miche_ma_biche Member


  • I had the same thoughts about exercise when I started lifting but I cycle 70 miles a week and have found that mixing the exercises up is actually quite helpful to keep the cardio side up without any ill effects on my lifting. If your body is tired it'll let you know. Good luck!
  • Wow, you guys really are a busy bunch! Thanks for all the replies it makes me feel better that I won't burn out if I go for a bike ride on top of doing SL. Think I might follow your example Jayliospecky and try and get some HIIT in, also your core workout jstout365 sounds like a good idea too (must work on abs!!)…
  • Thanks for the tips Kirabob. I bought some protein powder so have managed to up significantly - definitely know what you mean about having more fruit and veg for the fibre too!!
  • Many thanks for the swift reply Dani. I definitely need to up my protein intake, think I might try sneaking some protein powder into my diet to help. Thanks for the links too, I'll have a read and jump over to the Eat, Train, Progress group too. Cheers M