50 pounds by june 1st challenge!!!



  • Hi, am I too late to join you guys?? Would love to be part of this, help with my motivation levels
    Lou x
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I am in (though I don't know if I have 50 left). I have also started a tracking schedule:


    Bainos 263
    lornawalker 168
    Skinnyby29 297.8
    adkwatergal 190
    FitMiss 232
    justinswife 187.4
    lbirch01 180.8
    BK120 169.5
    breannk 184
    Jessifer123 199.5
    AmandaR910 217.2
    MartyDiller 209.4
    Billybed 215
    sdb903 198.9
    Sbozek123 187
    melodieRN 238.2
    eglass64 245
    bfaith7 261.6

    If i missed your name please let me know... I will update this weekly and that way we can see where we are at! Keep it up everyone!

    ME TOO!! I was 234lb 11/1
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I would love love love to lose 50lbs by then... Im just scared its not completely doable for me =/ I have been on a strict 1200 cal diet for the past 3 wks and have only lost two lbs... but even if i keep that up and lose 20-30 lbs it would be much better than nothing at all! So im in it!!! IN IT TO WIN IT! =P
    It is doable! 1.63lbs per week. Just keep on going you will make it
  • I would love to loose 50+ by June 1st....I'm up for the challenge...I'll put my starting weight as of Monday Nov 8th...thanks for the encouragement.. :)
  • Hey everyone,

    I am in (though I don't know if I have 50 left). I have also started a tracking schedule:


    Bainos 263
    lornawalker 168
    Skinnyby29 297.8
    adkwatergal 190
    FitMiss 232
    justinswife 187.4
    lbirch01 180.8
    BK120 169.5
    breannk 184
    Jessifer123 199.5
    AmandaR910 217.2
    MartyDiller 209.4
    Billybed 215
    sdb903 198.9
    Sbozek123 187
    melodieRN 238.2
    eglass64 245
    bfaith7 261.6

    If i missed your name please let me know... I will update this weekly and that way we can see where we are at! Keep it up everyone!

    buckeyereavis 10.25 weight 280, 11.1 272
  • whooo! this is awesome thanks for doing that Billy! this will keep us on our toes and accountable! we can do this! :D
  • Great work out day and under my calories, sodium, AND carbs (usually go over on carbs). Plus, had 12 glasses of water. Three days down lol!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I am in (though I don't know if I have 50 left). I have also started a tracking schedule:


    Bainos 263
    lornawalker 168
    Skinnyby29 297.8
    adkwatergal 190
    FitMiss 232
    justinswife 187.4
    lbirch01 180.8
    BK120 169.5
    breannk 184
    Jessifer123 199.5
    AmandaR910 217.2
    MartyDiller 209.4
    Billybed 215
    sdb903 198.9
    Sbozek123 187
    melodieRN 238.2
    eglass64 245
    bfaith7 261.6

    If i missed your name please let me know... I will update this weekly and that way we can see where we are at! Keep it up everyone!

    jetlag start: 210
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    :bigsmile: thanks for typing that up Billybed! Awesome! Now, next week, will we see our starting weight, our current weight, # lost/gained and +/- % ? That would be WONDERFUL but i dont want too much work for you (or whomever will be the list-keeper).... what do you think? :)
    yeah that is the plan... i am using excel though and it does not transfer to here nicely so i am looking for options to put the chart up...

    You can use table tags...
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I made it to my aqua class. Did 50 lunges, 25 squats, 35 wall pushups. I still went over on my calories by 55. I will do better today.
    I would have been fine except for the two huge chicken tamales.:laugh:
    I have logged every bite of food for 3 days straight.:bigsmile:

    Do you use any supplements?
    I only take Oscal, fish oil and a 81mg Asprin.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Yucky day yesterday...lots of RED...

    Nice to see Green numbers today though! New day, new game plan!

    Looks like everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work Y'all!
  • Thursdays are my usual weight in. From my start weight here I'm down 1.4lbs. Not great but considering Halloween I'm fine with it lol. Hoping to get to the gym this afternoon for a good work out.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    50lbs by June just fits within my goal of 1.5lbs a week... so sign me up. At my last weigh-in (Sunday morning) I was 310lbs.
  • If it's not too late I want to join in! My goal is 45, but I'll take 50 :D

    As soon as the hubs gets home from PT, I'm going to go for a run... I'll write my master workout for the days I don't run/cardio on my blog to share :)
  • several great food and exercise days in a row for me w good water intake as well, yet my scale was UP 2lbs yesterday and today. I am not going to get discouraged because i think its me putting back on some muscle that i had let go dormant for part of October when i was being a real slacker ;) ......... Just a reminder to you all, especially the 'newbies', that gains sometimes will happen even when you are doing things right! Don't get discouraged as things will turn around soon! Hopefully i am back at my starting point at least, come Monday!!!
  • several great food and exercise days in a row for me w good water intake as well, yet my scale was UP 2lbs yesterday and today. I am not going to get discouraged because i think its me putting back on some muscle that i had let go dormant for part of October when i was being a real slacker ;) ......... Just a reminder to you all, especially the 'newbies', that gains sometimes will happen even when you are doing things right! Don't get discouraged as things will turn around soon! Hopefully i am back at my starting point at least, come Monday!!!

    I had a gain this week followed by a very small loss. I know I'm doing everything right. I love this site though, before I would have just quit when the scale went up.
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    I have not been to the gym all week! BAH! But I have been eating really well. Got on the scale this morning and am down .4 lbs, so that's positive. Not going to count on it till Monday though...we'll see what I can accomplish between now and then.

    I hope everyone is doing well this week. Today's challenge is to drink a lot of water. I nearly have to drown to get the stuff down. So here goes nothing.

    Great post adkwatergal! Thanks! :o)
  • Just got back from the gym. Did the stair climber for 20 minutes. Not a lot, but it's huge for me considering when I started I could manage about 3 minutes lol. Plus did the bike and treadmill. :)
  • Just joined about 5 minutes ago. I definitely want to participate in this 50 lbs by June challenge. This will not even bring me close to my goal weight, but hopefully it will be what keeps me motivated day after day.
  • So Monday started off great and then the week just went down hill from there. I never crave sweets and that's all I want to eat this week. I think the stress of home and work is getting to me and I think that is why I'm having problems with my back. I haven't been able to get out of bed in the morning - I never sleep through my alarm and lately I don't even hear it.

    I am going to get back on track - I know I can do this - I just need to regain my focus.
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