Most accurate way to figure out calolries burned ALL day

Trying to decide what to buy to give me an accurate reading on what I really burn (all day workout and just regular day to day stuff) so I can set my goals and targets correctly.. what do you all do?! I feel like just my age and weight and height won't tell much (people my height and weight can be more fit than me)
Thanks! sorry for all the questions ive just never honestly bought something like this before


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If you want something you can wear all day, what you need is something like the Body Bug or BodyMedia Fit armband. Those devices are both designed to be worn all day long and are meant to estimate your calories throughout the entire day. The BodyMedia Fit is supposed to also attempt to track your sleep patterns. That's about as much as I know about them, they seem pretty awesome.
  • mammafrog
    mammafrog Posts: 176
    I would like to know this too! Some days I am a bump on a log and others I never stop
  • smoochums
    smoochums Posts: 6 Member
    I have a body media fit. Your wear it on your upper arm with a strap 23 hours a day. I just started this, but it has been an eye opener. It tells me how many calories burned, how many steps, how much moderate activity, and how much sleep. First thing I noticed was that I wasn't getting anywhere near enough sleep. This device has helped me correct that. I now see that my late night snacking was really my body needing energy. I have been able to wipe out my late night snack by getting more sleep. Let me know if you have any questions. I lost about 30 pounds with it a couple years ago, and then got lazy. I put the 30 back on, and I am hoping to get it off and keep it off this time. Let me know if you have any questions. Laura