Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Today when I had my lunch I felt like i was starving but when I started to eat I noticed that I started to get full alot quicker than usual.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I started the ADF this week and have completed 2 fasting days. It didn't occur to me to search for a thread on here related to this until today. It's nice to find others following the same plan and not to read a lot of posts lecturing about how unhealthy this is. I haven't told anyone that I'm doing this because I don't want them to preach about healthy eating habits. I've read the articles online but don't have the energy to argue about it.
    The day after my first fast, I ate way too much. I am trying to have a little more control today. Earlier people posted about drinking diet soda. I'm a diet soda addict. My first fast day I drank diet soda. I thought I was going to chew my own arm off I was so hungry. Yesterday I decided to drink green tea and the difference in my hunger level was amazing. I wasn't hungry yesterday. So even though I love my diet soda, I'm giving it up during my fasting days.

    I know what you mean about not wanting to tell anyone about fasting, and thats where I think I messed up yesterday, I heard it from a couple of people haha.
  • Somebody just posted this link in another thread, but thought I'd share it in this one:

    It just goes to show you, it's all about calories in vs. calories out. As long as you have a deficit, you lose weight! I wouldn't call eating twinkies all day "good for you" by ANY means, but I thought it was an interesting read about weight loss.... I'm sure many of us, at one point or another, have tried different "ratios" of carbs to protein to fat....40-30-30....eating more dairy "to lose weight", eating less dairy.....more fiber, more protein, less sugar. It all can become so confusing!!

    With eat stop eat, I've seen that I CAN lose weight, even if I eat carbs....and I CAN lose weight if I have a couple drinks on the weekend. It's all in those calories!! For so long, I tried to make it all so complicated....kind of funny....
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,149 Member
    Just found this thread - bored at work I think!
    I thought about starting this tonight at 6pm however, tomorrow I will be home with DH and I know he will want to eat lunch so, tomorrow won't work. I will make an attempt for 6pm Thursday night. Thanks for the Green Tea comment. I've been meaning to try's my chance.

    I'll check back in later.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    so i totally failed today. gonna try to start again tonight. i think that will be a lot more successful.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Started tonight at 7:30, I'm off tomorrow and plan on cleaning and going to Kickboxing in the morning and Core Pole in the evening, should keep my mind busy!
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Made it 22 hours yesterday! Stopped eating at 5 p.m. on Tuesday and held out till about 3 p.m.(after a 45 minutes lift, and an hour on the elliptical I had to have a protein shake). That's been good for me b/c lately I've only been able to make is 18-20 hours.

    I'm curious about small amounts of calories during the day of the fast. Sometimes I'll pop some gum in just to keep my mouth busy...and I didn't realize that some of the flavors I chew have 5-10 calories in them. Also - some of the water poweders (Crystal Light, etc have 10-20 calories in them). I'm sure it doesn't matter that much. But I didn't know if anyone else did this. Do you guys think it affects the fast in a huge way? I'm sure I could easily cut those things out...
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    ok, starting at 10 pm tonight - i would've started earlier, but i didn't fill i had eaten sufficiently to make it to dinner tomorrow, so i will just plan to do a 20 hr fast instead of 24. still will be beneficial. planning to run at lunch and do a JM workout in the evening, but that will be after i've already broken my fast (unless i actually feel like i can go further). i doubt i can actually get through cooking dinner and serving it to the family w/ out eating, too.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Today, I'm doing a 21 hour fast as I ate late last night and need to get to bed earlier this evening. So I have less than 11.5 hours to go. Hopefully if my hubby gets home early enough, I can get to kickboxing class and extend the fast one more hour.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    so i made sure to eat all my calories yesterday in hopes that it makes today easier. i find that i still must track my calories - if i don't i'll either be way under or over and neither is good. drinking my water. too bad i don't like plain coffee. i could drink some plain tea.

    anyone else drink diet soda while fasting? i love my diet soda and i am averaging about 20 cups of water on fasting days, so i figure what's a couple sodas to change the monotony? the carbonation helps me to feel full, too.

    making some delicious Pasta Putanesca tonight :D
  • started my first fast last night at 6pm. I made it till 12 pm today. 18hrs. not too bad for my first fast. i plan to fast again on sunday night. i will push myself to last the full 24 hrs but I think i did good for my first fast. congrats and good job to everyone doing this and being successful in it. I am also doing insanity along with this. I am on day 10 tonight!! love the program it is a great and challenging workout!
  • jenjabbour : I love diet soda too, and I definitely drink it on fasting days....with my water of course :) The book says it's fine, so I'm running with that one!! haha

    I don't like plain coffee either.....if I'm dying for some coffee, I admit, I might throw a little creamer in there (even on fasting days). I figure, as long as it doesn't open the flood gates to have more and more little "cheats", it's fine.

    When I first started this, I didn't count calories. About a month ago, I decided to start counting, because I wasn't really seeing the scale budge. It's made a HUGE difference, for me at least. I also started doing this without resistance training (just being lazy), and wasn't seeing any results. Now that I've been consistent with that, it's helped a lot too. My body is so weird about losing weight, so I've been happy to consitantly find myself 1 lb. lighter each week, for the passed month!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    manda ~ yay, i'm not the only weirdo who drinks diet soda!!! lol!

    ok, i did my lunchtime run, felt good and strong. i haven't felt too hungry, and my stomach has only recently started growling. I think i'm going to get as close to 24 hrs as possible. i will try to be strong, and not eat my dinner with the family. instead I'll put the kids to bed, do my JM workout, and then eat dinner. i'm sure it won't be a full 24, but i'd rather not eat a yummy plate of pasta at 11 pm either... (i just had to have one of those chocolate chip banana muffins i made for Hubby last night...ugh!)
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Another one down! And I burned over 1300 cals today, was a good day all around!!:bigsmile:
  • Ok, I am really not buying into the whole diet soda thing. 1. I think it tastes gross. 2. i don't think the chemicals used in it are safe, whether it's splenda or aspartame, and 3. It makes most people crave food and more sugar. But each to her/his own , i guess... It might work for losing weight but do you think about the other effects diet pop has on your body? or pop in general?

    Anyway, I am going to fast till tomorrow night most likely around 5:30 which will be 23 hours, i just had a pear but I dont feel like having dinner. really not hungry. So hopefully I can hold out till tomorrow night :) Then i am having a good dinner at a professors house, so that will totally keep me going!! :) Except for if my dairy science class goes to a dairy, and they give us some milk to sample, then that will not be so conducive to this!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    exactly, to each their own. we all gotta make our own choices and i don't notice it making me crave any food...
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    For me personally, diet soda is a necessity in my fast. I don't notice a difference with or without it. Water, tea (hot and cold), diet soda, all get me through it.

    I failed miserably yesterday AND went over my calories. So today I am on with no failing. I made too many excuses. Ate last night at 9:30 p.m. and having dinner tonight with friends at 7:30, so that will be 22 hours. I AM GOING TO DO THIS!!!

    You guys are doing great. I love the support. Thank you all so much for posting. It helps A LOT!!!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Yay, I made it longer than I thought I would yesterday. I had to taste the food while eating, and just had to have some pita bread and hummus as a snack... but i made it a total 21 hours :) I'm seriously amazed at how efficient the body is on 0 calories! I hope this works. I really want to see some weight loss of the next few weeks...
  • I am going to try to do this two days a week until I get to where I want. I am jogging 2 to 4 miles a day and doing the 30 day shred. I am on day 12.

    I haven't weighed myself (the time) but will check it out after doing my fast next week to see where I am .

    Good luck!!!
  • I wanted to share something new that I have been doing ever since I started fasting. each fasting day I dedicate to something that means a lot to me. I'm Christian so on Sundays I usually do a fast for religious reasons, but other days I dedicate it to other things. Sometimes I don't think of it until it comes to me on the actual day. I didn't know what I wanted to dedicate yesterday to, but I saw a guy riding a bike at school. Keep in mind that it's 30 degrees out and he was wearing shorts. not only was he wearing shorts but he had a prosthetic leg. I wanted to catch up to him and tell him how AWESOME he was. but I couldn't, he was riding WAY faster than me. LOL! So I decided to dedicate yesterday to people like him. To just imagine how much they went through, like losing a limb and getting a prosthetic and all of that. So I thought about it a lot yesterday. And it is really mind-consuming, much more so than hunger.

    One day, I didn't think of something to dedicate my fast to, and it failed. This really works! Other days, I've done: my ancestors (I've been doing a lot of research on them and talking to grandparents about really old stories), my baby horse I had to put down when I was a teenager (it's a long emotional story), my parents (how much they've done for me and how amazing they are. And I called them to tell them that). Some of my ideas for the future are deaf culture (I know american sign language so i have a deep appreciation for it), friends/relatives who have passed away (which could make for a sad day but it's important to remember them), the mountains ( i love hiking, skiing and nature).

    Dedicating my fasts has made this experience more than just a way of eating, it has been a whole enlightening experience.

    I just thought id share, and you don't have to be religious to do this. Just dedicate the fast to anything you are passionate about.
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