JackiepMN Member


  • Oh my, I can totally relate! I have started over countless times! I have started reading the comments or posts to try to find my own motivation. I hate the word "can't," but I just CAN't seem to get this one part of my life under control! I'm here for ya!! Good luck!!
  • I WOULD DEFINATELY WEAR IT NOW!! You look fine! You look like every other woman I see. I don't go to a gym (money) but I see tons of women who look just like this out walking, jogging, etc. You go, girl!!
  • I wish to God I could run or jog!! Reading that you accomplished that is so inspiring!! Do you know how far you ran in that time? Congratulations!!!
  • YOU go, girl! Vent away! I love my husband too, but what is it about men thinking they know EVERYTHING!?!?!
  • I just started reading the MFP forums (I'm kind of a private person and always want to stay behind the scenes) but am beginning to see the value in reading some of them and maybe even posting an occasional reply. Just want to say how impressed I am that you do Zumba!!! I am quite overweight and would never have rhe courage…
  • Almost 59 years young....thick became chunky became overweight ("she'd be pretty if she'd lose weight") became obese. I gave up. Why bother? After my son lost 50+ pounds using this site he'd found called MyFitnessPal, my husband and I thought we'd give it a try. I continue to struggle - only losing about 3 pounds a month -…
  • I feel your "pain!!" It sounds so trite but it is true - just take it one day at a time. I have been overweight all my life and now, in my late 50's, it's more for my health than wearing the cute clothes. I NO LONGER consider myself to be on a "diet." That is an evil word!! It has to simply be about stopping for a…