50 pounds by june 1st challenge!!!



  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    WOW!!..We had some large losses this week...way to go guys:drinker:
    If you did not lose this week you will just have a huge lose next week. You guys are awesome.

    Let's keep this fresh with some conversation.

    What is your plan to lose this 50lbs?

    I'm calorie counting and doing a aqua class 3x a week with other exercises added in as possible. The days I go to aqua I leave home at 7am and don't get home til 8:15pm. After dinner and cleaning up it is hard to squeeze anything else in.

    Everyone have a great day.

    A slip up is no reason to give up.
  • i gained this week. :grumble: if it wasnt for this website and all you wonderful inspirational people i would probably be giving up but im not going to! im just gonna shake it off and keep on trucking! thanks everyone!:flowerforyou:

    to lose this weight im eating alot healthy lots of fruits and veggies drinking lots of water! and training for a sprint triathlon thats in june :smile: working out at the gym at least 5 times a week!

  • I wanna join too please!!!

    Todays weight...199.5
  • What is your plan to lose this 50lbs?

    My November goals for food are under on calories and sodium and at least 12 glasses of water a day.

    My cardio goals are 5 times a week, about 300 calories each time and finish Week 3 of C25K and then do something for maintenance until after I have this baby.

    My strength training goals are finish Week 3 of 200 Sit Ups and start something for maintenance and then to finish Weeks 1 to 4 of the 100 Push Ups program. Also, to do some type of arm exercise daily.

    I'm allowing myself one cheat on Thanksgiving, as long as I stick to my diet 100% until then. :)

    My weight this morning was 217.2 (stupid Halloween candy lol).

    So my 50lbs loss goal is 167.2lbs. :)
  • to lose the weight i am:

    - walking as much as i can
    - doing C25K (training to run a 5k - no walking! - on 1/1/11)
    - yoga classes on Tuesday nights (and occasionally doing a DVD as well)
    - 30 Day Shred DVD
    - 5 push ups 5x day (minimum). I am doing a quick set after almost every bathroom trip ;)
    - going to try snowshoeing this winter
    - will return to hiking in the spring :)

    - I have a recumbent bike in my basement but cannot exercise down there as i am allergic to the dust/mildew smell and it makes me sick, so hoping hubby will relocate that up to our bedroom (its a **tch, otherwise i would move it myself and count the calories burned LOL!!)

    On the food front, i am paying close attention to how i FUEL MY BODY. A close eye on my protein/carb mix (i tend to over-carb/under protein). I rarely have issues with too much fat or too little fiber, which is a good thing :) I have just recently added sodium to my food diary and have found i am not too bad with that either, though it is a bit trickier! I am concentrating on WATER WATER WATER! I am blessed with incredible tap water, so i really need to enjoy it more often :)

    I am also comfortable in the knowledge that i have gained on my journey thus far: that i can have the little "cheats" that i want but i need to remember MODERATION. I can NOT let myself have a full-day or full-weekend "free pass" because i have a VERY hard time bouncing back from that (experience!). I CAN, however, go to a week of maintenance-mode if i am tired of watching and obsessing. Part of my October was like that... it happens and now i know better how to handle it :)

    Above all, i plan on surrounding myself with supportive people both online and "in real life" and have shed the idea of "giving up"

    I love it.
    Even when i hate it.
    Because it makes me strong.

  • Off to a good start (even after my Halloween weight gain this morning). Just got back from the gym, 45 minutes total on the bike, ellipitcal, and treadmill for 274 calories burned :)
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    I weigh in at 263 lbs. Im very upset about it. But, this is a new month and everybody on this site is keeping me motivated. THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    DAMN HOT WINGS!!! I can't believe I ate them. all 5 of them. :sad:
  • How is everyone doing today? I had some leftover Halloween candy, but am still on track to be under my calorie goal, so I'm okay with it. Cardio and strength training are done for the day. :) Started 100 Push Ups and was able to do 33 modified push ups!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    I'm definitely in! I want to make good decisions during the holiday season and it's gotta start right now! Plus, 50 lbs. would certainly be an improvement on my health and I need all the help I can get! :o)
  • MartyDiller
    MartyDiller Posts: 48 Member
    My starting weight is 209.4 actually lower than I thought it would be.

    50lbs gone will make me at 159.4 and only 14.4 away from my goal.

    Slightly nervous about this but ready to get on board!
  • nikrn
    nikrn Posts: 2
    I'm in....that would put me halfway to reaching my goal.
  • Oooo I want in!!!!!!! I wana lose 49lbs im sure thats ok? hahaha.
  • 4quiltstr
    4quiltstr Posts: 6 Member
    Hello there World,
    I'm jumping on the challenge too! Mondays are my regular weigh in and so my starting weight is 201. Adopted a dog yesterday so now with 2 at home I should be more active. Picture is of Maya who at 2 and 1/2 has found her "forever" home.
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Hey RainDancer, those aqua classes, do you do the aqua stuff in the deep end? I dont know how to swim very good. I hear aqua sports are the absolut best cardio burners.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hello there World,
    I'm jumping on the challenge too! Mondays are my regular weigh in and so my starting weight is 201. Adopted a dog yesterday so now with 2 at home I should be more active. Picture is of Maya who at 2 and 1/2 has found her "forever" home.

    Awww love your new puppy.. I have a soft spot for rescue dogs. That's all I ever get! I have a girl, Macy, that I've had for almost 7 years now! She's my girl!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hey RainDancer, those aqua classes, do you do the aqua stuff in the deep end? I dont know how to swim very good. I hear aqua sports are the absolut best cardio burners.
    Ours is only chest deep. It is at 24hr fitness. It is awesome. Lots of cardio. I have been heavy for years and not been kind to my knees and feet and this is the best way for me to exercise. I cant do a lunge, but I can do 25 on each leg in the water.
  • sdb903
    sdb903 Posts: 85
    Hello everyone, I had weighed in yesterday at 199.9(which gave me a 5.1 lb loss) before I saw this wonderful challenge. I have just now weighed myself to officially start at 198.9. Yay 1 more lb bites the dust!!!! I'm so excited to be a part of this challenge. I have been a member for 2 weeks and love all the support and motivation everyone gives to each other. I plan on exercising at least 3 times a week (hopefully more) and logging everything that I eat. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the group!!!! :smile:
  • I wanna join too!! That is totally my weight loss goal too. :smile: I just joined my fitness pal and am hoping this will finally help me establish my goals. Thank you.
  • Sounds great. I am ready to take on the challenge!
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