

  • Farmland ham steaks. 70 calories/ 11 grams protein/ 2 grams sugar/ a hefty sodium hit, but so good.
  • I want to do large scale oil painting.
  • Marina Del Rey!
  • Think of your body as a furnace. Eating three times a day means you will have a slow burning fire (fat storage). Eating more often will stoke up the fire (boost metabolism). Eating late at night is not a bad thing. Unless it is jam packed with sugars, bad carbs, bad fats. Focus on lean proteins as always. When you sleep,…
  • Not sure if anything exists...I work at a desk all day also and I often times will stretch but cannot find anything to really exercise. I know that exercise balls work to tone the trunk but can cause compression issues and tightness in the spine. 8 hours a day is not recommended. Perhaps two minutes of standing squats per…
  • Looking over your food logs. What we would want to do is shift some of your foods around. Try starting your day with high protein foods. Snack between meals. Almonds, string cheese, greek yogurt, chicken. Focus on lean proteins throughout the day to help keep your appetite in check. Also, you will be replacing some of the…
  • I've learned that the key to a slowed metabolism is eating smaller meals more often. I average about five meals a day. I focus on lean proteins mainly from Soy, Chicken, and Fish. Keep the fire burning they say. You can check out my log so far if you if you like. I don't know if this helps you at all, but when you eat…
  • I think the key to your success is consistency in diet and exercise. Making lifestyle changes takes time. Like Amber said, be patient. You only fail if you quit and if you keep plugging into others for support when you need it, you will succeed!
  • I would love to help anyone that needs it. Just send me a message or add me! Working as a community always provides success.
  • Raw Almonds for sure, perhaps some low fat string cheese. Anything low in calories and high in protein will do. Strangely enough, it has been Farmland Ham steaks - 70 calories, 11g protein. A bit heavy on the sodium, but it is so worth it.