krkeefer Member


  • Hope these help :smile:
  • I'm also a stay at home mom of 4 working toward my fitness goals. I am working with a trainer once a week & she has given me all sorts of ideas to circuit with my treadmill (which was only recently given to me) I posted this below link to my FB wall & this is her new way of warming up everyone that she works out!…
  • Here's another little gem. . .haven't tried these yet, but planning to for sure!
  • YES. . .metabolism =D We want it stable! I'm glad others agree. I have also found a breakfast shake that is my go to on the go! 1/2 cup old fashion oats 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt 1 banana (I do half) a few strawberries 1/2 cup ice You can throw in your protein powders if you'd like or add a little almond milk to mix it up.…
  • I find as long as your making healthy swaps, you don't have to eat the same thing everyday. I cook a lot for our family, so I hope some of these ideas were helpful. I'm not a hard core lifter & am just starting to really work toward my fitness goals, but these are a few ways I've been able to cut calories.…
  • I like these kinds of recipes cause I can prepare all at once & then container individually for myself to grab on a busy day with my girls or in a pinch as a healthy snack.
  • I haven't tried this one, but think it looks good. I find all these & think they look good, but then my family A) won't try them or B) doesn't like them as much as I do ;p So this whole healthy eating for me has become VERY complicated. BUT, I'm going to keep trying to find something we ALL can agree on as a healthy swap…
  • How about some avocado, edamame, quinoa or peppers with those tomatoes? You can cut out anything you don't like & substitute those which you do. I think you are doing your metabolism a disservice by not eating breakfast.
  • I to am the only one in my home wanting to eat well! I'm postpartum 9mths & working toward my goals, but am still nursing so it makes it hard. I want to make healthy choices, but sometime my sweet tooth gets the better of me. My oldest daughter & I have talked about trying to run up @ her HS track to keep her in shape post…
  • Just look at your beautiful children daily & tell yourself, "YOU ARE WORTH MAKING TIME & TAKING TIME TO BE HEALTHY FOR YOUR KIDS MAKING YOU A BETTER MOM!"
  • Agreed, it's about a life style change; not fad dieting then gaining weight back. It's about making positive choices & learning to say no to the 10 extra pieces of chocolate or 3 extra drinks that didn't push me forward toward my weight loss goals, life style choices & changes. For me, it's about EVERYTHING in moderation.…
  • Have you tried Nature Made: Super B Complex & D3 5,000 I.U. gel caps? Also maybe add a 500mg Magnesium supplement & a Multi-Vitamin. You should consider getting your vitamin levels checked. . .that may be your issue if this is an annual cycle of seasonal affect disorder? You should talk to your physician about having a few…
  • I too am at an all time weight high. I am dangerously close to the weight I was full term with my two beautiful girls. I've become complacent since having two toddlers, a teenager & a busy life. I plan on regaining control with you TODAY! I'm new & haven't figured out all the tools, tips & tricks. . .so feel free to find…