50 pounds by june 1st challenge!!!



  • AmandaR910
    How is everyone doing???

    Any weight updates??

    I'm 2 weeks into my weight loss and down to 216 from 227.6, for a loss of 11.6lbs. :)

    Only a .4lb loss since I started on this thread though (10/24).
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Hey!!! I'm in as well. I have about 70-80 punds to lose. My starting weight was about 230lbs, currently I'm 228.8lbs and my goal is 150lbs. I haven't weighed that much since elementary school. 50lbs by June is such a do-able goal and I think the motivation from everyone will definitely keep me in check.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • lornawalker
    Count me in!!!!
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Just checking in. How is everybody? Its early still. Try and get a walk in, take the stairs, do something active. I cant seem to get up off the couch today so, lets get busy. I guess ill go for a walk and mail a letter. Its not much but every calorie counts right?
  • aprildauer
    I am in! Doesn't hurt that June 1st is my birthday!
    My birthday is June 1st too. It would be great to be 50lbs lighter on my birthday.
  • AmandaR910
    I finished Week 2 of C25K today!!!

    And I'm starting Week 3 (column 3) of the 200 Sit Ups (but I'm doing crunches...pregnant belly does not allow sit ups lol).
  • erin_89
    erin_89 Posts: 45
    I'm in. June my birthday month so this would be a great to myself. When I joined I was 380
    Thanks to the lose 30 by christmas I'm 364 16 pound gone. So joining this lose 50 by june
    I'll be 314.

    SW 364
    GW 314
  • AmandaR910
    A lot of June birthdays. My birthday and anniversary is in June (same day, 25th).
  • aprildauer
    A lot of June birthdays. My birthday and anniversary is in June (same day, 25th).

    Me too my birthday is June 1st and my anniversary is the June 7th.
  • Portlandbaer
    Count me in!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    If it is not too late count me in. I would love to be down 50lb before the heat of next summer.
    Starting at 234
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I read thru quickly but I did not see a day to report weights. How about Mondays ok. That would keep us on our toes for the weekends.
  • buckeyereavis
    hopped on scale and im down 6 but dont wanna report it on here til monday lol hopefully its more
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I'm so in! I have 46lbs left to lose and it would be awesome to do it by the summer :)
  • AmandaR910
    Loving the scale this morning. :) Down 12.6lbs!
  • ccker080
    Im in! That would be awesome and is realistic. A Monday weight in sounds great to me.
  • ccker080
    Good Idea
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I didn't have a stellar start.
    I was over on my calorie yesterday by alot. I felt bad when I got off work and didn't go to my aqua class. On the upside I did do 25 wall pushups and got started on my Wii Walk it out. I only walked about 10 mins and did't save my stat so I have to start over this evening. I did get all my water in for the day..

    HOPING FOR A BETTER DAY TODAY!! for me and my Rangers
  • AmandaR910
    Burned 307 calories doing C25K and a Leslie Sansone video today!!

    Do you guys exercise at home or go to the gym? Or a combo?

    I usually get to the gym everyday so I don't do much at home (unless I get bored late at night and have to occupy myself so I don't snack). I'm an AWFUL late night snacker.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I do both, I go to a aqua class 3-4x a week then just fill in at home. I do some wall pushups and crunches daily. I don't do any of the popular videos like c25k or shred. My right knee is shot. I just got Wii walk it out and started checking it out some last night. I plan to try to get some time in tonight.
    I love Leslie S and have a couple of her videos.