Very Stressful

Hello Everyone..

I just have to start off by saying this is extremely stressful for me.

I have a few medical issues which include IBS and Endometriosis and I also deal with depression and anxiety. So I take meds for those things.

So I am 5'3" and currently weight according to my scale at home 189. :(

I'd like to at least try to get down to 140.

But my issue is finding a diet plan that will work for me. There are a lot of foods I have to stay away from cause they make me sick, due to the IBS.

I also was going to the gym almost everyday about 4 1/2 months ago until I got a new job, which now I work 2nd shift. 3pm-12am monday thru friday.

Which I'm still trying to get used to.

I tried weight watchers for awhile and that was working for me, but then i had to go in for surgery again cause of the endo and i fell off that bandwagon and haven't been able to get back on.

I want to lose weight and be happy about myself badly.

Just I feel like I have no... not motivation.. Ah support... couldn't think of the word for a minute.

I know my mom supports me big time and always trys to talk to me about it, just it's hard for me and I'm not sure what I should do.

I've talked to my doctor about it and she said go to the gym and try to eat healthy, but well i feel like that's seeing a blue moon. I try but no luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I could really use the encouragement and friends to help me along this very stressful road of mine..

Thank you all so very much!


  • NellyRabbit
    NellyRabbit Posts: 11 Member
    I totally agree, feel free to friend me. I tried this last year and lost 15 lbs and just threw it all away at the end of the summer. I'm trying to start over and just can't seem to figure it out. Good luck and I hope things work out for you too.:wink:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Well your doctor is right, exercise and eating healthy are the key. But first, baby steps. Log everything you eat for a couple of weeks. Don't worry about your goal. Just eat normally and log everything. Make sure you are measuring/weighing instead of estimating. This serves two purposes: 1.) you can see where you need work the most and 2.) you get in the habit of logging. Then start to identify your biggest problem. Personally I think calorie goal should be first. The next few weeks you just spend trying to hit your calorie goal as set my MFP-- don't go over, don't go under either-- get that number as close to 0 as you can. Remember MFP adds in your deficit, so you should end up with 0 net calories. Once you get to where you can eat within your goal with reasonable regularity (or as you are doing that) then start to look at what you're eating. Learn to swap for healthy alternatives. Learn what keeps you full and satisfied. Most of all, learn how to keep your lifestyle sustainable. This is not a short term thing. Be patient, give it time. Don't quit because you don't see results in 2 weeks.

    Your doctor's advice is actually good news for you even if it sounds discouraging. It means that everything is under your control. You CAN do this. There's no magic pill, but if you do this right you'll learn so much about yourself that you'll feel more empowered than a pill could ever make you feel.
  • vanzylgreg
    I think the key to your success is consistency in diet and exercise. Making lifestyle changes takes time. Like Amber said, be patient. You only fail if you quit and if you keep plugging into others for support when you need it, you will succeed!