to do my workout. After he wakes up, the day will get worse and will carry on until tomorrow. He just wants to drink beer and hang out, which I love, but until laaate. Then we eat late & eat crappy food. He usually wants to do the same thing both days of his weekend.

    I have no one to blame but myself, for caving into his suggestions of fast food after we've been drinking, and eating cake, and popcorn, etc. I bust my butt on the 5 days he's sleeping for work, get down to close to my goal weight, then in 2 days it's ruined and I start over. I need more self control! I love my beer, but need to do it in moderation so the eating doesn't get out of control!
  • rea1980
    rea1980 Posts: 93 Member
    When I started on here I had the same problem, I would want to eat a lot on the weekends, and I still do now. But I do my biggest workouts of the week on Saturday and Sunday, this gives me some cushion on the calories if I need. Also, I always eat before I go out unless I am going to dinner, and then it is all about thinking about what you should eat and making healthy choices.

    If you are going to go out for drinks, don't have those drinks filled with juice they will kill your calorie count in a heartbeat and all the juices most bars use are packed with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artifical flavoring. Don't use mixers in your drinks. I like to have a scotch on the rocks. I know a couple of people who love getting a vodka and water tall and then squezzing a lime and lemon wedge into it.

    Now that I have found I can go out, have a good time and have some drinks with friends, while staying under my calorie count. If I feel th urge to do something that will take me over my count I give myself a little guilt trip and ask myself if it is worth it, when I know I don't need it.

    But If you do have a bad meal every now and then, don't worry about it, one bad meal isn't going to kill your meal plan, but doing it over and over again will.
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I have the same problem. Most of the week I find it easy to be good because I'm in control. But on weekends we usually go out with friends and I can't demand that we always go out to healthier places to eat- not if I want to have any friends left LOL. So I try to order the healthiest things from wherever we go to, skip on desserts (most days) and order just water to drink. But sometimes we end up somewhere like Fatburger, and then really, what can you do?

    But I'm going to try and take the advice of doing extra exercises on the weekend to try and burn those calories off.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Snap! My eating and drinking are ATROCIOUS on the weekend! This weekend I'm going to try to do mammoth exercise to combat it, but got birthday parties on Friday and Saturday so will be tough!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Not a weekend overeater - just a weekend overdrinker :drinker:

    Me too! We head out to the lake every weekend and there's nothing better than sitting on the deck, or around a campfire, with a tall-cool one! I have a full regular kitchen so preparing food isn't a challenge - it's the lack of exercise and the drinks that really get me. I LOVE coolers and even the light ones still have 100 cal so it doesn't take too many of those to up the count for the day :(
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    My problem on weekends is I don't get up until noon, so that's three meals I've missed already. So when I wake up I'm starving...or I have to get up because the fams wants to go grocery shopping...so I don't get my first meal until about 2:00pm, and then I eat my face off...not to mention that's prime time to eat out, snack, drink, etc...I tend to fall off the wagon most weekends...that's the one thing I'm trying really hard to work on, but I refuse to get my *kitten* out of bed in order to eat lol
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    oh a weekend full of parites this week starting tonight. I hope I can at least do better than I usually do. I am thinking about logging all my drinks as I drink them to stay in check :)
  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    I was the same way, and decided that I would make Monday mornings my 'Weigh-In' day, to help keep me accountable for calories I eat/drink/burn over the weekend. Less likely to overdo things!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Weekends are hard for me too! I try to get in longer or more workouts! I also try to stay busy because getting bored leads to eating when you really aren't hungry!
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