Crossone Member


  • ScrewyChars-6185598
  • Jan 9 - 9.22 miles
  • Jan 4 - 5.5 miles Jan 5 - 6.2 miles Jan 6 - 5.45 miles Jan 7 - 4.0 miles
  • - Jan 1 - 3.56 miles - Jan 2 - I am on my feet pushing wheelchairs most day at a school for Special Needs students. Then went for a long walk after work. Today's total pedometer count is: 11.05 miles. (6 miles at work. 5 miles around the neighborhood) - Jan 3 - Today's total - 5.25 miles. - Jan 4 - 4.78 miles
  • Jan 1 - 3.56 miles Jan 2 - I am on my feet pushing wheelchairs most day at a school for Special Needs students. Then went for a long walk after work. Today's total pedometer count is: 11.05 miles. (6 miles at work. 5 miles around the neighborhood) Jan 3 - Today's total - 5.25 miles.
  • Jan 1 - 3.56 miles Jan 2 - I am on my feet pushing wheelchairs most day at a school for Special Needs students. Then went for a long walk after work. Today's total pedometer count is: 11.05 miles. (6 miles at work. 5 miles around the neighborhood)
  • My wife & I (see IHeartMediWL above) just returned from our walk around the neighborhood with our Mini-Schnaizer "Penny". We put in a little ove 3 miles. A good start for the new year!
  • Hi, everyone! I'm Dave. My wife (IHeartMediWL) suggested that I join this group, since our Mini-Schnauzer "Penny" has been an integral part of our big weight loss last year. I have lost 50+ pounds, while my sweet wife has melted off nearly 100 pounds. Our 2 yr old Penny has accompanied us as we have walked away the weight.…
  • Jan. 1 - 3.56 miles
  • Hi, TEY! Apparently, we can add up all of our milage, from whatever activity we engage in throughout our day. I work at a school for Special Needs Students, so I'll even count my steps as I push the wheelchairs thoughout the day. :smile:
  • Hi, Tracey! My wife has tried the iPod pedo, but loves her HJ-112. Good luck on your journey. God speed!
  • Happy New Year! I am a 54 yr old husband & father, married to my best friend. My wife & I have recently undergone a big weight loss. My sweet wife is down 97 pds with a few more to go. I have lost 55 pds, am currently on a maintainance program, & will be using MFP to keep it off for good. My wife & I look forward to long…