Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey I'm fasting today as well. Wasn't going to but hubby is out of town for the day and I ate too much candy at a job fair last night :noway:

    Mine is technically over at 11pm cause I had a little extra dessert with hubby late last night, and I'm working till 2am, so I'll probably bring a kale salad with me
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Ok, so here I am, 3 weeks now into this program that the dieticians at our gym, guinea pigged me into. I'm not big on fasting, not at all, I work out hard and I don't want to lose muscle and what about replacing my protein afterwards? I'm just a HUGE skeptic. anyhow, i've been following Brad's plan for three weeks, and the reason I decided to let myself be volunteered is because Brad as well as being a dietician is also a bodybuilder, sooo, thought I'd give it a go. In three weeks i've dropped 2.4 pounds, I'm at 109 and a bit lbs, down from 112, I need to get to 108. Which I will. I can tell you it's the easiest fast i've ever done. Cause I don't feel like i'm fasting. I'm doing it 2x's a week. It's not for everyone, I don't count calories, I eat sensibly the rest of the time, and it's very important to follow some kind of resistance training program to get the full benefit. I actually have a ton of energy on fasting days. I've seen more lean muscle mass lately then i've seen in awhile. I think I actually may adapt this as a permanent way to lean for a competition. It beats the traditional way of dehydration and damn near starvation. I fast from 6:00p.m on the first day until 6:00p.m on the second day, then I eat normally. During the fast, I drink lots of water and no-cal juices. I'm really happy with my results, and for those of you who do fast, and are successful..I actually "get it" now. I'm very surprised to find that i'm putting friends and family through this program as just works so very well. I sound like an, it's all good, it's working for me! It's a quite simple and effective and safe way to get into a calorie deficit..without pain...the hardest part for me, was giving up my breakfast on the fast day, but then I just ate it for dinner:laugh: .
    just putting on option out there for people, it's working for me, not for everyone, especially if you're diabetic or if you plan on doing no resistance training, then definitely don't do it! If you're anti-fasting, as I actually once was, then that's ok too, we're all allowed our own opinions and strategies when it comes to getting those stubborn pounds off. :drinker: I'm happy to say, these few pounds that i've been struggling to get off since May..are gone! and for that it was worth my time.:wink:

    So when you fast from 6:00 p.m. one day to 6:00 p.m. the next you eat dinner on the first day or the second day....i.e. at what time do you eat dinner?
  • thinnerwant2b
    thinnerwant2b Posts: 9 Member
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Im 35 minutes from finishing my first fast for eat fast eat:happy:
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I am fasting through today. I started last night at 6pm. I will be busy today so I don;t think I will notice too much. :wink:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I am fasting through today. I started last night at 6pm. I will be busy today so I don;t think I will notice too much. :wink:
    I'm hoping to start my fast today, probably after lunch. Hoping to keep busy tonight.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I haven't done a fast for a while now but I started last night at about 7:30 because I had a weekend of drinking and bad food, lol! The joys of family get togethers! So I'm fasting to get rid of some of this build up! I think I'm going to try to get back to doing this at least once a week, I was doing two before but it's a bit much. I think one is good for now. I'm not hungry at all...yet...shows how much I ate over the weekend!
    For the person above that asked about dinner, what I do is eat dinner and start the fast after eat at 5:30 start fast at 6. Then the next day you have dinner at 6:00 and there's your 24 hours :bigsmile: The original poster is no longer on the site, but I wanted you to get your answer!
  • zuzka
    zuzka Posts: 26 Member
    going to fast tomorrow...really need to kick my metabolism and get back on track..hope i'll get to full 24 hours..
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Woo hoo, done in 4.5 hours but I have big plans. I already burned more than 600 calories, going for more. I have this theory that my fasting exercise is burning mainly fat now that I'm in the 18-24 hour window Brad Pilon talks about. Wish me luck!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    wow, this is the first time I've seen this post and i'm wondering why there aren't more people asking if this is even healthy. also, if people are advised to eat breakfast every day as to kick start metabolism then why would you want to go 24 hours twice a week. I'd be interested to see what happens to the people trying to accomplish this fad diet when they go back to eating regularly. it's gotta mess with your metabolism big time.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    wow, this is the first time I've seen this post and i'm wondering why there aren't more people asking if this is even healthy. also, if people are advised to eat breakfast every day as to kick start metabolism then why would you want to go 24 hours twice a week. I'd be interested to see what happens to the people trying to accomplish this fad diet when they go back to eating regularly. it's gotta mess with your metabolism big time.

    Actually, lots of people questioned the thread early on but the concerns are all addressed in the ESE e-book. I was very skeptical as well, initially, but the research convinced me to try it and the results are definitely there. There is data showing the body's metabolism actually doesn't slow until 72 hrs out, and that long term calorie deprivation may be worse than intermittent fasting. Plus, it takes advantage of what our fat stores are for - times of famine. Until recently, man needed his fat in between meals, which was often a long period of time. Also, the correlation with eating breakfast was a retrospective study. This article has a lot of research quoted, for those interested:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    jb_sweet - Hope you had success.

    cutmd - Great job as always.

    zuzka - let us know how it goes.

    My clock says 2:54:02 left. Already have my coffee with creamer waiting for me when I'm done.

    AFM, I don't really tell people what I'm doing as I know there are so many different opinions, options, etc. But for me, it is working and is the one thing that has helped me to really focus on food as energy rather than comfort. Sometimes it is a mental game, but the weight loss is finally working. Even when I haven't fasted in the past couple of weeks, I didn't add the weight. Didn't lose either, but was able to maintain and still make good food choices. So I'm extremely thankful for finding this.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I just needed a restart to my week. I was hungry all day. but it is over and today is a new day.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I'm going to get on this wagon and try it out. I am going to aim at fasting tonight from 7pm till tomorrow at 7. My hubby and I have the day off tomorrow and have to finish a huge bathroom remodel project and so I will be a busy little beaver. I am however closing an IHOP tonight so we will see how that works out for me. :) I'll be back to post more tomorrow!
    Just for the record, if anyone is wondering, I'm doing it because I need a kick in the pants to get me back on the wagon. I have't worked out in two and a half weeks and have been eating kinda crappy. I was really good for a long time and then when my bodybugg went on the fritz, it all went to heck. I have got to step my game up here.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks lulabellewoowoo, I made it to 24 hours, which I was proud of cause it's been about a month since my last fast. I will be starting another again tonight I think. I really need to get all this crap out of my system from last weekend, I've got about half of it gone (judging by weight lol). Lots of water and resting my digestive system always helps. I think I'm going to really try to stick to my Sunday to Monday fast, it really helps after the weekend!
    Good luck to those fasting today! :bigsmile:
    Oh and to the person concerned that this is not healthy, I did a lot of research and found that 24 hour fasting is very good for you, look it up, you'll see.
  • iavue
    iavue Posts: 63
    I think this is do-able. I know someone who did the beyonce lemon detox for 30 something days. Don't know how she survived. My goal is to start tonight and 6 seems like a good time to start for me also because I don't get out of work until 6. I will go home and not eat anything, then be at work until 6pm tomorrow, and eat when I get home. Howeve, on your fasting days, are those the days to do your strength training and not your cardio? or can you do both?
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Its not a fad, this kind of eating has been around for a very long time...

    The Warrior diet was designed by Ori Hofmekler (b. 1952), a former member of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), an artist, and a contributing editor of Penthouse magazine for 17 years. He was health editor of Penthouse from 1998 to 2000. Hofmekler created the Warrior diet on the basis of his own experiences in the Israeli army and his own theories about how such warriors in ancient history as the Roman legionaries ate and trained. He stated in an interview with a bodybuilder named Mike Mahler that “I did not really come up with the idea [for the diet]; the idea came to me. It really started when I was in the Israeli Special Forces. I found out that some of my friends and I were doing much better when we reduced the eating during the day, or active time, and ate during the time when we knew that we could rest. I realized that when I ate the traditional 6 to 7 army meals plus snacks, I got more exhausted than ever. I suffered from energy crashes and my brain was not as focused and alert as I wanted it to be. . . . I felt a tremendous difference when I reduced drastically the amount of food I consumed during the day. Later when I went on to university and started my career as an artist, I realized that when I minimize eating during the day and have one main meal, I feel much more creative; much more alert. . . . After doing some research, I found out that other warriors of the past used to live like this and that is where I really got intrigued.”
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hi lavue,

    I actually do both cardio and strength on fasting days. I basically try to burn as many calories as I can since I think more of it goes towards fat loss. :)
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I do Kickboxing on my fast days, cardio and strength and I burn about 850 calories or so :bigsmile:
  • SkierElle
    SkierElle Posts: 335
    I just started doing this a few weeks ago. It kinda struck me as a good idea and I looked it up online and found stuff about alternate day fasting - ADF. I am really into the Paleo style of eating, huntergatherer, whatever you'd like to call it. Although I do eat dairy (not too much though), and the non - dairy part of Paleo I don't agree with for everyone, especially people like me with ancestors from Scandinavia who have the gene for lactose tolerance! I don't eat tooo much meat, as I'm in college and it's expensive :(

    Anyway, I joined the site so i could track calories on the eating days and make sure I don't slip and have too many non Paleo foods. The fasting days are pretty easy for me and I usually do 7am - 7am because i just love breakfast so much. however, today I wasn't very hungry and only had coffee with a little milk, and haven't had anything since and I feel great. I was only really hungry once at about 11am. I usually just have tea and water during the fasting days, sometimes black coffee. I don't understand why people have diet pop during the fast?! it seems like cheating to me and the fake sugar is said to make you crave food and sugar. Not to mention the chemicals and all the bad stuff they say diet pop has.

    I have been doing this 3 times a week and that is good for now, but if it takes a toll on me then I'll go down to 2. I also workout about 4-5 times a week and do weights and cardio for about an hour total each time. I'll weigh myself tomorrow when I'm at the gym and see if i've made any progress. For everyone who says it's unhealthy, well... have they looked at any evidence of people on this sort of eating plan? Probably not.