smoochums Member


  • I always go over. So far I have lost. Until I stop loosing, I'm not going to worry about it. I stay under my calorie goal. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I agree talking to your doctor is best. BUT I also was intrigued with Dr. Oz's recommendations. I already take fish oil, a multi, and chromium. I added (after watching Dr. Oz) L-Carnitine and rasperry ketones. I tried the Konjac root, but it gave me killer gas, so I quit that fast. It did make me feel fuller, but I was…
  • Check out Miracle noodles. Unfortunately, they have to be mixed with something to add flavor, and that something will have calories. Laura
  • I have a body media fit. Your wear it on your upper arm with a strap 23 hours a day. I just started this, but it has been an eye opener. It tells me how many calories burned, how many steps, how much moderate activity, and how much sleep. First thing I noticed was that I wasn't getting anywhere near enough sleep. This…
  • I am hoping to still join. I started 1-1-12 weighing 216.4. I have not weighed myself yet. I plan to weigh again on 2-1-12. Laura
  • I have a Body Media also. You do have to get a subscription. You can choose from 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or 1 year. One month is $12.95. The cost per month gets lower if you sign up for more time. You wear the devise on your upper left arm all day. You take it off and hook it up to your computer with a USB cord. The…