

  • I've noticed this too so it's reassuring to hear others go over too. I had weetabix, banana and blueberries this morning for breakfast and it sent my sugar intake right up!!! I thought that if sugar came from fruit rather than refined sugar it might be ok.....
  • Hi, am I too late to join you guys?? Would love to be part of this, help with my motivation levels Lou x
  • Good tip, I'll look out for this. I'm always looking for new recipes. Let us know how the mac cauli cheese goes, sounds yummy :smile: Lou x
  • Hi Lara. I was using the site too just as a food diary but yesterday I decided to venture into the community section. Seems to be loads of support and advice! Good luck with it all Lou x
  • Thanks bettylynne :smile: I'm trying to be positive too and I'm focusing on what I've already lost. Christmas will be difficult at times but i'm just going to try and make healthier choices than I have in the past. Oh and I agree - you have to spoil yourself sometimes!! And yes a loss is a loss - it all counts!! Lou x
  • Hi bettylynnee I find losing weight in the winter the hardest too - salads suddenly lose all their appeal don't they!! I've lost a bit of weight now but it has been a struggle and very up and down - feel like I need to focus now which is why I'm on here. Well done on your loss so far though, very impressive! Lou x
  • Hi Katybeth, I've decided to throw myself into this today too! I could also use some friends!! You've done brilliantly so far! well done you :) Lou x