

  • Please don't feel bad you are definitely not alone! In 2009, I used MFP and lost about 23 pounds the healthy way. I felt more amazing about myself than I ever had. In 2011, I got married and shortly thereafter had a complication from shingles known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It was very scary and my weight dipped even more.…
  • if you're interested in purchasing additional equipment, i'd highly suggest trx. it can be installed anywhere, stored easily, and is relatively inexpensive. it's also a fun workout that involves your entire body, but is very good for the core in particular. there are a ton of exercises you can do with it, and you don't…
  • thank you so much for all of your support. i've been doing kettlebell training and trx 1x or 2x a week so i really think it could be some muscle. i'm usually pretty much 100% cardio. i really appreciate the kindness. my friends don't get it, especially because they think i'm small already and just being ridiculous. but…
  • is 10 lb a good starting weight for kettlebell, i have no idea where to begin!
  • where did you get the work out from? i'm looking to start doing kettlebells. i read in Shape magazine this month that a person doing a kettlebell workout can burn 20 calories a minute!
  • i hear you! i leave my house at 6:45 am to go to work and don't get home until around 8:00 pm. i alternate going mornings and at night. i feel like when i go too much in the morning (aka get up at 4:45 so I can be at the gym 5:30-6:15 am), i start to drag by the end of the week, but when i work out until 10:00 pm, i have…
  • i usually eat around 300-400 calories for breakfast (i should be eating 1460 i think). usually that comes down to an eggwhite turkey sausage flat bread sandwich from dunkin donuts + medium coffee with cream from dunkin donuts (if i'm on the run), or a breakfast sandwich (100 calorie fiber one english muffin with a half of…
  • i HATE maintaining! i went from 152 pounds last year to 127 (at my lowest, which was a little skinny for me), and i try to stay about 130. i've kept following my 1/2 pound a week target, instead of maintaining, because i usually cheat at least twice a week. i feel like if i let myself more calories for "maintenance," i…
  • this is so dumb, but it really helps me. sometimes i think the comfort thing about stress eating is the eating itself, instead of the actual food. on days that i absolutely feel crazy and need to binge (i'm studying for two bar exams, so that's often) i just pig out on healthy food, like eat three nutri-grain bars or a…
  • no problem, it's a TOTAL pain in the *kitten*
  • hi, there's no database, but everyone's myfitnesspal page is viewable as so if you know your friend's username, you can type it in, view their profile, and click add as a friend! (it took me forever to figure out and it bugged me!)
  • i love stoli vanil and diet.. it's a no fail
  • hey guys, i'm in an ipod rut... anyone care to share some pumping gym tunes? TIA Created by - Free Food Diary
  • if you can read while exercising, do it! i literally sometimes stop working out mid-elliptical session to find a new magazine when i finish the one i'm on! i love trashy magazines, so i try to only read them when i'm at the gym. i buy a decent amount and leave them in my locker so i can't peek early.
  • thomas whole wheat mini bagels - only 110 calories... i usually toast it and put some reduced fat pb on it or can't believe it's not butter spray (0 calories!)
  • don't feel bad smagnan, i had texas roadhouse last night. it was phenomenal though :) those rolls are to die for.
  • Hey Guys, I know we were recently talking about nutrition at restaurants and I found this link for Cheesecake Factory (they don't post their information online). Just FYI if you're interested
  • :) the under armour one is awesome. plus the cross back is super cute.
  • these aren't super cheap, but i bought them both after finally deciding to give in and buy good ones i desperately needed! i'm a size D so it's hard for me to find a bra that doesn't crush me but still supports me enough. these are the best i've ever owned :) Under Armour, $44.99…
  • chili's has a great guiltless grill menu, and it has all of its nutrition facts online. a lot of restaurants do post information on line, so sometimes i check and figure out what i will eat before i go in order to keep myself in check.
  • the biggest loser cookbook is amazing! it's cooking regular meals using healthier foods. also try biggest loser family cookbook - both cheap from amazon!
  • hi! if you haven't gotten a crock pot, i suggest it highly. i never cooked much, and with my resolution to not eat out all of the time and to cook healthy satisfying meals, i thought i'd give it a whirl! there's an awesome cook book for healthy meals in a crock pot i bought off amazon - "fix-it and forget-it lightly" by…