

  • You should choose your goal weight based on where you feel comfortable and what you think you can maintain forever.
    in Goal Weight Comment by janah84 July 2011
  • Set a goal for yourself. eg: I want to loss x number of pounds in a month. Then hide the scale for that month. I did that and it gave me the extra push I needed to get refocused. While I didn't make my goal in that month I am still on track and the weight is still coming off.
    in Hey Comment by janah84 July 2011
  • I would go by your HRM.
  • 1. 1,200 a day 2. No idea 3. 5-15 pounds 4. Very high. I am training for my second marathon. That being said I almost always eat more than 1,200 calories a day. 5. I am 5 ft 3 inches and last I weighed I was at about 141. I'd like to get somewhere btwen 125-135. I have been doing MFP for about 5 weeks and have lost 8…
  • I've been vegetarian for two years. There are plenty of options out there if you are willing to cook. If you aren't then you will eat mostly salads and veggie delites. I have a lot of cook books that I use. Or i look online for recipes.