TurboFire (Beachbody)



  • SheilaParker
    SheilaParker Posts: 49 Member
    I do and absolutely love it. I'm on my third round of it and Monday I am starting the last week of this round.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I love Turbo Fire. It is my favorite workout:-).
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I just finished week 1 of turbofire. Had to take a few days off in the middle due to a major head cold, but I'm back in it and love it! Feel free to add me :-) i can't wait to start seeing some awesome results!!
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    I LOVE turbo fire! I will admit it's a bit to get use to as far as the combo's are concerned. I Found for myself that the "intro" workouts were a bit to drug out and I did better to just go into the regular workouts. Oh but you can get very addicted to it. I just finished insanity and all I can think of is how much I miss turbo fire! lol. ENJOY it! Follow your schedule and you will do great. ( I dropped about 25lbs doing Turbo FIre!!)
  • LuvDMB
    LuvDMB Posts: 26
    I just finished my second workout today. Can't wait for tomorrow. The routine in the first one was really fast and I found myself struggling to keep up a bit, but once I got a hold of it, it was really fun!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    It's a blast! Once you get the moves down you can do any of her videos (Turbo Kick Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, etc.).
    I completed one round and lost 50 lbs. I'm currently doing my own thing with the videos based on how much time I have in the mornings (TF 30 if I only have an hour, TF 45, 45 EZ or 55 EZ if I have more time).
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    Wow thanks so much everyone for all the feedback!!!! Question... is it easier just going straight into the workouts and learning the routines/moves that way or should I do the New to Class workouts??? I had someone comment that they can be drawn out instead of actually just jumping ino the actual workout itself and learning it that way.

    Thanks :)
  • LuvDMB
    LuvDMB Posts: 26
    Wow thanks so much everyone for all the feedback!!!! Question... is it easier just going straight into the workouts and learning the routines/moves that way or should I do the New to Class workouts??? I had someone comment that they can be drawn out instead of actually just jumping ino the actual workout itself and learning it that way.

    Thanks :)

    I felt like the new to class option kind of drug the workout out, however, since I'm not the most coordinated, it helped to have the moves demonstrated slowly first.
    PS. FR accepted :smile:
  • twhit24
    So glad I found you all! I'm just starting 'officially' on Thursday! Doing a few days of the 5 Day Inferno plan though...Fire 45 and HIIT 20 today. Needless to say my co-ordination is horrrifying but it will get better(hopefully). Doesn't matter what I looked like I guess...I was a hot, sweaty mess when I was done so that's a good thing. Would love to have some TurboFire friends here.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm doing the TF/CLX hybrid currently. I'm mid week 8.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I haven't dont TF, but I have done P90X, P90X2, P90X/Insanity hybrid and CLX... and if you want to see good results, use their calculator for calories and follow their meal plans. I found this out the hard way after I realized I under ate and went 90 days with zero results after one round of p90x.

  • mboland76
    mboland76 Posts: 17 Member
    I got the TF deal too. :) I have Turbo Jam and love Chalean. I'm only one workout in so far, but I'm spacing it out a bit due to a stiff/sore lower back. Good luck and have fun everyone!!
  • ACP1015
    I love Turbofire! I lost about 25 pounds and almost 20 inches with Turbofire :) Friend me if you need some motivation or have any questions about the program :)
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I have it, and enjoyed it when I did do it, but due to a foot injury, I had to stop about 1 week in. Definitely thinking of starting it back up again though! I need something more fast-paced than just the treadmill! I just get embarrassed about the chance of my husband seeing my uncoordinated self trying to do it! haha.

    Feel free to FR me if you'd like! :)
  • Sjudit84
    Sjudit84 Posts: 24 Member
    HEy there! I am doing TUrboFire too! Today was Day 23 for me!!!!! Funny that I saw this topic in the right hand corner just now...a sign from above :D

    I have been doing Turbo Jam on and off for 4 years now bcs I love Chalene. I don't have weights at home so I can't do Chalean Extreme but I wanted to do something that pushed me but not as much as INsanity, I am not into that athletic type of stuff, did it for about 1,5 months but I hated every minute of it and although my fitnesss got better, I didn't lose any weight. TurboFire is a bit faster than TurboJam, I used to hate it in the first week bcs I felt like it is too fast, but now it is totally normal and I think I might be bored with TurboJam's speed now. :D
    After only 10 days, my fitness level and flexibility was soooo much better! After 20 days the workouts fly by, I don'T feel like dying at the end, instead I feel good, i can keep up, my anaerobic performance is better and as said, my flexibility is better too! Love it that she actually includes streches, so many workouts forget about that and only strech for 2 minutes!

    The only problem is that I don't keep the food recommendations. I have started a new job about two weeks ago and since then I find it hard to eat normally. I still keep the workout, I don't skip it, but the meals...-.- I usually go over my calorie intake, of course the workouts help but sometimes I still end up eating more than how much I have worked out.

    I hope you will love it just as much as I do too! Sorry for the long post :D
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I so wanted to get the TF deal last week but I didn't have extra money to buy it. Now I wish I did buy it just to have it. :sad:
  • Love2lift72
    Love2lift72 Posts: 157 Member
    I am so glad that I saw this. I have been doing CLX. I am on week four of burn circuit 2 tomorrow. I got TF when it was on sale because I love her workouts. I haven't lost much weight but I have lost inches. So I am thinking about adding some TF to help. I tried Fire Starter class today and I could not follow. I am so uncoordinated! Hope it gets easier. I loved hearing that I am not the only one that can't follow it right away.
  • Christygogo
    Christygogo Posts: 47 Member
    Wow! I can't believe how many people are doing this program. I started the calandar yesterday but have been doing it for about 7 days, just to get used to the exercises. As to the question about jumping in or not..... I learned for about a week, but the first week on the calandar has you do fire starter 3 times anyways. I had it down after about 2-3 times through, but I guess it depends on your coordination.
    I personally feel good starting the calandar knowing the moves a little better, it makes me feel like I'm not "wasting" the first 7 days of my 90, lol, if that makes any sense.
  • Sjudit84
    Sjudit84 Posts: 24 Member
    I am so glad that I saw this. I have been doing CLX. I am on week four of burn circuit 2 tomorrow. I got TF when it was on sale because I love her workouts. I haven't lost much weight but I have lost inches. So I am thinking about adding some TF to help. I tried Fire Starter class today and I could not follow. I am so uncoordinated! Hope it gets easier. I loved hearing that I am not the only one that can't follow it right away.

    I think Chalene says in one of her videos too that the workouts are designed to be hard (I mean the coreography) because if it would be easy, you would get bored of it in a week or two. And you have to do these workouts for a minimum of 90 days, so....although bcs I have been doing TurboJam for a couple of years now, many moves are the same so it isn't that hard for me to follow....but once you learn it too, you won't even have to look at the TV or screen anymore, you can just listen to what she says and do the moves.
  • whityluv
    I ordered it as well but cannot start it until im done with Les mills pump! How do you like it! I have a Facebook Accountability group and some of the ladies are doing that one too as well!