

  • I redid the whole entire program and just did the recovery week in between! :)
  • I ordered it as well but cannot start it until im done with Les mills pump! How do you like it! I have a Facebook Accountability group and some of the ladies are doing that one too as well!
  • Hey, i did Insanity too and am doing it this week as well! I have a few friends on facebook who are doing the program and we have an accountability group if you want to join! This goes for all you insaners in here! You can message me! :P I did the program twice and loved it! :P
  • i am currently doing Les Mills Pump and i love it! Another good one i loved it the P90X one from Beachbody!
  • I did 2 rounds of Insanity and it does get easier! Like Shaun T says, go at your own pace, next thing you know you will be pushing even harder and busting your fit test results! :)